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stuffed if I know that's why I'm asking you - puddin head

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Q: Can dogs eat bok choy
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Is bok choy a fruits or vegetables?

Bok choy is a vegetable; it's a type of cabbage.

How would you use bok choy in a sentence?

like this bok choy bob

Can dwarf hamsters eat Bok Choy?

no it's bad for their digestion.

What is the value of chlorophyll in bok choy?

The chlorophyll simply makes the bok choy green.

Can rabbits eat bok choy?

Yes, rabbits can eat every kind of vegetables, but not meat.

Is bok choy a bad choice for someone on Coumadin?


Is bok choy high in vitamin K?

Bok Choy is high in Vitamin K. It sits at about 25.1mcg.

What part of bok choy is used in salads?

Depends, which salad you are making. You can put bok choy in salads :)

Is it ok for your cat to eat bok choy?

There is nothing that states that Bok Choy is harmful to cats. However, anything that is not a natural part of their diet should be given on occasion only as a treat, and in small quantities.

Can bearded dragons eat bok choy cabbage?

They can as a 'treat' - don't give them huge amounts.

What is bok-chop?

Bok choy is a type of cabbage used mainly in Chinese dishes.

What does bok choy mean?

Bok choy is a Chinese vegetable that is also known as Chinese cabbage, bak choi, paak choi (literally, "white vegetable"), Chinese chard cabbage, Chinese mustard cabbage, Chinese white cabbage, petsai, white celery mustard and the scientific name, Brassica rapa chinensis. Bok choy is a member of the cabbage family, and it resembles celery with its thick white stalks and dark green leaves. Bok choy's popularity comes from its light, sweet flavor, crisp texture and nutritional value. The stalks are crunchy, juicy and slightly sweet, without the stringiness of celery, while the crinkly green leaves taste more like traditional cabbage or Romaine lettuce.