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I would say all 3.

Edward is fighting what he is used to which is the death of beings because of his need for blood, he fight against himself in attempt to protect his love, Bella.

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The boundaries in which werewolves or Vampires cannot cross due to a Treaty they had established.

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Q: Is twilight man vs. man or man vs. nature or man vs. society?
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What are 3 external conflicts?

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Man vs man: a problem with characters. Man vs society: Problems with laws or beliefs of a group. man vs nature: A problem with nature.

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in a story: man vs man, man vs self, man vs society, man vs nature

What is the conflict in the movie My Fair Lady is it man vs man man vs himself man vs nature or man vs society?

I would say it's a combination of Man vs Man and Man vs Society (although both main characters also had to overcome their limitations and prejudices).

What types of conflict might be present in a narrative?

Types of conflict in a narrative can include man vs. man (character vs. character), man vs. self (internal conflict), man vs. society (character against societal norms or expectations), and man vs. nature (character against elements or forces of nature). These conflicts add tension and propel the plot forward in the story.

What are six different types of conflict?

Man vs. Self - A character against itself Man vs. Man - A character against another character Man vs. Society - A character against a group opposing to the conflict Man vs. Nature - A character against the forces of nature Man vs. Fate - A character against an attempt to break free of a predetermined path

List five types of conflict and give examples of each?

man vs man man vs society man vs nature ma vs fate example: like batman and robin

Is man vs fate external conflict?

Yes, a man vs. fate conflict is an external conflict. The only internal conflict there is is a man vs. self conflict. Other external conflicts include man vs. man, man vs. society, and man vs. nature.

What are some conflicts in the outsiders- man vs man man vs nature man vs himself man vs the super natural man vs society man vs technology you need a lot thanks?

In "The Outsiders," there are primarily conflicts of man vs man, man vs society, and man vs himself. The rivalry between the Greasers and the Socs, Ponyboy's internal struggles with his identity and values, and the social prejudices they face collectively form the core conflicts in the novel. While there may be elements of man vs nature, man vs the supernatural, and man vs technology in the background, they are not as prevalent or explicit in the story compared to the other conflicts.