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The high energy electrons come from NADH and FADH2 (as they are electron carriers). NADH is produced throughout various stages of cellular respiration (aerobic respiration), while FADH2 is produced mainly as a product of the Kreb's cycle.

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From the oxidation of NADH


NADH ------> NAD+ + H+ + 2e-

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You breathe it in and the red blood cells carry it to all cells in the body that carry out oxidative phosphorylation.

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Q: Where does the oxygen in the electron transport chain comes from?
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What is the final hydrogen acceptor in electron transport and where did it come from?

The final hydrogen acceptor in the electron transport chain is Oxygen. It comes from the ionization of water. Hope this helps. The final hydrogen acceptor in the electron transport chain is Oxygen. It comes from the ionization of water. Hope this helps.

Is oxygen used in the TCA cycle?

No oxygen is used in TCA cycle. Oxygen comes into play in the electron transport chain.

What is a waste product of the electron transport chain?

Protons fall down their concentration gradient through the ATP-synthase and are picked up by oxygen, along with electrons, to make water. So, ATP and water " comes out " the electron transport chain.

IS hydrogen necessary in the electron transport chain comes from the splitting of carbon dioxide molecules?

no, oxygen is,, hihi :] i answered a question right

What is the incoming energy source for electron transport chain?

The electron transport chain is the driving energy behind ATP synthesis. The energy itself comes from electron donors. In chloroplast, this donor's glucose.

When is the electron transport chain carried out?

Plants, fungi, and animals are all eukaryotes and possess mitochondria, which is the site of the electron transport chain. Prokaryotes have no mitochondria and perform the electron transport chain across their cell membranes. Electron transport chain also occurs in thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.

Is nitrogen required in the stage of respiration?

Yes, oxygen is the fuel for respiration... oxygen + glucose = carbod dioxide + water + Energy However, the carbon dioxide and oxygen for a plant or tree would be the other way round because plants breath in co2 and give out oxygen.

What molecule is the final electron acceptor at the end of the cellular respiration transport chain?

The answer to your question is oxygen. It accepts those electrons and is converted to water. The carbon dioxide you exhale comes from the food that you eat.

Where does oxygen come from in oxidative phosphorylation?

when you breathe in, you breathe in oxygen which is then transported to your cells and they use it to and food to respirate.

Most of the NADH that delivers high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain comes from?

The Citric Acid Cycle or also know as the Kreb Cycle.

Is the energy produced from respiration coming from the Krebs cycle or electron transport?

Most of the energy comes from the electron transport chain by oxidative phosphorylation. However there is energy produced in the Krebs cycle and Glycolysis this is called substrate level phosphorylation.

Why are the three things that blood transports important to the cells in the body?

Blood transports oxygen to the cells around the body. It is important because oxygen is necessary from the electron chain which is where most of the bodies energy comes from.