


The Argentine Republic is a South American neighbor of Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, and Bolivia. Argentina owes its name to the clear, shining silvery whiteness of its streams and coastal beaches. Contributors typically want to know about the country's exciting night life; Italian immigrant heritage; many artistic, literary and musical accomplishments; up-and-down politics; and vast mineral and natural resources.

500 Questions

What is the time difference between New York and Buenos Aires Argentina?

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que hora es en New York si en Chile son las 12:00 am

Who is the current leader of Denmark?

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Queen Margrethe II Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen (as of November 2008)

What is the current season in buenos aires Argentina?

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what season is it in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

What are the geographical factors that led to Argentina invading the Falkland islands?

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Many geographers have said that oil deposits were found in the Falkland Islands

Lakes in Argentina?

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Lake Argentino General Carrera Lake Cami Lake Lago Cardiel Laguna del Diamante Espejo Lake

What are the major waterways in Argentina?

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The South Pacific Ocean, of course, and the Bay of Penas.

The five biggest lakes are as follows:

1General Carrera Lake970 km² of the lake's total 1,850 km² are inside Chilean borders2Llanquihue Lake860 km²3O'Higgins Lake529 km² of the lake's total 1,058 km² are in Chile4Ranco Lake442 km²5Presidente Ríos Lake352 km²

Five biggest rivers, by drainage basin area:

Loa River33,570 km²440 kmBaker River26,726 km²170 kmBío-Bío River24,264 km²380 kmMaule River20,600 km²240 kmBueno River15,367 km²130 km

What waterfall is between Brazil and Argentina?

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I do not know my friend

What is the chain of islands located at the southern tip of south America and divided between Chile and Argentina?

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It's the Tierra del Fuego. Yeah, you're welcome. Google it next time, or listen in class maybe? Ugh.


Which south American country has benos aires as its capital city?

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ARGENTINA. It is next to Brazil.
Argentina has Buenos Aires as its capital city.

What country is Buenos Aires in?

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Buenos Aires is located in South America, one of the seven continents.

What country borders Chile Argentina Paraguay Brazil and Peru?

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Both Brazil and Chile border Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

How many miles from Miami FL to buenos aires Argentina?

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The distance between Miami, Florida, United States and Buenos Aires, Argentina is 4372 miles (7037 km) (3800 nautical miles).

Are you closer to northern Argentina or southern spain?

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Most of Argentina is farther from the equator than all of southern Spain is,

but there's a part in the north that's closer. I'm not in either country.
There are some parts of Argentina that are farther from the equator than any place

in Spain is, but there are certainly places in northern Argentina that are closer to the

equator than many parts of southern Spain are.

What is the climate of Argentina?

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The major population centers of Argentina are in the temperate climatic zone, but the country has climates ranging from subtropical in the north to sub-polar in the south.

What is in a churrasco in Argentina?

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a churrasco, is a piece of cow meat coked on a war piece of iron.

There are differents types of churrascos, depending the part of the cow used:

Churrasco de lomo

Churrasco de cuadril


What are two mountain ranges in Argentina?

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the two mountain ranges of Argentina are the Cordillera de Lipez and the Sierras de Cordoba. Ihope I have answered your question.

How do people in Argentina make a living?

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Most population of Argentina depend on farming and the industrial sector for their living.

Does Argentina have a royal family or president?

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We have a representative democratic republic, in which the President is both head of state and head of government.

And as the same with all the American countries, we don't have royal families. The kingdoms are in Europe, not America.