


Arthropods have segmented bodies and exoskeletons. Some types of arthropods are crustaceans, insects, and arachnids.

500 Questions

How much time does it take for ants to digest their food?

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Ants can digest their food relatively quickly, usually within a few hours to a day depending on the type of food and the species of ant. The digestion process involves enzymes breaking down the food into nutrients that can be absorbed by the ant's body.

What are waterbugs?

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Waterbugs are a type of insect that live in and around bodies of water, such as ponds and streams. They are typically larger than cockroaches and can swim on the surface of the water. Waterbugs are predators and feed on other insects, small fish, and other aquatic organisms.

Why does an arthropod waterproof?

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Arthropods have a waxy cuticle covering their exoskeleton that helps to prevent water loss and protect them from the environment. This waterproofing is important for their survival, as it helps to maintain their internal hydration levels and provides a barrier against harmful substances.

What is the smallest arthropod?

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The fairyfly, a type of parasitic wasp, is considered the smallest arthropod. These tiny insects can measure around 0.139 mm in length.

Can millipedes kill?

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Most millipedes are not harmful to humans and do not have venom to kill. They are mainly decomposers feeding on decaying plant material. Some species can release a defensive compound that may cause skin irritation, but are not considered dangerous.

What arthropod group do butterflies belong to?

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Butterflies belong to the arthropod group called insects. They are classified under the order Lepidoptera, which includes insects with large wings covered in scales.

Do arthropods have a trachea?

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Yes, arthropods have a tracheal system, which consists of a network of tubes (tracheae) that deliver oxygen directly to their tissues. This system helps facilitate gas exchange in their bodies.

What aquatic arthropods?

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Some examples of aquatic arthropods include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles. These animals have exoskeletons, jointed legs, and are important components of marine ecosystems.

Are arthropods radial?

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No, arthropods are not radial. They have bilateral symmetry, which means their bodies can be divided into two equal halves. This symmetry is a common feature among many animals, including vertebrates and invertebrates.

What is the opposite of the arthropods?

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The opposite of arthropods would be non-arthropods or invertebrates that do not belong to the phylum Arthropoda.

Are worms anthropods?

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No, worms are not arthropods. Arthropods are invertebrates with an exoskeleton, segmented body, and jointed appendages, such as insects, spiders, and crustaceans. Worms, on the other hand, are soft-bodied invertebrates belonging to phyla such as Annelida or Nematoda.

What is a great diving beetle a predator of?

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lizards and all different types of mammals

How many tissue layers do arthropods?

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how many tissue layers do the phylum arthropoda have

Are there different types of Arthropods?

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Lady bugs, stink bugs,ect.

Why are arthropods important?

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pollinate plants

Is an arthropod warm blooded or cold blooded?

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Cnidarians do not have a circulatory system. Different parts of the body receive nutrients not via a stream of blood but through diffusion from seawater into their tissues. They are neither cold, nor warm-blooded - they have no blood.

What characteristics do insect such as honeybees have in common with all other arthropods?

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Bees are classified as arthropods because of their characteristic segmented bodies, an exoskeleton made from chitin, and joint appendages.

What features do arthropods share?

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Largest group of invertebrates with an exoskeleton. For instance, crustaceans, insects... etc.

Are Mollusks segmented worms and arthropods Protostomes?

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Yes, molluscs fit into the group known as protostomes.

How is Goliath beetle harmful?

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As part of nature's clean-up crew, Goliath beetles are helpful. They feed on rotting fruits, dung, material from dead trees, and the remains of dead animals.