


Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simon (March 6, 1475 – February 18, 1564), commonly known as Michelangelo, was an Italian Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet, and engineer.

500 Questions

How did Donatello die?

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Donatello, the Renaissance artist, died of unknown causes on December 13, 1466 at the age of 80 in Florence, Italy.

What is Michelangelo's most famous poem?

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Michelangelo's most famous poem is "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri, not Michelangelo. Michelangelo was a renowned artist, sculptor, and architect known for works like the Sistine Chapel ceiling and the statue of David.

Where is the Michelangelo statue located?

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The statue of David is in the Academia in Florence, Italy. A replica stands outside as you enter the city of Florence. There are many other statues carved by Michelangelo.

Did Michelangelo sketch plans for a flying machine?

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Leonardo da Vinci.

What was Michelangelo's step mother's name?

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Lucrezia di Antonio di Sandro degli Ubaldini da Gagliano was Michelangelo's stepmother. His father married her three years after the death of Michelangelo's mother, Francesca Neri. She lived only twelve years after the marriage and left no real discernible mark on the family.

Why does Michelangelo paint nude people?

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First and most obvious is in part the fact that most studio training of that period utilized male models as it was not appropriate or even allowed for women to attend studios as students let alone model in the nude (this prejudice wouldn't break for some time later). Therefore artists had to deal with what they had, which often necessitated male models 'standing in' for female poses for ie. paintings and explains part of the somewhat 'masculine' look of some female depictions. But it is unfair to be absolute since, in light of Michs illegal and/or immoral sneaking of cadavers for study, its most likely that he and others also would have studied live females, albeit in privacy. (Ironically the earlier Greeks, which instructed Europeans on the figure, were much less prejudiced and their sophisticated realism of their female sculptures makes it obvious that they did not have this handicap). The forms of male models are more prominent and easier to translate etc. (than female) which also makes it understandable why there's a predominance of great male figure work - fueled in part by male testosterone designing those often pious but nevertheless fantastic and powerful depictions of action scenes etc. Speculation about Mich's sexuality influencing his work is baseless and mention of it in literature is, I can only imagine, an unfortunate part of the 'alternate' crowds agenda - besides it is irrelevant and has nothing to do with the art form Renaissance artists cultivated. Similar confusion haunts Greek work as well with the seemingly more 'feminine' Classical period work being overly praised by the far more advanced work of the Hellenistic period which captivated Mich intellectually.

What makes Michelangelo special?

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Michelangelo's work was different from all other sculptors during the Renaissance, he claimed to see a form struggling to get out of every block of marble that he chose. He made them beautiful and realistic, his 'David' shows great attention to detail in the musculature and tension, 'The Pieta' is another, some parts so highly polished the marble looks like skin.

How was Michelangelo influenced by Renaissance values?

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He was inspired by events and culture.

How old was Michelangelo when he painted the last judgment?

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Michelangelo, (1475-1564) worked on the 'Last Judgement' in the Sistine Chapel from 1536 to 1541, twenty-five years after he completed the ceiling. He was 61 years old when he began the 'Last Judgement'.

What shape is the Pieta?

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Mary is much larger in comparison to Jesus than one would expect. This was so Mary could cradle Jesus' body in her lap. The genius of Michelangelo is that the disproportion is not easy to see; however, if you consciously compare the size of Mary's hands to those of Jesus the difference in scale becomes apparent.

What was Michelangelo's motivation for making art?

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Because when was working for Julius the 2nd he become better and better at art.

Did MichelAngelo have a wife and kids?

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No, he never married.

How old was michelangelo when he was die?

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Michelangelo was 88 when he died.

What was Michelangelo's first sculptor?

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Michelangelo's earliest sculpture was a stone relief called the 'Battle of the Centaurs'. He created it when he was about 17.

Who where michelangelo's siblings?

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Michelangelo had four brothers but no sisters. Their names were Lionardo, Buonarroto, Giovansimone, and Gismondo. He was the second oldest after Lionardo.

Was Michelangelo Buonarroti a northern renaissance artist?

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No, he was an artist of the Italian High Renaissance.

What art work did pope Julius II commission?

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Most famous is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but there is also the statue of Moses, which is the tomb of Julius II.

Was Michelangelo forced to paint on the celling of the Sistine Chaple?

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No. He was commissioned to paint the ceiling, but because he was perfectionist it took him longer than it should have. He wouldn't like a section that he had finished and would take it out starting over. This caused a bit of a disagreement between him and the Pope.

Where was David Sculpted?

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Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, Italy.

What is the statue next to the David on the square in Florence?

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A quick wikipedia search is likely to tell you all you need to know about Michelangelo's David. Click link below!

There are three more Davids in Florence: two by Donatello, one by Verrocchio.

Where did Michelangelo include a self-portrait in the Last judgment?

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In the center of the painting is Jesus himself, who decides if half the human race joins him in Heaven, or must be sentenced to Hell for the rest of their afterlife. A lot of people are typically confused by The Last Judgment because of the fact that there is a lot going on at the same time. If looked closely, the top half represents those who are saints, angels and those who will go to Heaven, while the bottom still has those who are being resurrected or going to Hell on a boat led by a demon. All in all, this has to be the most complex painting Michelangelo has ever made.