

American Soccer

The world's most popular sport, football, is known as soccer in the United States. Ask questions about Major League Soccer as well as the US national team here.

500 Questions

What are the places on a soccer field?

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The postitons of a soccer feild are goal tender, defense, midfeild, left and right wingers, and the striker. These positions are located below: l X l X X X X X X X X X X

What is the average attendance at an MLS soccer game?

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around 16,000

at the start of the 2010 MLS season, it had a higher attendance average than the NBA and the NHL, which is pretty impressive

Who is the most famous soccer goalie in girls division?

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This is my opinion but the female goalie playing currently is Hope Solo of the US Olympic Soccer Team

Actually the best women goalie wouldn't even compare to the worst male goalie. MAN POWER!!

What are good soccer clubs in America?

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If you mean in terms of MLS; All the teams are good (well, sort of) but based on the standings at the time I am writing this the best teams are the San Jose Earthquakes, Real Salt Lake, Sporting Kansas City, and NYRB (New York Red Bulls). The L.A. Galaxy won the last MLS cup, but are not doing well in the 2012/13 season

What does fc mean in fc Dallas?

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Football Club Dallas.

What percentage of ncaa soccer players go pro?

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Practice Practice Practice and just maybe you will play college ball like i am right now.

What is the difference between division 1 division 2 super 2 in soccer?

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There is no "difference" in terms of value. The only difference is the number of scholarships available. Division 1-A schools an have 85 players on scholarship, division 1-AA can have 63, and Division 2 can have 36 players on scholarship.

How do you do the bicicleta?

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What I did to learn how to ride my bike is this: Find a long steady hill, preferable a bit of steadily up hill road in a cul-de-sac or a bit of path. Now get onto your bike, without your feet on the pedals balance down the hill. Once you have got used to that try the same thing with your feet on the pedals. After getting used to that try slowly rotating the pedals (or cycling). And there are the basic instructions to learn how to ride your bike on your own.

Make sure you are close to home, so that if you fall off you can easily get home quickly.

If you are a parent and want to help your child cycle, then follow these instructions. Go to your nearest park on a nice day (with your child's bike), get your child to get on their bike and keep hold of the under of the bikes' seat. Get your child to start pedaling, but not too fast! When you think your child is used to cycling, let go and let them cycle independently.

Another way of teaching your child to cycle is to use some stabilizers. Once they can cycle fairly fast with them on take them off, you may need to follow the instructions above after this.

Usually a child learns riding a bike at age 3 to 5, and I am going to show tell you some tips which will take you a day to master. My child and started learning to ride his bike at age 7 which is a bit too late. A bicycle shop owner had told me that pushing you legs up quickly on the bike is a great way to get balancing on the bike. Next step is to push your child while he's on the bike peddling and convince him or her that you'll be behind them at all times and while your child is on the bike him or her will feel as if you are pushing him while they are peddling. After that they know that they can ride the bike without their parents or training wheels interfering, therefore making them feel confident of themselves. And those are two tips you will need to get your child riding in no time

you just step on the paddle and keep you balance slowly and fast.

You hold on the handles then put your leg over the bike and put your foot on the pedal that is facing high then push with your foot on the ground then start pedaling.
First, try not to balance on the bike. Try to see how long you can remain upright before you must put your foot left. Probably the worst way to learn to ride is to find a very gently sloping hill, and coast down it. Do this a few times, then draw chalk marks on the road and try steering around them. Once you can coast down the hill without falling over put your feet on the peddles and peddle.

In soccer what is meant by having a conceded goal or win?

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In terms of a football match, goal conceded means the number let in by a team.

Goals conceded appears in league tables of all football competitons. It is the number of goals that a team has let in during the length of the competition of which the table represents.

Goals conceded is taken away from goals scored (the number of goals scored over a season) to give a teams goal difference. Goal difference is used to separate teams on the same number of points.

If TEAM A, played three matches at home and the scores were, 2-1, 0-0 and 2-3.

Team A would have 4 goals scored and 4 conceded, giving them a goal difference of 0.

What is the pay scales for professional soccer player?

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the pay scale of a soccer player can be anything from 25000$ to 300,000$, depending on the type of player! the better you are the higher is the pay scale!

What sport from ancient china is said to be the predecessor of modern soccer?

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Badminton, diving, gymnastics, Table Tennis, Martial Arts, golf, cricket, rugby union, and football.

When is the soccer ball considered out of bounds?

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If a player leaves the field during the normal course of play, they may continue to play the ball. Even as their body is off the field.

Leaving the field as a form of deception, dissent, or as an offside trap tactic is a cautionable offense.

Who is the highest paid female soccer player on the Women's National Team?

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what are female soccer players getting paid in europe?

How many players on a youth U13 or U14 soccer team?

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14 and any age under.

Soccer fields cost?

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a lot

For a UEFA standards compliant new soccer-specific stadium, the costs on average, are between $17 to $140 million and more.

The costs rises due to the need of building supportive structures around the soccer field. For example, adjacent to the field buildings might include visitors suites, team apparel boutiques and other stores, smaller training fields, etc.

A current trend in cost management is the use of artificial grass that eliminates the costs for watering and maintenance.

Similarly, some ventures tend to build a sports arena structure, so to be able to host additional sports events not easily performed in a soccer-field specific stadium.

Lastly, giving the popularity that soccer is gaining in the U.S., and the current aging problem of the existing stadiums, my estimate is that we will see an increase in privately owned funds being invested in 30,000+ capacity sports arenas.

What was Mia hamms first job?

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Mia Hamms first team was in a soccer league in her home town

How do you try out for a second division soccer team?

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Usually if you go to a try out the people watching you will see if you have the ability to play on the first division team. if not they will just put you on the second division team i guess.

What are the regulations for soccer?

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These rules are from the American Indoor Soccer League (Your local facility/sanctioning body's rules may vary)


Rule I - Ball

Home Team shall supply minimum of 2 F.I.F.A. approved soccer balls (size #5) used in all matches and shall not be changed without authorization of the referee.

Rule II - Players

1. A match shall be played by two teams each consisting of not more than six players on the playing surface at a time, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper.

2. Game rosters must consist of a minimum of 14 players and a maximum of 18 players.

3. Substitutes during a match are unrestricted, except in the case of a player serving a penalty, and are on the fly.

4. Exiting player must be within 10 feet (3 meters) of the bench and not involved in play of the game.

5. Guaranteed substitutions for the team with possession on dead balls from out of bounds. All other restarts must be taken within 5 seconds or loss of possession.

Rule III - Equipment

1. A player shall not wear anything that is dangerous to himself or others (players/referee).

2. Uniforms will consist of numbered jerseys, shorts, socks, shin guards, and footwear. Footwear shall not have spikes, molded or otherwise.

3. The goalkeeper shall be permitted to wear long pants and colors that easily distinguishes him from other players and referees.

Rule IV - Referees

1. Home team responsible for payment of two senior field referees. League will distribute pay.

2. Referees when doing game shall be sided at opposite sides and against the boards.

3. Home team provides and pays for game operation and time clock statistician.

4. Head referee also keeps back-up time on field.

5. Either referee has discretionary power to stop game for serious injury or infraction.

Rule V - Duration of the Game

1. The game shall consist of 4 periods of 15 minutes, with a 2 to 3 minute break between periods, and a 12-20 minute break at half-time.

2. Each team will have one (45 second) time-out per half [not to carried over].

3. If the two teams are at equal scores, Team will continue to play 10 minute golden goal intervals.

Rule VI - Scoring

1. All shootout goals are 1 point.

2. All live ball goals are 1 point [penalty kicks are 2 point goals} 3. Goals outside of the 45' radius or defensive third of the field are an additional 2 points (3 pt. total)

Rule VII - Goalkeepers

1. May use hands within his own goalkeeper's box.

2. May distribute the ball without restriction via throw, kick, or dropkick (no three line rule).

3. After obtaining possession goalkeeper has 5 seconds to distribute ball from goalkeeper's box.

4. May not use his hands when team-mate passes the ball back. Only after a shot from the opposing team, can you pass back to the keepers hands inside your third line. ( Rebounds ect.) No direct pass back to keeper outside the third of field to hands.

5. Goalkeepers shall be substituted at any time

Rule VIII - Encroachment

Defending players must position themselves outside a 10' radius (3 meters) on all restarts.

Rule IX - Restarts (In and Out of Play)

1. Kickoff (start of periods and after goal scored) shall be taken from the center mark, direct kick allowed.

2. All other restarts are direct kicks.

3. Balls exiting the field of play will be restarted at point of exit. * Last two minutes of fourth quarter time will be stopped for ball out of play. * Inside of penalty box restarts are a top of penalty area (24' mark).

Rule XI - Penalties

Blue Card: player must sit for two minutes during this time his team shall play short-handed for the two minutes or until opposing team scores.

Yellow Card: player must sit a mandatory five minutes, team may not replace player if opposing team scores or after the five-minute penalty has been served.

Red Card: player is ejected and must leave bench to the locker room. Team must play short handed for the mandatory five minutes.

6th Foul: If a team has committed six fouls in a period, the opposing team receives a penalty shootout. Shoot-outs will continue at 8th, 10th, 12th and so on. Another penalty shootout will occur on the twelfth foul and so on. Fouls are not carried over into the next period

Teams may ONLY play 2 down on accumulative infractions. Any more will be served consecutively.

What type of shin guards professional soccer player use?

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Professional soccer players are not required to wear any certain type of shin guard. Most soccer players in high level soccer, my team included, wear small tough shin guards that aren't bulky but still offer protection. I myself use Nike shin guards, but there is no official requirement for brand or type.

What is the area of the big soccer field?

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The adult size fields do not have a standardized size they have minium and maxium sizes. They must be atleast 60yards long and no more then 124yd. They must be at least 45yd wide and no more then 70 yd. These fields vary by where you are playing for example the team i played for in college our home field was 115yd X 65yd however one off the teams we played agianist had a field that was 70yd X 45yd.

What World Cup did Mia Hamm win?

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1991 and 1999.

Mia Hamm was on both United States women's teams that won the World Cup, 1991 in China and 1999 in the United States.

A player kicks a soccer ball from ground level and sends it flying at an angle of 30 degrees at a speed of 26 ms?

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Rounding to the nearest tenth of a second the answer would either be 2.6 or 2.7 seconds

^^ 2.6 is the answer

How many players were there on a soccer team when it was first invented?

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Line-ups consist of 1 goalie, 4 defenders, 4 midfield, and 2 forward (altough the coach can change formation if he wants to). There are always 11 people on field. Then there are usually subs, which i dont know how many there are.