


These flat-bodied fish are a member of the group of fishes known as cichlids. They are a popular breed of fish for a clean freshwater aquarium. Find questions about these fish here.

500 Questions

What fish can you keep with angelfish and neon tetra?

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Asked by Petspetzandpet

angel fish can eat neon tetras is the simple answer, but i have angel fish and neon tetras in the same tank and the angel fish does not bother the neons, although this may be because the angel fish is not full grown yet so it is a 50% chance

Could a swordtail and angelfish be tank mates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure you can -- but egg-layers & livebearers generally need different pH water (from each other) and if your angelfish thrives, your livebearers might not. And some swordtails nip fins -- so your angel might not like the pestering ... just sayin'

What fish get along with angelfish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angelfish grow quite large and can bully, even their own kind. It is wise to buy several youngsters and let them pair off, then keep the pair and sell the others. You shouldn't have any problems with shoaling fish and South American species would include most of the tetra family. Also fish such as pencil fish and head standers, dwarf cichlids and catfish should be fine. The thing to avoid is other species of angelfish (I once had one badly bullied) and fish with exotic flowing fins such as betta. Also do not purchase very small fish such as rasboras (I would stick to all South American species anyway, personally - I think it's more interesting).

What adaptations help the queen angelfish survive?

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The emperor Angelfish has special adaptations that have helped it succeed in its environment. One of the adaptations is the bright color and also has the ability to emit poison for its protection.

What is the natural habitat for an angelfish?

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I'm not sure where you may live though there is a really good

aquarium shop in five dock/haberfield called crystal palace aquariums and they sell

some angelfish and other kinds of fish. i have been going to this place for ages and they also have great advice.

What do the baby angelfish look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Usually it's look a like although it more kinda gobies

What predators eat angelfish?

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Larger and bigger animals eats angelfishes

Can cichlids and angelfish live together in a tank?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can try but I don't reccomend it. The cichlids are a lot more aggressive than the angels. My best bet is to keep the angels in a semi aggressive or peaceful community tank. But if you HAVE to put them with cichlids... Put them with South Americans at least

What is wrong with my angelfish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Make sure you fish tank is big enough area for your fish. You can give your fish some things inside the bowl or tank. You should also feed it. Don't put it in a place that might stress it out, such as with an area of dramatic temperature changes like by a door. You might also want to avoid places with high traffic areas (such as a hallway) or a child's bedroom or play room.

What group does a angelfish belong?

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Asked by Wiki User

Galaxy of starfish :D

Are angelfish vertebrates?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is a fish, not a mammal.

  • Fish lives is a aquatic vertebrate, lives in a water, breath with gills, and most of them are cold-blooded, allowing their body temperatures to vary as ambient temperatures change.
  • Mammals are members of air-breathing vertebrate animals, have a placenta which feeds the offspring during gestation.

Is there anything unusual about the angelfish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depending on the type of goldfish, you can get a bit of variety in their characteristics. The most commonly seen in aquariums are called fancy goldfish. These fish tend to have rounded bodies that are almost egg shaped (Fantail, Ryukin), with others that have what is called "wen" on their heads (Oranda), through to single tail goldfish with long sleek bodies (Common, Shubunkin, Koi)

Can a rope fish and angelfish go in the same fish tank as a betta fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

No a betta fish is not a social animal and can kill any fish within seconds but sometimes if placed beside each other for A month or week (depends) in separate tanks they might become friendly.

How many times daily should angelfish eat?

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Normal Tropical flakes are OK for Angelfish but they should also get a supplement of live food each week if possible. Good live foods are Daphnia, Whiteworms, Brine shrimp, Tubifex worms etc etc. Your pet shop should stock at least some live foods.

How do angelfish defend themselves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Angelfish do not fight off an attacker. They either hide or flee or do both. Flee and hide. That is why they are so well camouflaged. They are flat and vertically striped so that they can blend in and disappear amongst the reeds and water plants.

Why the angelfish eggs turn white?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eggs that were not successfully fertilized will turn white. The parents will usually eat them. If all the eggs are turning white it is possible that you have two females, one of which will mimick the behavior of a male but of course cannot fertilize the eggs. This happens sometimes. Also, be aware that it may appear that angelfish are eating the healthy (translucent or amber) fertilized eggs, if there are any. This is their "cleaning" will notice that the parents will get close to the eggs and use their small pectoral fins to fan them. They put their mouths close to the eggs too, my theory is that they have some type of sensory ability to tell if eggs are healthy/clean this way. The fin fanning prevents crud from settling on the eggs and ensures that they do not get fungal infections.

Are french angelfish endangered?

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Angelfish are not endangered as far as information will tell

Is there going to be a webkinz angelfish?

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Yes there is it is new and there are about 2 kinds i thinkYes there are a few there is the fantail goldfish, the clown fish, the bottlenose dolphin, and orca whale, a blue whale, a blossom fish (only available on the estore), a walrus, a lionfish, a puckerfish, a shark, a green seadragon (only available on the estore, a spotted sea monster (only available on the estore), a sea otter, a sea horse, a purple goldfish, a polka black fish, a pink glitter fish, a blue trigger fish, and a tomato clown fish.

How much do angelfish weigh?

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Adult puffer fish weigh 20 to 30 pounds (9 to 13.5 kg).

What are angelfish prey?

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Asked by Wiki User

To keep a good balance give them a high quality flake food or pellet everyday. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms as a treat. You can even feed them lettuce or spinach. Feed mosquito larvae sparingly as they will tend to overeat it, which could kill them.

Angelfish eat the average fish food. If you have a fish store near you, go and ask a employee to direct you to the fish food section. And you will probably find a can of fish food with an Angelfish on it. Good luck!

Angelfish are omnivorous, but in captivity they should be fed a variety of flakes, pellets and frozen food.

flake food,pellet,brine shrimp,blood worms,lettuce,spinach,mosquito


They are omnivorous; so they eat algae, zooplankton, and small crustaceans and fish.

it eats pelets and flakes flake fish food. the plants in their environment

Are angelfish herbivores?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, angelfish are not herbivores. They are omnivores, meaning they eat a variety of foods including small fish, insects, algae, and plant matter. It's important to provide a balanced diet for angelfish in captivity to ensure their health and well-being.

Is the Lemonpeel Angelfish endangered?

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Yes, but not nearly as rare as the Orangerind Cichlid.

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