What is the ankylosaurus locomotion?
Ankylosaurus likely moved slowly on all fours due to its large size and heavy armor plating. Its sturdy legs and low-slung body would have limited its speed, and it probably relied on a lumbering gait to move around its environment.
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Did ankylosaurus live in Australia?
leaellynasaura, allosaurus, ozraptor, skartopus, tyrannosauropus, Australovenator and others
How does the ankylosaurus reproduces?
Brontosaurus is an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus. Like all dinosaurs, Apatosaurus laid hard shelled eggs to reproduce.
What is the difference between an ankylosaurus and an euoplocephalus?
Euoplocephalus was a close cousin of Ankylosaurus. However, Euoplocephalus was smaller that Ankylosaurus. Ankylosaurus weighed about 4 tons and was almost 30 ft. long. Euoplocephalus was over 2.5 tons and about 20 ft. long. They also lived at different times and in different areas, with Euoplocephalus living in western Canada around 72 million years ago and Ankylosaurus living in the central US about 65 million years ago.
Barnum Brown discovered Ankylosaurus in 1906 in the Hell Creek Formation of Montana. He named it Ankylosaurus in 1908.
How much did an ankylosaurus eat?
Ankylosaurus (ang-KLEE-O-sor-uss) was related to Euoplocephalus (EE-oo-plo-seF-LUss). It mainly fed on ferns.
Why does the ankylosaurus have the nickname armored tank?
They probably called Ankylosaurus the "armored tank" because it was so densely covered in bony armor plates on its head, neck, back, sides, and tail, just like a tank is armored to protect it from gunshots. Some other things Ankylosaurus shares with tanks are that it was bulky and hard to flip, and they were both well armed: a tank has guns, and an Ankylosaurus has a lethal tail club.
No. Although groups of Tyrannosaurus' haven't been found together, reccent finds of a close relative, Albertosaurusand of a carnosaur (Mapusaurus) show that large theropods (meat-eating dinosaurs) likely were common pack-hunters.
What facts about ankylosaurus?
Alright, Carcharodontosaurus was 44 feet long and weighed 5-8 tons. It lived in Africa about 104-92 MYA. Its head alone was 6 feet long, and Cacharodontosaurus also had long, grasping arms. Carcharodontosaurus had a good sense of smell and could smell blood up to 20 miles away. It hunted large sauropods like Paralititan or Ayeptosaurus. Carcharodontosaurus also ate ornithopods, crocodiles, turtles and pterosaurus. Carcharodontosaurus lived in pairs and competed with other carnivores for food, like the 52 foot long Spinosaurus. Carcharodontosaurus was a masseve creature, and could crush more or less anything in its jaws. It was named the ''Shark Toothed Lizard" because its teeth were shaped like thoughs of a Great white Shark.
How did the ankylosaurus take care of their young?
The ankylosaurus took care of their young terribly, they defecate on their eggs because they don't like them and sometimes maby eat the eggs. The ankylosaurus is terrifying, it could even eat a human!
What kinds of plants did a ankylosaurus eat?
Ankylosaurus was very low to the ground, and unlike Triceratops and Edmontosaurus, other herbivores that lived at the same time and place, Ankylosaurus couldn't chew. Thus, they ate tender plants that grew close to the ground. Ankylosaurus was only able to reach plants that grew 4 feet above the ground or less.
What killed off the Ankylosaurus dinosaur?
Ankylosaurus lived from 66.5 to 65.5 million years ago. They died out 65.5 million years ago during the K-T extinction event, the same event that killed off 75% of Earth's species, including all non-avian dinosaurs, the plesiosaurs, pterosaurs, mosasaurs, and many, many more. The most widely accepted theory for their extinction is that a 6 mile wide asteroid crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, leaving a 100 mile wide crater. Enough dust and ash was launched into the atmosphere to block sunlight for months or years. Without sunlight, plants withered and died, and then the herbivores, like Ankylosaurus, starved to death. In turn, predators like Tyrannosaurus died out, too, because all of their prey disappeared.
Ankylosaurs were so heavily armored that their fossils are not known to have tooth marks on them. This suggests that they didn't have significant predators, and they they were nearly impossible to even scavenge on.
What is a relative of the Ankylosaurus that has survived?
euoplosaurus, crichtonosaurus, stegosaurus. Each one bigger than the last. Which scientist are now discovering that that the ankylosaurus is probably the juvenile version of the stegosaurus. If you look at the skeletons of those dinosaurs you can see how they absorb the small spike and develop the large bone structures on the back. There are birds that change in bone structure as well while aging.
What is the life span of an ankylosaurus?
Ankylosaurus lived between 66.5 and 65.5 million years ago, at the end of the Maastrichtian stage, the last stage of the Cretaceous period. The Cretaceous period was the third and final period of the Mesozoic era.
How fast was the ankylosaurus?
They weren't very fast. they had short horozontal legs, already holding up the weight of their body and armour. At the most they'd move at 6 mph(9 kph) in a fast amble.
Speed wasn't their defense. Their defense was to lower their body and swing that tail at attackers. As such since it didn't need speed it was able to bulk up with all that bony Armour. It's like how a turtle doesn't need to run fast to escape a predator.
Paleontologists have found fossilized eggs identified as Ankylosaurus eggs so we can assume with some certainty that they laid eggs rather than having live births.
How much did the Ankylosaurus weigh?
Ankylosaurus is the largest known ankylosaurian dinosaur. They weighed 6.5 tons, or 13,000 pounds.
What is the ankylosaurus diet?
Ankylosaurus had a low build and its teeth and jaws weren't adapted to chew. Thus, Ankylosaurus would have eaten relatively easy to digest plants that grew around 4 feet above the ground or lower. Plants that existed at the same time and place as Ankylosaurus include conifers, cycads, ferns, horsetails, ginkgoes, and early angiosperms, or flowering plants, such as palms and primitive grasses.
What would win saber-toothed or Ankylosaurus?
It should probably be pointed out that the ankylosaurus (Ankylosaurus magniventris) and the sabre-toothed cat (genus Smilodon) did not live during the same period. Ankylosaurus lived during the cretaceous period (70-65 million years ago), while the earliest known sabre-toothed cat species (Smilodon gracilis) dates to only 2.5 million years ago. So they would never have met in real life.
However, using what we know of both creatures, we can make an educated guess as to who would come out the victor if the two had crossed paths. So, let us consider the two combatants in all their prehistoric glory. In this corner, wearing the thick armored hide and sharp horns, at some 25-35 feet long and weighing in at a hefty 3-4 tons, we have ankylosaurus. In addition to its impressive armor and spikes, this giant though relatively docile herbivore wielded a vicious right hook in the form of a clubbed tail capable of breaking the bones of its natural enemy Tyrannosaurus rex.
Impressive, indeed. But wait! Don't look now, but in that corner, sporting a set of 11 inch long maxillary canines even a T. rex would envy and weighing in at a muscular 360-620 pounds, the assassin of the Ice Age, that terror of mastodons everywhere, the sabre-toothed cat! Thickly muscled, this deadly feline often took on opponents much larger than its 6-7 foot long body, using its vicious knife-like canines to slash deep into the soft, vulnerable flesh of it's prey.
So, there they are, ankylosaurus and sabre-toothed cat, squaring off to see who is the king of the beasts. Unfortunately, folks, there's really not much competition. For all its savage ferocity, smilodon is obviously outclassed here. After all, ankylosaurus had to defend itself against far deadlier opponents, including, as previously mentioned, the T. rex. And even the terrible lizard himself was never assured of victory against this armor-plated and club-tailed behemoth. Paleontologists surmise that the only way T. rex could even get close enough to deliver a killing bite was to first flip anlylosaurus on its armored back, thus exposing its vulnerable belly and limiting the use of its lethal clubbed tail. A trick smilodon would be hard pressed to perform.
So, it seems undeniable that in this rumble in the jungle, the victory belongs to ankylosaurus.