


Anubis is the god of mummification, funerals and deaths in Egyptian Mythology, who is often portrayed as a jackal-headed god. One of his main roles include being the "Guardian of the Scales,” where he weighs the amount of “truth” in a soul on a scale to decide whether it should be granted afterlife. Questions related to Anubis and his role can be found in this category.

500 Questions

Who were Horus and Anubis?

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Horus was an ancient Egyptian god of the sky and kingship, often depicted as a falcon or a falcon-headed man. Anubis was another ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife, depicted with the head of a jackal. Both gods played important roles in Egyptian mythology and religious beliefs.

What is the mask of anubis?

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The Mask of Anubis is a fictional artifact from "The Mummy" film series. In the movies, it is said to have magical powers and is sought after by the characters for its ability to bring the dead back to life. The mask plays a significant role in the plot of the movies, serving as a source of conflict and danger.

When did Anubis live?

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Anubis was a deity in ancient Egyptian mythology believed to have existed during the Old Kingdom of Egypt, around 2650-2150 BCE. He was associated with mummification and the afterlife, guiding souls to the underworld.

What does Anubis carry?

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Anubis is often depicted in Egyptian art carrying a symbol called the "was" scepter, which represents power and dominion. Sometimes, he is also shown holding a flail, a tool used in ancient Egypt to thresh grain as a symbol of his role as a guardian of the underworld.

What is Anubis?

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Anubis is an ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife. He is commonly depicted with the head of a jackal and was believed to guide souls to the underworld and preside over the weighing of the heart ceremony.

Where is the real mask of Anubis?

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The real mask of Anubis, if it ever existed, has never been found. Anubis was an ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife. Many masks and statues of Anubis have been discovered in archaeological sites, but none have been definitively identified as the "real" mask of Anubis.

Has the mask of Anubis ever been found?

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No, the mask of Anubis has never been found. It is a mythical artifact associated with Ancient Egyptian mythology and is believed to have mystical powers.

Where is the mask of Anubis now?

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no-one knows where it is now but many egyption scientisits belive that its somewhere in the tombs of southern egypt , everyone who atempts to find it always fails but some say after the search that they dream of Anubis the god of dead . Its a big mystery .

hope this answer helped x

Where was Anubis buried?

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Anubis was not a real person; he is a mythological ancient Egyptian god associated with mummification and the afterlife. There is no specific burial site for Anubis because he is a deity in Egyptian mythology.

How many years was Anubis worshiped?

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Anubis was worshiped for thousands of years in ancient Egypt, with his cult possibly dating back to around 3100 BCE and enduring until the decline of Egyptian civilization in the Roman period around 395 CE.

How was Anubis created in myths?

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In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was said to be born from the union of Osiris and Nephthys, although some versions suggest he was the son of Ra and Nephthys. He is often depicted as a jackal-headed deity associated with mummification and the afterlife.

Who is the Egyptian protector of children?

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The Egyptian protector of children is Bes, a deity associated with music, dance, and protecting households, especially children and women during childbirth. Bes is typically depicted as a dwarf with a lion-like face and is seen as a guardian of the family and a bringer of joy and protection.

What are the three names for Anubis?

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The three names commonly associated with Anubis are Anpu, Inpu, and Ienpw.

How do you draw the mark of Anubis?

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To draw the mark of Anubis, start by drawing an upright triangle with a rounded top. Inside the triangle, draw two horizontal lines in parallel toward the base. Finally, connect the ends of these lines with diagonal lines, creating a distinctive "M" shape within the triangle. This symbol represents the ancient Egyptian god Anubis, associated with death and the afterlife.

What is Anubis' symbol and what does it mean?

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Anubis' symbol is the black jackal. It represents death and the afterlife according to ancient Egyptian mythology. Anubis, the god of embalming, was often portrayed with the head of a jackal, and the black color symbolized the decay and transformation that occurs after death.

Who is Anubis family?

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In Egyptian mythology, Anubis is often considered the son of Nephthys and Set or Osiris and Nephthys. Some texts also suggest that Anubis may be the son of Ra and Nephthys. However, his parentage varies in different sources, making it somewhat uncertain.

Who is the sister of Anubis?

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When the father of Anubis is Ra; his sister can be Ashart, Anat, Bast, Wadjet, Anhur, Ma'at, Nekhbet, Serqet, Hathor and Mut.

If his father is Osiris - or his mother is Isis, his sister can be Bast. This is due because Greek rulers of Egypt after Alexander the Great saw Bast as being Artemis, and thus her brother was Horus (Apollo). Anubis is sometimes seen as a brother of Horus when his father is Osiris or his mother is Isis.

What made Anubis the guardian of scales?

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Anubis was the ancient Egyptian god of testing, protecting, and guiding the dead, thus present when the dead person's heart was put upon on the Scales of Justice during the Judging of the Heart.

Can you buy the Sarah's doll house from house of Anubis?

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It's not for sale...

Who is Anubis brother?

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What is mask of Anubis?

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Anubis is the Egyptian god of death, he had a head of the Jackel. The mask of Anubis is probably just that, a mask of Anubis!

Is Anubis a woman or a man?

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Anubis is a male Egyptian god. The daughter of Anubis is Kabechet.