

Asian Games

The Asian Games is a sporting competition for a number of sports. It happens every four years and you can only compete if you represent a country in Asia.

257 Questions

How did areis become a constellation?

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Aries became a constellation in ancient times as part of the zodiac, representing the ram. The pattern of stars that make up the Aries constellation were given this name by early astronomers who associated it with the ram in Greek mythology. Over time, the position of the stars relative to Earth formed the recognizable figure of a ram in the sky.

How do you answer in funny way for are you alive?

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Yes, I'm alive and kicking - well, virtually at least! You can just call me a digital dynamo ready to assist with all your questions and tasks.

Which country introduced first in kabaddi?

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Kabaddi is believed to have originated in ancient India, making it difficult to pinpoint a specific country where it was first introduced. It has been played for centuries in South Asia and is popular in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.

What are the sport advantages?

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advantages of a sport car
what is advantages of sports?

What is the duration of kabaddi match?

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Kho- Kho is a game played in 2 innings by 12 nominated players out of 15, on each side. Initially 9 players start the game and 3 are kept reserve. One team becomes the chasers and the other the defenders or runners. In the game, the chaser pursues the runners; tags and touches them and makes them out. Each team has to chase and defend for 9 minutes twice in a match.

What is the value of sixth Asian games Bangkok 1970?

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$ 1000.00 $ 1000.00

What is the difference between the ball of basketball and the ball of football?

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A soccer ball is round, a football is shaped like a lemon. A soccer ball is smooth, a football has some grip. A soccer ball is a lot bigger than a football.

When was the Asian Games were held in Delhi for the first time?

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The last Asian Games were held in the South Korean city of Busan in year 2006.

Who was the first gold medalist in Asian games?

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I know that the first Asian to win a gold medal in the men's 400m freestyle was Tae Hwan Park of South Korea who was also the first Korean to win a gold medal for swimming at the Olympics. He also won a silver medal in the 200m freestyle - he was beaten by Michael Phelps. He won these medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

When next Asian games?

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The next Asian Games will be held in Incheon, South Korea beginning on September 19th and ending on October 4th 2014. Incheon is the third South Korean city to host the games after Seoul in 1986 and Busan in 2002.

The 2018 installment of the Asian Games will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia at a time that has yet to be determined.

How long does kabaddi match last?

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it contains 20 each half,so total time is 40 game contains two halves.

Which country was four times hosted for Asian games?

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The Winter Olympics have taken place in Asia twice; in 1972 in Sapporo, Japan and in 1998 in Nagano, Japan. The next Winter Olympics in 2018 will be in Asia, also: in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

Why are the commonwealth games so important?

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It is important so people can see how good they really are at sports

How do you play kabaddi?

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Each team they have seven players.

Whereas offensive part and defensive part. The raider should touch any other players and come safe to his side or touching bonus is extra point or at least he should touch bulk line to save him.

Why is Kung Fu so popular in china?

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No its all over the world. Shaolin Kung fu originated from Song mountain original Shaolin Temple,Deng Feng City.Nowadays,more and more people from around the world to go to China to learn kung fu and seek the authentic Shaolin Kung Fu.

How many types of snakes are there in the world?

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there are basically two kinds of snakes; venomous and non-venomous. Varieties are as below

Snake PicturesTypes of Snakes (Non-Venomous)Scientific NameBrown Water SnakeNerodia taxispilotaBanded Water SnakeNerodia fasciataScarlet SnakeCemophora coccineaCorn SnakeElaphe guttataDesert KingsnakeLampropeltis getula splendidaCalifornia KingsnakeLampropeltis getulus californiaeWestern CoachwhipMasticophis flagellum flagellumRough Green SnakeOpheodrys aestivusHognose SnakeHeterodon platirhinosRingneck SnakeDiadophis punctatusRed Sided Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalis infernalisCommon Garter SnakeThamnophis sirtalisRibbon SnakeThamnophis sauritusRed Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum syspilaGray Banded KingsnakeLampropeltis alternaGlossy SnakeArizona elegans occidentalisGopher SnakePituophis melanoleucus cateniferAnacondaEunectes murinusReticulated PythonPython reticulatusBurmese PythonPython molarus bivittatusThe African Rock PythonPython sebae sebaeGreen Tree PythonMorelia viridisWhite Lipped PythonLeiopython albertisiiEmerald Tree BoaCorallus caninusRosy BoaTrivirgataYellow Snake (Jamaican boa)Epicrates subflavusBall PythonPython RegiusKing Rat SnakeElaphe carinataBaird's Rat SnakeElaphe bairdiBlack Rat SnakeElaphe obsoletaEverglades Rat SnakeElaphe obsoleta rossalleniRed Tailed Green Rat SnakeElaphe oxycephalaBrown House SnakeLamprophis fuliginosusBull snakePituophis catenifer sayiYellow Rat SnakeElaphe Obsoleta QuadrivittataMud SnakeFarancia abacuraEastern Indigo SnakeDrymarchon couperiScarlet KingsnakeLampropeltis triangulum elapsoidesBlack RacerColuber constrictorRedbelly SnakeStoreria occipitomaculataBig Bend or New Mexico Milk SnakeLampropeltis triangulum celaenopsGround SnakeSonora semiannulataSouthwestern Blackhead SnakeSouthwestern Blackhead SnakeTexas Long-Nosed SnakeRhinocheilus lecontei tessellatusTrans-Pecos Blind SnakeLeptotyphlops humilis segregusTrans Pecos Rat SnakeBogertophis subocularisWestern Hook-Nosed SnakeGyalopion canumGray Rat SnakeElaphe obsoleta spiloidesMexican Night SnakePseudelaphe flavirufusTaiwanese Beauty Rat SnakesElaphe taeniura

What is the measurement of kabaddi field?

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Side lines (AB, CD, EF & GH)12.5011 [length]2.

End line (EH, FG)108 [width]3.

Lobby) AE, BF, CG, DH)114.

Baulk line [from mid line]3.7535.

Mid-line [MN]1086.

Sitting block [2 meters

Away form midline]8 x 16 x 17.Court

Each half of the play-field divided by the mid-line.8. Space surrounding the playfield

4 meters4 meters

Why do kabaddi players rub soil on their hands before a game?

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kabaddi players rub their hands with soil so as to provide a better grip of their opponent

-Neeldri Roy

When was kabaddi invented?

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Dil Kabaddi was created on 2008-12-05.

What is a lona in Kabaddi?

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a team consists of seven players. each time a player has got out opposite team gets one point. all the seven players of the team got out. three bonus point get by opposite team( called a lona)