



This category is for questions about the respiratory issues dealing with asthma. Asthma is characterized by decreased levels of oxygen reaching the lungs due to an obstruction, resulting in "asthma attacks" or worse. There are millions of people with this disease. Here you can ask about its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

500 Questions

What type puffer would you generally use to provide relief from asthma symptoms?

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It helps by bringing air back to the lungs.

Does honey help with asthma?

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Yes, it is a very good home remedy for asthma. If you are facing this problem then you should consult with your local doctor first. As per the suggestion you need to use medicines which he/she prescribed. Otherwise, you can try Saltair therapy.

How much onion to eat for asthma?

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Eating onions can help with asthma symptoms. Onions contain an anti-inflammatory which can help cut down on airways restricting when an attack occurs.

What are some of the most important elements to consider in diabetes nutrition?

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Some of the most important elements to consider in diabetes nutrition include the sugar count and the corn syrup content of the foods that you eat. Being diabetic, it is critical to control the sugar intake of the foods you eat, and these thing must be measured carefully.

What is better for asthama patient-asthalin inhaler or aerocort rotacaps?

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The aerocort rotacap would be a good medicine to use. It helps your lungs to open up properly and comes with minimal side effects.

Can you use Ibuprofen if you have asthma?

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it can bring on asthma attacks especially if you are allergic to aspirin.To be safe I would ask your Dr as the packet does give warnings to people with asthma not to take it.

Which set of symptoms would most likely lead to a diagnosis of asthma?

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2) constriction of the bronchial tubes and wheezing

What substances or events can trigger an asthma attack?

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A lot of mucuss observed broncholoties in the lung cause asthma

Where can one purchase a peak flow meter?

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There are many places to purchase peak flow meters. Peak flow meters are used for asthma patients and can usually be found locally at a drugstore or mass retailer.

What athletes had asthma?

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  • Jerome "The Bus" Bettis (NFL star of the Pittsburgh Steelers)
  • Amy Van Dyken (Olympic gold medalist in swimming)
  • Jackie Joyner-Kersee (Olympic gold medalist in track and field)
  • Nancy Hogshead (Olympic gold medalist in swimming)
  • Art Monk (NFL leading receiver for the Washington Redskins until 1995)
  • Greg Louganis (Olympic gold medalist in diving)
  • Jim "Catfish" Hunter, (Baseball Hall of Famer)
  • Isaiah Thomas, (former NBA basketball player)
  • Dominique Wilkens, (former NBA basketball player)
  • Dennis Rodman (former NBA basketball player)
  • Mary Jo Fernandez, a top women's tennis professional in the 1990s

Can someone fully recover from asthma?

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It would depend on how bad your asthma is, but you can certainly get fitter. Get some medication that works and try around for the kind of work out that's the least aggravating to your condition. Rowing or kayaking might be an option.

Can weather trigger asthma?

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Definitely change in climate will cause allergies. You may cause achy joints, killer headaches, asthma and many other health woes. To protect yourself from these types of allergy you have to follow some guideline:

  • See an allergist.
  • Block dust mites.
  • Keep the outdoors out.
  • Exercise at the right time

Is asthma congenital illness?

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no is not, it could be cause by environment

If you have asthma can you become a marine?

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If you have asthma you cannot join. If you are found out to have asthma in boot camp, they will send you home. If you are found out later on to have asthma you may or may not be discharged.

>>>: even if you have asthma it is still possible to be accepted, although you will have to obtain a medical waiver first, which is a difficult task but still very possible.

How not to get asthma?

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stay away from sulphite and sulphates which commonly excist in pop,chips and alsorts of prepared food (canned ,preserved foods)and do not take steroid filled pufers. Convert to organics and raw food diets.

Give common diseases?

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Actually, there are many diseases that are common around the globe. They include: African Trypanosomiasis, Cholera, Cryptosporidiosis, Dengue, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, Measles, Meningitis, Onchocerciasis, Pneumonia, Rotavirus, Schistosomiasis, Shigellosis, Strep Throat, Tuberculosis, Typhoid, andYellow Fever.

How do you cure chest congestion?

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Over the counter expectorant cough medicines can be effective. Try the ones with Guaifenesin as an ingredient, which loosens congestion, allowing secretions to be more easily cleared from your lungs and bronchial tubes. Take deep breaths to aerate your lungs. Cold air humidifiers can also be helpful. Drink plenty of fluids, consider Vitamin C supplements if you are not getting good nutrition from your diet of fruits and vegetables. Avoid dairy products.

If the cough persists or you get a fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit, dizziness, shortness of breath or chest pain, contact a medical professional without delay for advice.

Be sure to cover your mouth when you cough, using a tissue, not your hand. If you do not have a tissue, cough into the "crook" of your elbow held closely to your body to catch the germs.

Do not smoke. Stay home from work or school and don't go into public except to seek medical advice or medications.

See below in the related question area for more information on protecting yourself and others from spreading germs.

Why would doctors ask a patient who has asthma to write down the times and places that they had asthma attack?

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Doctors do this because asthmatics tend to have 'triggers' that cause asthma attacks. These triggers can be pet dander, dust, pollen, cold air, chemicals, or many other inhaled particles. Stress and other events can bring on an attack as well. Many people with asthma are allergic to something and develop asthma through this allergy, however, triggers are not always that specific allergen. The doctors are merely trying to determine what your triggers are, and if you might be allergic to something.

How is athsma treated?

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They are given puffer to get extra oxygen in their lung.There is no cure for asthma, but you can treat it and manage your symptoms. With proper asthma treatment, you should be almost symptom-free and enjoy an active life.Asthma is a long-term disease -- you have it all the time, even when you don't feel the symptoms. To stay healthy and safe, follow your asthma treatment every day, even on days when you feel fine. You should avoid cold air, quit smoking (even 2nd hand smoke).

What can you do if out of inhaler for asthma and the pharmacy is closed let's say for an emergency situation is there anything one can one do?

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just try to relax if you have an attack call 911 but if you have trouble breathing in its not asma its acually your vocal chords and all you can do their is relax asma is when you have trouble breathing out

whoever wrote this is stupid.....asthma is when u cant breathe in or out. im dying right now u prick and u say i dont have asthma

What muscles might be used to assist breathing if a person was experiencing an asthma attack?

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1. diaphragm

2. external intercostal muscles

3. internal intercostal muscles (only in forceful exhalation such as coughing not relaxed breathing)

Can sawdust cause an asthma attack?

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It is not a good idea to inhale saw dust, which is an irritant to the lungs and could cause what is known as brown lung disease (somewhat similar to black lung disease, caused by inhaling coal dust).

How common is snoring?

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Asked by Abrusca

Snoring common problem among all ages and both genders, and it affects approximately 90 million American adults - 37 million on a regular basis. Today it is a very common disease. The problem is more frequent with males, those who are overweight, and worsen with age. Congested nasal airways caused by a cold or allergies can also cause of snoring. Consuming alcohol, medication or tobacco products within six hours of going to sleep is an another cause of snoring.

Does Asthma cause fluid in the lungs?

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It can cause a buildup of phlegm and mucus in the airways, but not in the lungs.

What is skin asthma?

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Asthma is a breathing problem, not a skin problem.

The condition you are likely referring to is "eczema", a type of dematitis, where the skin becomes irritated, red, dry, itchy, or flaky, usually due to allergies. A similar but different condition is called psoriasis.