

Australian Prime Ministers

The leaders who shaped Australia's politics, from Federation to the present. Questions should pertain to their policies and laws, and their lives, both political and personal.

500 Questions

Who was the prime minister of Australia 1930s-1940s?

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During the1930s and 1940s, Australia's prime ministers were:

  • James Scullin, 1929-32
  • Joseph Lyons, 1932-39
  • Earle Page, 1939
  • Robert Menzies, 1939-41
  • Arthur Fadden, 1941
  • John Curtin, 1941-45
  • Francis (Frank) Forde, 1945
  • Benedict (Ben) Chifley, 1945-49
  • Robert Menzies, 1949-66

What did John Howard do for Australia?

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John Howard atrophied workers rights and entitlements and sold off publicly owned assets to foreign interests to the detriment of Australians.


John Howard, like any country's leader, made mistakes. But in reference to the above, there were two sides.

The purpose of the Australian Workplace Agreement and Workchoices policies were to even up the balance between the power held by the workers, who were backed by the unions, and the employers, who did not have as many rights. The power wielded by the workers limited how some businesses were free to run. Under John Howard, unions were more restricted in their powers. Hence, workers were more restricted too. It is unfortunate though, that, in some cases, employers misused their newfound rights.

John Howard did indeed sell off public assets, including Telstra. Big mistake. But at the same time, his economic policies put Australia in a very strong position economically. Unfortunately, the current government appears to have blown away the surplus Howard accrued, and is now sending the country that was so strong under Howard into debt. Rather like Anna Bligh in Queensland, who is also selling off everything she can find to foreign owned interests, plunging the state into debt.

Other things John Howard did:

He helped to promote a stronger Australian identity.

He took a solid stand against illegal refugees.

He reformed gun ownership laws.

No leader is perfect. But John Howard was a leader who left his country in a strong position economically.

What are the names and Terms of Australian Prime Ministers?

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Australia's Prime Ministers
  1. Barton, Sir Edmund: 1901-03 (First Prime Minister of Australia)
  2. Deakin, Alfred: 1903-04
  3. Watson, John Christian: 1904
  4. Reid, Sir George Houstoun: 1904-05
  5. Deakin, Alfred: 1905-08
  6. Fisher, Andrew: 1908-09
  7. Deakin, Alfred:1909-10
  8. Fisher, Andrew: 1910-13
  9. Cook, Sir Joseph: 1913-14
  10. Fisher, Andrew: 1914-15
  11. Hughes, William Morris (Billy): 1915-23
  12. Bruce, Stanley Melbourne: 1923-29
  13. Scullin, James Henry:1929-32
  14. Lyons, Joseph Aloysius: 1932-39
  15. Page, Earle Christmas Grafton: 1939
  16. Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon: 1939-41
  17. Fadden, Sir Arthur William: 1941
  18. Curtin, John Joseph: 1941-45
  19. Forde, Francis Michael (Frank): 1945
  20. Chifley, Joseph Benedict (Ben): 1945-49
  21. Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon: 1949-66
  22. Holt, Harold Edward: 1966-67
  23. McEwen, Sir John (Jack): 1967-68
  24. Gorton, Sir John Grey: 1968-71
  25. McMahon, Sir William (Bill): 1971-72
  26. Whitlam, (Edward) Gough: 1972-75
  27. Fraser, (John) Malcolm: 1975-83
  28. Hawke, Robert James Lee (Bob): 1983-91
  29. Keating, Paul John: 1991-96
  30. Howard, John Winston: 1996-2007
  31. Rudd, Kevin Michael: 2007- 2010
  32. Gillard, Julia Eileen: 2010 - present

Note that Deakin, Fisher and Menzies served again after a break, so there have not been 31 different Prime Ministers.

See the Related Links including 'Parliamentary Library - Prime Ministers' below. The site also has a link at the bottom to the National Archives where you can further research Prime Ministers past and present.

Who is Edmund Cartwright?

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Edmund Cartwright was born in 1743 and died in 1823. He was a minister in the Church of England. He attended Oxford. He invented the mechanical loom (patented April 4, 1785.) He invented the steam powered loom in 1797 and it was powered by alcohol. His wool combing machine (1789) took the work of 20 people.

When did the Aborigines become full citizens of Australia?

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Aborigines became British Citizens when Australia was claimed by Lieutenant James Cook in 1770. Aboriginal men in South Australia were given the vote in 1854 at the same time that all white South Australian men received the vote. Similarly, Aboriginal and White South Australian women received the vote in the 1890s.

When Federation was declared in 1901 Aborigines were given the vote only those states in which they already had the vote, which was all states except Queensland and Western Australia.

In 1948 all Australians, white and black, became Australian Citizens.

In 1967 an overwhelming majority of Australians decided at a referendum that Aborigines should be counted in the census.

Who is the prime minister of Western Australia?

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Western Australia is a state of Australia, and it does not have a Prime Minister, but a Premier. The 2013 premier of Western Australia is Colin Barnett.

The position of Prime Minister is the one held by the leader of the entire nation.

How did Ben Chifley died?

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Ben Chifley died on 13th June 1951 in Canberra Community Hospital of a massive coronary occlusion and is buried in Bathurst Cemetery

What is Robert Menzies middle name?

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Robert Gordon Menzies was Australia's longest serving PM (Prime Minister).

Where did former Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt disappear?

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He disappeared on 17 December 1967 while swimming at Cheviot Beach, Victoria on Point Nepean (near Portsea). He was presumed dead two days later by the Australian government. Apparantly, the surf was heavy that day (with strong currents and rips) and Holt had a medical history that suggested he could not have survived the water if he was hurt. Many strange rumours were spread after Holt's dissapearance, such as the rumour that he was picked up by Russian (or Chinese) submarines or abducted by a UFO. On the 2nd of September, 2005, a coroner found Holt drowned in an accident on the 17th of December, 1967.

Did James Henry Scullin have any children?

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No, he did not have any children. His sister, Annie, had a daughter name Helena and James Scullin and his wife treated her like a daughter. So much so, that Helena's uncle Jim gave her away when she was married. I know this because Helena was my grandmother and therefore James Scullin is my great, great uncle.

What major changes did sir Robert Gordon menzies do to Australia?

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Robert Menzies made alot of changes like he ate choclate and stuff, he lived a life, GO play some sport oh wait he might of also drank water :) Migetman for the win

Is Paul Keating married?

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Of course not. Paul Keating was married for twenty-five years, and has four children.

There is no evidence to suggest he is gay

Indian prime minister whose birthday is on February 29?

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Our Former Prime Minister Moraji Desai was born on 29 February 1896.

Who was the Australian Prime Minister in 1962?

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Harold Holt of the Liberal Party was the Australian Prime Minister in 1967. He served from 26 January 1966 until 19 December 1967 (officially). On 17 December 1967, Holt went swimming at Cheviot Beach on Point Nepean near Portsea, on the Mornington Peninsula, south of Melbourne. After plunging into the notoriously rough surf, Holt disappeared. He was never seen again, and theories as to his fate have abounded since then. On 19 December 1967 John McEwen (later Sir John) was sworn in as caretaker Prime Minister, until John Grey Gorton gained office on 10 January 1968.

What is the difference in roles between the Prime Minister and the Leader of Opposition?

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In UK the PM is the leader of the largest party in Parliament, & is the person in leadership of the Government. The Leader of the Opposition is the leader of the second largest Party in the House of Commons & is politically opposed to the party in Government. Basically the PM governs the country & the Leader of the Opposition critiscises what the PM & the Government do.

When did conscription end?

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Nixon received an extension for the draft until 1973.

How did Joseph Lyons die?

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Joseph Aloysius Lyons died from a sudden heart attack in 07 April 1939.

Who was sir Robert Gordon menzies wife?

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Sir Robert Gordon Menzies married Pattie Leckie in 1920. Their relationship was "till death do us part".

Who became the prime minister of Australia in 1949?

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Robert Menzies became Prime Minister of Australia (for the second time) in 1949.

Who is Kevin Rudd?

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Kevin Rudd was the Australian Prime Minister in 2010. He was elected at the end of 2007, replacing John Howard, who was Australia's second longest serving Prime Minster up to that point. He was ousted as leader of the party and Prime Minister in June 2010, becoming the first Australian Prime Minister to be removed from office without having completed a full term. He returned as leader of the ALP in 2013 after a leadership challenge toppled his former challenger, Julia Gillard.

Kevin Rudd represents the Australian Labor Party.

When was William McMahon a prime minister?

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Sir William McMAHON, PC, GCMG, CH., was Australia's 20th Prime Minister, serving from March 10, 1971, to December 5, 1972.

The second prime minister of Australia who disappeared from Cheviot Beach 1967 December 17 was?

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Harold Holt was the Prime Minister.

On 17 December 1967, Holt went swimming at Cheviot Beach on Point Nepean near Portsea, on the Mornington Peninsula, south of Melbourne. This part of the Victorian coastline is notorious for its rough surf, and questions were later asked as to why he even went swimming there. This was a time when the attitude of security in the case of important public officials was taken far less seriously.

No trace of him was ever found, and he was officially declared dead two days later, on 19 December. It is presumed that he drowned, though many conspiracy theories went around, including that he faked his own death in order to run away with his mistress, or that he was a Chinese spy.