

Bat Mitzvah

Bat Mitzvah is a term used to describe a 12-year old Jewish girl. At this age, girls are personally held responsible for their adherence to Jewish tradition, ethics and law.

468 Questions

How long after a bat mitzvah should you expect a thank you note?

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Don't expect a thank you note at all.

I'm sure that the bat mitzvah girl appreciated your contribution to her joy,

but the truth of the matter is:

most people are just not that good an well practiced in thank you notes.

This must have been written by a child who could not be bothered. How "good" or how "well-practiced" in thank you notes is not the issue. A gift is to be acknowledged. As quickly as possible. If not, then the recipient shows herself an ingrate.

Are there any Bat mitzvah speech relating to genesis 44-18-34?

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Good question. The Bat Mitzvah didn't start until the early 20th Century.

How do you sing aliyahs at a Bat Mitzvah?

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you don't really sing, it is more like a chanting. It works according to a specific formula which those who read the aliyas should learn.

How do you say Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah in Yiddish?

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Just exactly as they're said in the question. These are Hebrew terms, and Yiddish imports them directly, without translation.

Who gets bat mitzvahed on the show entourage?

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Ari Golds (vinces agent) daughter.

What do Orthodox Jewish girls have instead of Bat Mitzvah?

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First, as soon as a girl turns 12 years old, she is automatically a bat mitzvah. This is because at 12 years old, she is considered old enough to take on the religious responsibilities of a Jewish adult.

That being said, in some Orthodox communities, this stage in a girl's life is commemorated by a party, in others she reads from the Torah in an all female prayer group, and in others, she may give a public speech about Judaism and Tanach.

What do you wear for a bat mitzvah reception?

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At a traditional bar mitzvah reception, party dress are usually worn for the girls, and a nice shirt for the boys.

How do you shorten the candlelight ceremony of a bar or bat mitzvah?

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Instead of calling up 12 relatives (or groups) and then the kid guests for #13, try to make there be more people for each candle. Also, instead of saying a long poem for each one, summarize the experiences in a few lines. Have the photographer ready to take the picture of the bar/bat mitzvah with the relatives while they are lighting the candles, not afterward.

Can Jewish families living in Latin America have quinceañeras for their daughters if they don't give them a Bat Mitzvah?

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The two are unrelated.

Although, on their face, a Bat Mitzvah and a quinceañera are similar in that they celebrate a young woman's foray into adulthood with all the merriment and needless presents that loving parents can give, nothing could be more different. A quinceañera is derived from older traditions of showing that a girl is of fit age to be married and for all of her would-be suitors to see her in all of her physical splendor. The Bat Mitzvah acknowledges the mental capacity brought on by maturity as woman finally becomes responsible for her own following of Divine Law.

As a result of the celebrations being entirely different, one cannot replace the other while at the same time, not performing one should have no bearing on whether to perform the other.

How do you thank parents during bat mitzvah speeches?

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Write nice things about them and how much you love them.

What is good makeup for a bat mitzvah?

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As a 12 years old girl, makeup should be age appropriate, especially as this is a religious event. Light, natural makeup should be more than enough.

How much money for bat mitzvah gift for my best friends daughter?

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Well, a bat mitzvah is a big deal; but you don't want to overdo it and stress the friendship. The amount should be a comfortable amount, probably comparable to a birthday or xmas gift amount. So, depending on circumstances, maybe $15 - $30 - max of $50. (IMHO)


The Jewish tradition, when giving a monetary gift, is to give $18 or multiples of. The reasoning behind this is that the word 'chai', which means 'life', has the numerical value of 18.

How is a bat mitzvah a right of passage?

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Marriage is not a rite of passage, so no comparison is possible on those terms. See also:

Jewish life-cycle events

Where could a Bat Mitzvah take place?

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The Bat Mitzvah takes place in the synagogue.

What is the appropriate usage of B'nai Mitzvah?

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Grammatically, You say B'nai Mitzvah just as you would Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah.

How do you decide on the order for a candle lighting ceremony at a bat mitzvah?

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A candle lighting ceremony isn't a traditional part of a bat mitzvah service so there's no established rule regarding who participates. If you can't decide on what order to invite people up to participate, try discussing it with your rabbi for his or her input.

Is Kaddish at the end of a Bat Mitzvah?

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The Kaddish is typically said at the end of any shabbat service, so generally, it would be.

Does the girl celebrating her bat mitzvah have to have two years of lessons?

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No, As a bat mitzvah myself I only had 7 months before the date. I did blessings, three aliyas, and a whole haftarah.

Do you need 2 outfits for a Bat Mitzvah?

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The dress for a bat mitzvah should be modest and formal. Suit and tie for boys and dresses with straps, or a cover up, for girls. A separate outfit can be worn to the party after the ceremony.

How do you make a bat mitzvah montage?

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Preparing for a Bar Mitzvah is enough work already, have your Montage done professionally and uniquely.

What is a bat mitzvah for 2 girls called?

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It is called a B'not Mitzvah, and a Bat Mitzvah for more than two girls is also called this.

What should a Jewish girl wear at a bat mitzvah and what does it simbelise?

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Girls wear a nice dress (semi-formal) or suit to her bat mitzvah ceremony. There is no symbolism. Some girls will wear a kippa (symbolises that HaShem is always above us) and tallit (prayer shawl) if it's a Saturday morning service where they read directly from the Torah.

What are some cute spaghetti strap or strapless or halter dresses that hit at the knee to wear to a Bat Mitzvah?

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You'll most likely find nice things at macy's, gap, banana republic, or zara's... They have a sophisticated "modest" look

What equipment is used at a bat mitzvah?

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A Bat Mitzvah takes place during a prayer service. No equipent is used, although Jewish men (and some women) generally wear a head covering and a tallit during Torah services.