

Battle of the Wilderness

The Battle of the Wilderness pitted General Ulysses S. Grant against General Robert E. Lee and was fought May 5–7, 1864. Ask questions here about this major US Civil War battle.

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What Civil War battles were won by Grant?

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  • Battle of Fort Donelson
  • Battle of Shiloh
  • Siege of Vicksburg
  • Third Battle of Chattanooga
  • Overland Campaign
  • Siege of Petersburg
  • Appomattox Campaign

The Overland Campaign was a series of battles, The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna, and Cold Harbor, leading to the siege of Petersburg.

Lee won most of these battles, inflicting horrible losses on Grant.

How did the battle of the wilderness effect the union?

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Although it ended in a stalemate, Grants' decision to carry on the offensive southward in direction of Richmond brought a blow of optimism and enthusiasm in the Union among the Army's rank and files and the public opinion. For the first time Lee was forced to submit to the initiative of the army of Potomac and saw his freedom of movement getting more and more reduced by the strategy and superior availability of men and equipment of his adversary.

Was the Battle in the Wilderness close to the Battle of Chancellorsville?

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Although the battlefield was roughly the same, the Battle of Wilderness Tavern or The Wilderness was fought one year later than that of Chancellorsville, from

May 3rd to May 6th, 1864.

Why did Grant decide not to return to Washington but to instead continue attacking Lee after the Battle of the Wilderness?

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Grant decided not to return to Washington but to instead continue attacking Lee after the Battle of the Wilderness because the battle made him realize that Lee had very few reserves. He knew that if he continued to attack every day, he would eventually the Confederates down.

How many soldiers were in each army at the Battle of the Wilderness?

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Union, commanded by U.S. Grant and George Meade:

Cavalry 12,300

Artillery 2,348

Infantry 119,300

Confederate, commanded by R.E. Lee and James Longstreet:

Cavalry 4,590

Artillery 1,457

Infantry 58,450

Who won union or confederate in the wilderness campaign?

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The union won obliviously they were pretty much just meant to rub it in the south even more after they lost the war so there was barely even any contest to what had happened during the wilderness campaign.

Why did union win the battle of wilderness?

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They didn't. The battle was a draw, but Lee won a tactical victory when Grant took his army away to the southeast.

What was important about the wilderness battle?

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Grant was defeated but did not retreat. He continued to force the fighting.

Did the Battle of the Wilderness lead to another war?

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The battle of Wilderness led to the battle of Spotsylvania.

What army won the Battle of the Wilderness?

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Neither the Union army nor the Confederate army can really be considered to have "won". The Union Army - consisting of the IX Corps under the command of General Ulysses Grant and the Army of the Potomac under the command of General George Meade - were able to withdraw in an orderly manner and then swing Southeast to continue the campaign elsewhere. The Confederate Army of Northern Virginia under the command of General Robert E. Lee stopped Grant's initial thrust and inflicted around 17,000 casualties on the Union army against around 10,000 of his own forces.

In actual effect it was a tactical Confederate victory, but a strategic victory for the Union army since the casualties of the Confederate army, while much less in number than the Union losses, still were a larger percentage of the Confederate forces than the Union losses and Grant's forces were able to withdraw and continue their offensive elsewhere. It was easier for Grant to replenish his losses than it was for Lee so his heavy losses had less impact than those suffered by Lee. It was Grant's intention from the beginning to grind down Lee's forces by virtue of superior numbers (a war-of-attrition strategy) and this battle was one of the first conducted under that strategy.

What general was involved in the battle of the wilderness?

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For the Union, General Ulysses S. Grant and George G. Meade. For the Confederate States of America, there was Robert E. Lee.

What can be said of the Confederate army during the Wilderness Campaign?

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It was not able to rest and heal after a battle.

What battles did the confederate states win?

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The CSA won just about every battle and still lost the war. First Manassas, Second Manassas, Shiloh, and Chancellorsville were among many Confederate victories.

What caused the battle of the wilderness?

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The General Robert E.Lee retreaded into theforestwith his troop hoping it would protect them. General Ulysses S. Grant and his troop followed them into the forest and decided to attack Lee's troop.

Why was the battle of the wilderness significant?

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The battle started the ball rolling for the entire wilderness campaign/ grant's entire offensive. it was also the first stand between Grant and Lee. They then became known as the fathers of the wilderness campaign.ANSWER.

It was the start of Grant's Overland Campaign, which culminated with the fall of Richmond and Lee's surrender at Appomattox.

The battle was significant for itself because Grant, aware of the stalemate in which both armies were after three days of fighting, at the night of May 7, 1864 "snap decided" to silently abandon his positions, marching southward towards Richmond.

Thus, in order to cover the Confederate Capital and prevent Grant from interpose the Army of the Potomac between the Army of Northern Virginia and the city, Lee was compelled to hastily follow and precede the Union Army. By so doing Lee was

losing his freedom of movement and getting more and more to be subject on Grant's strategic initiative as the further battles of the campaign would have demonstrated.

Who won wilderness?

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It was a stalemate, which Grant was able to transform in a strategic advantage, shifting south towards Richmond, outbalancing Lee, who was forced to hastily follow the Union Army in order to cover the Confederate Capital city.