

Beef Roast

A beef roast is a cut of meat intended for roasting. Most roasts are thick and fairly large.

500 Questions

What can you roast?

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As grilling vegetables is to summer, so roasting vegetables is to fall and winter. Not only does the cooler weather make it a wonderful time to turn on the oven for an hour, but the veggies available in fall are practically designed to be roasted. Many roasted vegetable recipes call for favorite fall vegetables like carrots, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, turnips, winter squash, eggplant, and more

What brand of kitchen slicer does Arby's use to slice their roast beef?

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There is no information about what brand of meat slicer Arby's uses. What ever they use, however, works wonders!

What is the shelf life of cooked roast beef?

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What is the refridgerator shelf life after a tritip beef roast has been cooked?

How much is 30 pounds of roast beef?

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How much of WHAT is 30 pounds of roast beef? Do you mean to buy in money, or something else? You need to be more specific.

How do you marinate a round roast?

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It does depend on what you have a taste for. I will give a few examples of what I choose to use to give you an idea:

1. After you set the roast in the dish you are gonna cook it in, get some soda (Sundrop, 7up or ginger ale) poor in a small bowl, then add some steak sauce of your choice, next add Mrs. Dash and meat tenderizer...last pour over your roast and let soak for an hr. Then go flip it to the other side for an hr. This will soak in your mixture. When you are finished marinating leave in what juices are left to cook.

2. After you set the roast in the dish you are gonna cook it in, get some soda (Sundrop, 7up or ginger ale) poor in a small bowl, add juice from mushrooms (if you like) or cut up onions, next add Mrs. Dash and meat tenderizer...last pour over your roast and let soak for an hr. Then go flip it to the other side for an hr. This will soak in your mixture. When you are finished marinating leave in what juices are left to cook.

3. After you set the roast in the dish you are gonna cook it in, get some soda (Sundrop, 7up or ginger ale) poor in a small bowl, add garlic powder or from jar garlic (you can pick up from dollar general), next add Mrs. Dash and meat tenderizer...last pour over your roast and let soak for an hr. Then go flip it to the other side for an hr. This will soak in your mixture. When you are finished marinating leave in what juices are left to cook.

Hope this helps...

How do you cook beef rib roast tenderly?

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The procedure and recipe for preperation of a good to better Ribeye Steak includes:

  • Start grill and bring to a high heat.
  • Place a light coating of Kitchen Boquet and a light sprinkling of your preferred spices (Don't overdo it) on both sides of the room temperature steak. Sear on one side and place briefly into a cast iron skillet with 1/4 to 1/8 inch of unsalted butter and return to grill with the un-buttered Sid down. Sear. Turn to low. Butter. Return to grill with the first side down and a cross sear pattern for another minute. Re-dip in the skillet and repeat the process. Hint: Never use a fork, always tongs to avoid draining the natural juices.
  • Hint: Never run back into the house. Guard the Grill. Each side of the steak will have been under flame for two minutes and with a 3/4 to one inch steak will serve at rare to medium rare.
  • A perfect steak begins with a perfect chunk of Beef.
  • Serve with a potato dish of your choice, asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and a decent burgundy. Bon Appetit.

What does bad roast beef taste like?

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beef jerky, no seriously bitter and it gets shiny

How many ribs are in a rack of prime rib roast?

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Seven on each side, Fourteen total

Why does roast beef turn green?

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Beef that has been refrigerated may turn copper brown due to chemical changes in the myoglobin.

How do you order beef tenderloin roast?

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You just order it.... if your asking how to make it then that's a different story.

How long do you cook a 5 lb beef roast in a pressure cooker?

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I use the rule of 11 min per lb, it seems to work best for me.


How do you cook an arm roast?

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Because the arm roast is not a tender cut of meat, it is best prepared with a long, slow, moist method, such as pot roast.

How do you reheat pre cooked prime rib roast?

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If you are going to be reheating it whole, I would first remove it from the refrigerator and keep it at room temperature for at least an hour before reheating. This allows the interior of the meat to warm up and approach the termperature of the exterior of the meat. Then I would warm it low and relatively slow, so the meat can warm throughout without cooking the exterior too much.

How long can thawed roast beef in a vacuum sealed pack be left in fridge?

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Packed in this manner, it will last longer than normal. Usually,meat will last about 5 days. This will last about a week if not opened. It will last about 5 days after opening.

What oven temperature to cook eye roast?

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45000 degrees, C for about 3 seconds.

How long do you cook chuck roast in showtime rotisserie?

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Chuck is a tough cut, but has good taste. I suggest a pot roast , which means you simmer it in liquid, such as beef broth or wine and water until it is tender. You can hardly cook it too long so long as you do not let it get dry and keep the heat low, but 1 1/2 hour should do it and maybe it will be ready to eat in 1 hour. It adds to the flavor is you brown it all over with medium high heat in a little oil or butter before you start the simmering. I also like to add some carrots,onions and potatoes in the last 20 minutes or so.

What way should a prime rib roast be carved?

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Use a long, thin, sharp knife. Sharpen you Carving Knife, if necessary using either a sharpening rod or stone.

Steel Sharpening Rod - To use a Steel Sharpening Rod or Steel, pull the edge down and across the rod, holding the carving knife at a 22-degree angle. Do this anywhere from 5 to 10 times.

Sharpening Stone (whetstones) - To use a Sharpening Stone (whetstones), hold the carving knife at a 10 to 15-degree angle to the stone. Push back and forth in smooth, steady strokes

(1) Place the cooked prime rib on a large Meat Cutting Board with a well at one end to hold the juice. Remove the cooking twine that is tied around the roast.

(2) Use carving fork to hold roast in place. Turn the platter to where the rib bones are on your left, if you are right-handed, and on your right if you use your left hand to carve.

(3) Using your sharp carving knife, make one cut to slice off the chine or feather bones (the large-end bones) to sever meat from bones in one piece. Note: Save the bones for nibbling on later or for making delicious soup.

(4) Set roast cut-side down. Slice the meat across the grain into whatever thickness you prefer.

Can you cook a rib eye roast the same way you cook a prime rib roast?

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Yes, but it still has the rib bones attached.

Is it ok to eat a beef roast left out over night as long as it looks and smells ok and is thoroughly cooked for several hours at high temperature?

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No, you can not eat the roast. Potentially hazardous food should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Less time is better. If you know that the product temperature was in the 140°F to 70°F range for 2 hours or less, then the meat should be OK. If you have no idea how long the food was in that range, then you are putting everyone who eats it at risk for food poisoning.

Most pathogenic bacteria thrive at the same temperatures we like. Some of them form toxins that are not destroyed by heating.

People constantly ask for some type of verification that the food they eat will not make them ill. That is nearly impossible to do without bacteriological and chemical tests, so all we can do is provide guidelines, like:

* Handle food in a sanitary manner (wash hands, clean & sanitize food-contact surfaces, protect from cross-contamination, package & store properly) * Keep potentially hazardous food either hot or cold and cook and reheat thoroughly, and * Use it within a reasonable time. In the end, you are responsible for what you feed yourself and your family. This adage has truth to it: When in doubt, throw it out.

What herb is accompanied with roast beef?

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You may like a touch of Tarragon in a beef gravy. I also like a little Marjoram. For Italian beef, Basil and a touch of Oregano (with garlic) is nice, and for Hispanic dishes Cilantro and Lime goes very well! Chives will go into any beef dish just fine.

What is roast beef in Spanish?

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In Spanish, it takes three words to say beef: carne de res.

How long do you cook a 3lb chuck roast in the crock pot?

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Cook it all day; crock pots don't really overcook anything.

How do you cook beef roast on a spit?

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Put it on the spit (self explanatory) and then season it and add fat. Personally I like to add either Chinese 5 spice powder or else Aniseed powder on it (trust me on this it will be the best flavour you've ever had even if you hate aniseed) then wrap it in fatty bacon held on with toooth-picks and then roast it via spit (oven or grill) It'll be lovely.