


Birth Control Pill

Also known as the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), birth control pill is a birth control method that includes a combination of a progestogen and oestrogen. These pills prevent fertility when taken orally every day.

500 Questions

Is it normal to have your period for only two days?

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Yes, some women have shorter periods that last only two days. This can be normal as long as there are no concerning symptoms like severe pain or heavy bleeding. If you have concerns, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider.

A scientist is giving patients a sugar pill that has no medical properties. What is this pill called?

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This pill is called a placebo. It does not contain any active ingredients, but it may still have a psychological or therapeutic effect on the patient due to the power of suggestion.

What is the sugar pill called?

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The sugar pill is commonly known as a placebo. It is a harmless substance given to patients in clinical trials as a control to compare the effects of the active treatment.

How long does it take for an ecstasy pill to hit you?

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After ingesting an ecstasy pill, you may start feeling its effects within 30 minutes to one hour, but it can vary depending on factors like metabolism, dosage, and whether it was taken on an empty stomach. It's essential to wait for the full effects before deciding to take more, typically within 1.5 to 2 hours.

What are the birth stones for all the months?

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Asked by October20

January - Garnet February - Amethyst March - Aquamarine or Bloodstone April - Diamond May - Emerald June - Pearl or Alexandrite July - Ruby August - Peridot September - Sapphire October - Opal or Tourmaline November - Topaz or Citrine December - Turquoise or Tanzanite

Do x rays lower birth control pill effectiveness?

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No, x-rays do not lower the effectiveness of birth control pills. However, if you experience any vomiting or diarrhea following an x-ray, it could potentially interfere with the absorption of the pill and reduce its effectiveness. It is advisable to use additional contraception in such cases.

What happens if you take the birth control shot in the same arm?

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Taking the birth control shot in the same arm repeatedly may cause irritation, pain, or tissue damage at the injection site. It's generally recommended to alternate arms to prevent these issues and allow each arm to heal between injections.

Does chewing the pill make it less effective?

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Chewing a pill can sometimes alter the way a medication is absorbed in the body, potentially reducing its effectiveness. It is generally recommended to swallow pills whole unless your healthcare provider advises otherwise.

Can taking too much Monofeme kill you?

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Taking too much Monofeme (a combination birth control pill) can lead to serious side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and headache, but it is unlikely to be fatal on its own. However, ingesting a significantly high dose can potentially cause complications that may be life-threatening. It is important to always follow the prescribed dosage and seek medical attention if there are concerns about overdose.

What happens if you take one sugar pill of your birth control and skip the rest and still have a light period?

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Asked by Jt11

Taking just one sugar pill and skipping the rest of your birth control pills can disrupt the effectiveness of the contraception. It can also lead to breakthrough bleeding or a light period as your hormonal balance may be affected by the missed pills. It's important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider to ensure the effectiveness of your birth control and prevent unintended pregnancy.

How do the synthetic estrogen and progesterone in birth control pills prevent pregnancy?

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Synthetic estrogen and progesterone in birth control pills work by inhibiting ovulation, thickening cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching the egg, and thinning the uterine lining to make it difficult for a fertilized egg to implant. These actions collectively help prevent pregnancy by disrupting the normal reproductive process.

What are thizz pills made of?

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Thizz pills typically contain methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) as the main active ingredient. MDMA is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception and is commonly associated with the party and rave scenes. The pills may also contain other substances, such as fillers or adulterants, which can vary widely in composition and potency.

Can mixing a birth control pill and water make a pregnancy test positive?

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No, mixing a birth control pill with water will not make a pregnancy test positive. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood, which is produced during pregnancy. Taking a birth control pill or mixing it with water will not influence the result of a pregnancy test.

When was Daylight Saving Time enacted?

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Daylight Saving Time was first adopted in the United States in 1918. There were many trial runs with Daylight Saving Time, but finally in 1966, the Uniform Time Act was passed. Since then there have been a few revisions, but it has remained more consistent than in the early days.

What is a long stable period of little change interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change?

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This is known as punctuated equilibrium, a theory in evolutionary biology that suggests species undergo long periods of stasis with little change, punctuated by short bursts of rapid change leading to new species formation. This pattern challenges the traditional view of gradual, continuous evolution.

Can you take antibiotics with champix?

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It is generally safe to take antibiotics with Champix (varenicline), but it is a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before combining medications. They can provide personalized advice based on your medical history and the specific antibiotics you are prescribed.

What happens when a male ingest the sugar pills?

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Sugar pills are typically used as a placebo in medical studies or as part of a treatment regimen to maintain a consistent routine. Ingesting sugar pills will not have any direct physiological effects on a person, regardless of their gender.

Can a m18 white pill get you high?

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The M18 pill is identified as Sertraline hydrochloride 100 mg, a medication typically used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Taking this pill inappropriately, especially in large doses or combined with other substances, can be dangerous and is not recommended for getting high. It is important to follow medical advice and use medications as prescribed to avoid potential harm.

While on Birth control do you take the white pills while you have your period?

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Yes, you should continue taking your birth control pills as directed, regardless of whether you are menstruating or not. The white pills are often placebo pills and do not contain active ingredients. They are included in the pack to help you stay in the habit of taking a pill daily.

If you finish your active pills on a Saturday and do not take the first sugar pill on Sunday and start the new pack on Monday will you still skip your period?

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Starting the new pack without taking the sugar pills may delay your period, but it's not recommended to consistently skip the sugar pills as it may affect your hormonal balance. If you want to skip your period, it's best to discuss this with your healthcare provider for personalized guidance.

What happens if you put birth control pills in a microwave?

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Putting birth control pills in a microwave can destroy the active ingredients and render them ineffective. It is important to store medication in a cool, dry place as directed to ensure their effectiveness and safety when taken.

You forgot to take a sugar pill what do you do?

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If you forgot to take a sugar pill in your birth control pack, it generally does not affect the effectiveness of the birth control. Just continue taking the next pill as scheduled. If you are unsure or have concerns, consult your healthcare provider for further guidance.

If you took a pill and threw up will it still be in your system?

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If you vomit shortly after taking a pill, some of the medication may not have been fully absorbed into your system yet and may be expelled. However, this can vary depending on the medication and how quickly it was absorbed. It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for specific advice in such situations.

You found a pill inside your pregnancy test is this right?

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No, finding a pill inside a pregnancy test is not normal. It is recommended to contact the manufacturer or a healthcare professional for guidance on what to do next.

What if you took Wednesday and Thursdays pill on Wednesday what do you do about Thursday?

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If you accidentally took Wednesday's and Thursday's pill on Wednesday, skip Thursday's pill. Do not take extra pills or double up to make up for the missed one. It is important to keep track of your medication schedule to avoid such errors in the future. If you have concerns, consult your healthcare provider.