

Black Holes

Black holes are regions in space created by the death of stars. Their gravitational field is so strong that even light cannot escape from it.

500 Questions

What is the name for a button hole holder?

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Asked by Wiki User

The tool used to create buttonholes in fabric is called a buttonhole chisel or buttonhole cutter. It is typically used in combination with a cutting mat to ensure precise and clean buttonhole cuts.

What is the difference between a quasar and a pulsar?

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Quasars are extremely luminous objects powered by supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies, emitting intense radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum. Pulsars, on the other hand, are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars that emit beams of radiation which can be observed as regular pulses. Quasars are associated with active galactic nuclei, while pulsars are remnants of supernova explosions.

Why is there a hole in a lifesaver?

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Asked by Wiki User

Life Savers were invented in 1912 by Clarence Crane. Originally a chocolate salesman, Crane wanted to invent a product marketable in the summer when chocolate sales were slow due to its propensity for melting.

Crane wanted to counter the pillow-shaped mints that were being imported from Europe at the time, so he hired a pill maker to make him a peppermint that was round and flat. The mints he produced had a hole in the middle that caused them to resemble life preservers that are thrown from a boat to save someone from drowning…and so the Life Savers brand was born!

Did seka ever go black?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Seka did not perform in interracial scenes during her career in adult film.

Did Albert Einstein figure out what black holes are?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Albert Einstein did not specifically discover black holes. His theory of general relativity laid the foundation for understanding the structure of spacetime, which contributed to our understanding of black holes when other scientists like Karl Schwarzschild and John Wheeler applied his principles to describe them.

What energy does a blackhole have?

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Asked by Adityakitz7

A black hole's energy is in the form of its mass and angular momentum, which contribute to its gravitational pull and ability to influence spacetime. This energy is so strong that not even light can escape it, leading to the creation of an event horizon.

What is the area beyond a black hole where the black hole has stopped expanding and matter will no longer be pulled in?

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Asked by Wiki User

The area you are referring to is the event horizon of a black hole. This is the point at which the black hole's gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. Once matter crosses the event horizon, it is pulled into the black hole and cannot escape.

How the hole moves?

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A hole can move due to external forces such as wind or water erosion, or from physical processes like landslides or sinkholes. The movement of a hole can also be influenced by the surrounding materials and can change over time due to weathering and environmental conditions.

What does a Black hole have to do with the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black holes have a significant impact on the universe and the world indirectly. They can influence the movement of stars and galaxies, and their immense gravitational pull plays a role in shaping the structure of the universe. While they are not directly relevant to life on Earth, their existence helps us understand fundamental concepts in physics and the evolution of the cosmos.

What problem involving black holes did Stephen Hawking solve?

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Stephen Hawking's research on black holes led to the concept of Hawking radiation, which proposed that black holes are not completely black but emit radiation. This idea resolved the paradox of black holes violating the laws of thermodynamics by showing that they can slowly lose mass and energy over time.

Does a black hole destroy things?

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Asked by Wiki User

When an object falls into a black hole, it is stretched and compressed due to the intense gravitational forces. This process, known as spaghettification, destroys the object's physical structure. Additionally, intense tidal forces near the black hole can tear apart the object into its constituent atoms and particles.

What kind of stars form a black hole?

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Black holes are formed from the remnants of massive stars that have undergone gravitational collapse. These stars need to have a mass greater than about three times that of the sun to form a black hole at the end of their lifecycles.

How big is a Micro black hole?

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A micro black hole is theorized to be the size of an elementary particle, such as a proton or even smaller. They are hypothetical objects that have not been observed or confirmed to exist. Their size is predicted to be extremely small, with a mass comparable to that of a mountain.

What did Karl Schwarzschild discover?

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Asked by Wiki User

Karl Schwarzschild discovered the first exact solution to Einstein's field equations of general relativity, now known as the Schwarzschild metric. This solution describes the gravitational field outside a spherically symmetric non-rotating mass, such as a black hole.

What effect will be there on rotation of the earth if sun collapse to black hole?

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Asked by Rojansrt

If the Sun were to collapse into a black hole, its mass would remain the same, so the Earth's orbit and rotation around the black hole would continue as normal. However, without the Sun's light and heat, the Earth would quickly cool down and life would cease to exist.

What make a black hole invisible?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black holes are invisible because their gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape once it crosses the event horizon. This means that they do not emit or reflect any light, making them impossible to see using traditional telescopes. However, scientists can detect them indirectly by observing the effects they have on nearby objects or through other forms of radiation emitted by material falling into the black hole.

What is a black holes life cycle?

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Asked by Wiki User

A black hole is formed from the remnants of a massive star that has gone supernova. It undergoes a process called Hawking radiation, slowly losing mass and eventually evaporating completely. This process can take up to billions of years, depending on the initial mass of the black hole.

Can a black hole expand?

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A black hole can increase in mass and size as it consumes more matter, causing it to expand. However, the characteristic size of its event horizon, known as the Schwarzschild radius, is determined by its mass and remains relatively constant, as predicted by general relativity.

Are there billions of black holes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is estimated that there are billions of black holes in our galaxy alone. These are formed when massive stars collapse under the force of their own gravity. Additionally, there may be even more black holes in the universe beyond our galaxy.

What happens to the knot hole?

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Asked by Wiki User

As the tree grows, the knot hole can become covered up by new growth or get pushed out over time. The wood around the knot hole may also continue to grow and expand, filling in the space where the knot hole used to be.

Can comets turn into black holes?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, comets cannot turn into black holes. Black holes are formed from the death of massive stars, leading to a highly dense object with intense gravitational forces. Comets, on the other hand, are icy bodies that originate from the outer solar system and do not have the mass or conditions needed to become black holes.

Do black holes live forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

Black holes can persist for an extremely long time, but they are not eternal. They can slowly lose mass over time through a process known as Hawking radiation, eventually leading to their complete evaporation. This process is estimated to take an immense amount of time, much longer than the current age of the universe.

How do you fall into a hole?

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Asked by Bvw6t4552

To fall into a hole, one must accidentally step onto unstable ground that collapses beneath them, causing them to drop into the hole. This can happen due to not being aware of the hole's presence or not taking precautions when walking near potential hazards.

Why the whole density is concentrated at a point in a black hole?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a black hole, the entire mass of the collapsed star is compressed into an infinitely small point at the center called a singularity. This extreme concentration of mass creates a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. This is why the density is concentrated at a single point in a black hole.