


The bladder is a pear-shaped sac present in the pelvic region of the abdominal cavity that temporarily stores urine until it is expelled from the body.

500 Questions

What tube does sperm leave the body from?

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urethra basically near the penis but its the urethra

What does it mean when your bladder is weak?

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First obvious sign of someone having a weak bladder is always needing to visit the toilet, as people with a weak bladder cannot hold in their urine. Sometimes due to the weak bladder urine will leak through, without realizing. People with weak bladder have little control over their own bladder, therefore causes the leakage.

What hollow tube leading through the bladder?

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The tube from the bladder to the body's opening is called a urethra. The tubes from the kidneys to the bladder are called ureters.

Does thrush spread to the urethra?

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Yes it can on occassions and you would need to take 100 mg of fluconzole for fourteen days to treat it.

Can urine help the plant grow fast?

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Yes in fact. many studies have been done that the left over substance in your pee can help develop plants 2 fold.

How does the bladder clear the toxins from your body?

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Your lymphatic system is filled with a good portion of the water in your body. Your body takes the toxins it encounters and ferries them to the lymph system where they travel slowly to your excretory system to be removed from the body as waist. This system is very slow on its own, which is why massage and exersize, which expidite this process, can be so beneficial to our overall health.

Can an bladder infection cause Diarrhea?

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"Unhygienic conditions around the genital region, wet diapers, not cleaning the area after passing stools or bacterial diarrhea can also cause urinary infections. Most infections arise from Escherichia coli or E coli bacteria, which generally live in the colon."

This was on a website about children and Urinary Infections, so I don't see why not if an adult has really bad diarrhea why bacteria couldn't reach it's way from the bum to the urethra.

What is the tubular structure that carries both urine and semen?

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missing a word... delete and rephrase... unless u mean the urethra, then yes it carries both.

Does urethra stricture and urethrocystopy cause infertility?

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Yes: My husband had a stricture after having a catheter in for about 2 weeks after heart surgery. We were able to conceive once, but it took us a year (this ended in MC at 15 weeks). The stricture seemed to get worse and we have been unable to conceive. He also had increasingly worse problems with urination. His urologist concluded that the stricture was causing too low of volume leading to infertility. While his sperm numbers were great for the amount of volume, the lack of semen just wasn't enough to get to where it needs to go. He will have his stricture removed next week and we are hoping for success with this.

Can you get arrested for letting someone use your pee?

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If it is consensual (both parties agree to it), then no you cannot. If you do it without their consent (them saying no), you could get in trouble for it, but I don't think it's enough to get you put in jail.

How big is a baby bladder?

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A baby's bladder can only hold around one ounce of fluid at a time. As they grow, their bladder does as well and they can hold more.

What comes out o f the urethra?

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The only thing produced within the urethra itself is mucus from the mucous tissue that lines the urethra. The urethra transports but does not produce urine and semen.

What portion of the urethra is between the prostate and penis?

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The prostatic or membranous urethra

Can you live without a urethra?

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Yes, you can live without a urethra, the tube that takes urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. However, doctors must create an artificial way for urine to be able to get out of the bladder. Most often, this means a suprapubic (above the pubic bone) incision to create a "hole" and pathway to the bladder where a catheter is placed (and changed periodically) to remove the urine.

Some children are born with a defective or damaged urethra. Some female babies are born with a layer of tissue over the urethra and vagina which must be surgically altered/removed. Some male babies are born with the urethra exiting from the side of the penis, rather than from the tip of the penis. These conditions usually require multiple surgeries.

What procedure is used to check the bladder in men?

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She checks the urethral opening. The urethra is a tube that leads from the bladder to the outside.

What does the urethra weigh?

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What medicines control bladder problems?

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The most commonly used medications are antispasmodics or anticholinergenics. Depending on the type of incontinence and preexisting medical conditions, your doctor may prescribe a different medication.

What is urethrocystitis?

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urethrocystitis is inflammation of the urethra and urinary bladder.

Can percocet cause blood in urine?

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I am googling the same question. the doc said I can take 2, but I think 2 made me pee blood

When you finish pee and wipe you see blood?

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Call your doctor could be a serious problem.