

Brackets Parentheses and Quotation Marks

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What is the correct punctuation for the sentence i asked my friend when is your birthday?

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The correct punctuation for the sentence "I asked my friend, 'When is your birthday?'" is to add a comma after "friend" and use single quotation marks around the quoted question.

Should question marks be placed before or after exclamation marks?

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Question marks should be placed before exclamation marks when a sentence contains both. For example: "Did you see that amazing performance?!"

Do speech marks come after question mark?

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In American English, the punctuation mark typically comes before the closing quotation mark. For example: "Are you coming today?" However, in British English, the punctuation mark can come after the closing quotation mark: "Are you coming today"? Both styles are considered correct depending on the region's guidelines.

Do you capitalize the first letter in this sentence The Postman Always Rings Twice?

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Asked by Wlkmk2010

Yes, in this sentence "The Postman Always Rings Twice," you capitalize the first letter of each word except for the articles "the" and "always." This is a style commonly used for book titles and headlines.

What punctuation is used at end of letter?

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The closing of a letter should have a comma, blank line, then you sign your name.

For a letter to your dad:



For a business letter:


John M. Smith

NOTE: There should be no punctuation after your name.

Does a semicolon go inside or outside of quotation marks?

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In American English, a semicolon typically goes outside of quotation marks; whereas in British English, it goes inside. For consistency, it's best to check a specific style guide or follow the conventions of the English variant you are using.

What is the punctuation mark used for in candidate's?

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The apostrophe and letter "s" at the end of the word indicate possession by a single noun, the candidate.

"Candidate" without the apostrophe or "s" is a single noun; if the "s" were included, but there was no apostrophe ("candidates"), the word would be a plural noun meaning more than one candidate. If the apostrophe were to follow the "s" ("candidates' "), it would mean that multiple candidates possess something.

What punctuation mark is used to separate two or more adjectives in a row?

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A comma is used to separate two or more adjectives in a row. For example, "The tall, dark, and handsome man."

Punctuation marks are omittted after the salutation and complimentary close is this true or false?

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Asked by Wiki User

False. In a formal letter or email, punctuation marks (such as commas or colons) are typically used after the salutation and before the complimentary close.

First letter in a sentence is always in capital?

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Yes, in English grammar, the first letter of a sentence is always capitalized. This rule helps to distinguish the beginning of a new sentence and aids in easy readability and understanding of written text.

How many times do you press the spacebar after periods and colonos?

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For academic papers, you should follow the appropriate style guide for your course. For example, the Modern Language Associations (MLA's) style handbook allows single spaces after periods and other terminal/concluding marks but also allows double spaces.

Some punctuation marks should have no spaces following. For example, quotation marks should be neither preceded nor followed by a space, as seen in the following example:

  • My friend said, "How are you?"

Notice, however, that there is a single space after the comma in the example above. It is not a terminal/concluding mark and, according to the MLA, should always have a single space following it.

Other styles include the American Psychological Association (APA) style and Chicago style. These styles have different rules concerning spaces after punctuation marks.

What is formal punctuation?

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Formal punctuation refers to the correct and proper use of punctuation marks in writing, following the rules of grammar and style. This includes using commas, periods, colons, semicolons, and other punctuation marks appropriately to enhance clarity and readability in written communication.

Punctuation after such as is what?

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Asked by Wiki User

i believe there is a comma. but i also believe there can be a colon.

Ex: There are many kinds of fruits such as, bananas, oranges and apples.

Ex: There are many kinds of fruits such as: bananas, oranges, and apples.

The correct spacing after a punctuation mark is?

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Typically, one space is used after a punctuation mark in most writing styles. However, some modern style guides suggest using only one space after a punctuation mark, especially with the prevalence of digital writing and typesetting. It is essential to be consistent with spacing throughout a document or text.

What is the correct punctuation for the sentence Wow what a great surprise shouted Ernesto?

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There are a few ways you could correctly punctuate this sentence.

"Wow! What a great surprise.", shouted Ernesto.

"Wow, what a great surprise!", shouted Ernesto.

"Wow! What a great surprise!", shouted Ernesto.

Does a comma come after or before a quotation mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

In American English punctuation rules, a comma typically comes before the closing quotation mark when the comma is part of the overall sentence. In British English, the comma comes after the closing quotation mark.

If you use OD at the end of sentence do you need two periods O.D..?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, when using "OD" at the end of a sentence, you only need one period as the abbreviation already ends with a period. So it would be "O.D." with one period.

When writing an essay do you underline the title of a speech?

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Speech 'titles' are usually not actual titles the writer gave. Their 'titles' are used to refer to them among the people. It is recommended to simply capitalize the first letter of each important word.

Ex.The Gettysburg Address

I Have a Dream

Does a question mark go after a sentence ending if any?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, if a sentence ends with a question mark, there is no need for an additional question mark at the end.

How do you punctuate the sentence I don't think I can go to the party Frank?

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The sentence "I don't think I can go to the party, Frank" should be punctuated with a comma before addressing Frank to separate the direct address from the rest of the sentence.

Where do the punctuation marks go in this sentence They all sang Happy Birthday before she cut the cake?

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The correct punctuation for that sentence would be: "They all sang 'Happy Birthday' before she cut the cake." This includes putting 'Happy Birthday' in quotation marks and ending the sentence with a period.

What is a speech marks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speech marks, also known as quotation marks, are punctuation marks used to indicate that someone is speaking verbatim. They are placed at the beginning and end of a direct quotation to show that the words in between are someone else's words, not the speaker's.

When do you put quotation marks in a sentence?

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Quotation marks are used to denote direct speech, to enclose a quotation within a sentence, or to indicate the use of a term in a non-literal or ironic sense.

Does every sentence starting with WHY end in question mark?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not necessarily. A sentence starting with "why" can end with various punctuation marks, depending on the context. It could end in a question mark if it is a direct question. However, it could also end with other punctuation marks such as a period or an exclamation mark if it is a statement or an exclamation.