


An eating disorder, most prevalent in women, whereby those suffering binge eat and induce themselves to vomit

500 Questions

What kind of people usually have anorexia?

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Anyone can potentially become anorexic. Those who are more likely are....


*Between the ages of 12 and 26

*Those who live in the Western Hemisphere of the world

*Alcoholic / Drug Addict

*Those who suffer from low self-esteem, depression, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), low self body image, ect.

*Family history

*Friends who suffer from similar eating disorder

*White / Caucasian

*From an upper- or middle-class family

What is foods to avoid for bulimia?

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Anorexics tend to avoid foods that are high in caloires and fats. This often involves most desserts and dairy products, along with some carbs.

What is a common characteristic of both bulimics and anorexics?

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Both anorexics and bulimics are cautious about how much they eat around other people and what kinds of foods they ingest. They do not like to eat around other people (secrecy is the name of the game). They both starve themselves for long periods of time (bulimics just make up for it by stuffing it all down later). They might appear bloated, but that is mostly bulimics due to water retention so I suppose it depends on how much the anorexic is vomiting.

What signs do you look for to know for sure if my friend is bulimic?

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Unexplained weight loss or gain

Obsessive calorie counting

Avoidance of eating in public, or with other people

A large amount of food wrappers in their rubbish (not explained by a party or something)

Money troubles, excessive grocery/fast food bills

Shoplifting of food

Hoarding food

Trips to the bathroom or shower after eating, or overexercising after (or before) eating

Buying excessive amounts of laxatives or diuretics

Marks on knuckles (from teeth)

Putting hair up before going to the toilet

Showering directly after meals

Swollen salivary glands (chipmunk cheeks)

Problems with the front, bottom teeth

Appearing dehydrated

Otherwise young, healthy person experiencing blackouts and/or chest pain

These are just some examples, and it changes from person to person.

Often depressive symptoms appear as well. Bulimia has a high co-morbidity with depression and substance abuse.

How do you throw up properly?

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You pass out lying on your back or with your head back. When your body reacts to something (usually drugs or alcohol) you puke but dont wake up because you're passed out. Therefore you choke and probably die... I think

What disease is bulimia?

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Whenever anyone talks about bulimia nervosa the first thing they focus on is a list of symptoms to do with bingeing and purging. However, there is much more to bulimia than this. It is a very complex illness that is poorly understood, and one for which treatment is still in its infancy. Orthodox medicine has little to contribute aside from the treatment of some of the more obvious physical symptoms. Sadly this does little or nothing to effect recovery.

A list of physical symptoms is available below. Please don't think for an instant bulimia is limited to these. It is a deep seated psychological disease, often inherited, that affects the sufferer in a multitude of ways. The first signs someone has of being bulimic can be in the form of anxiety in early childhood. Only later (on average at the age of 17 and 4 months) does bingeing and purging enter the picture. To learn more about bulimia please see

It helps to think of bingeing and purging as simply symptoms of a much deeper issue. It is an issue that can manifest itself in a multitude of ways, usually when the sufferer is at their most debilitated. They feel misunderstood, confused and then this unimaginable behavior manifests. Worse, the treatment they are often offered casts them as addicts and assumes their behavior is by choice. If addiction actually exists, it is assumed that this is further evidence of dysfunction. In reality the addiction is often another behavior triggered by anxiety; again, not a choice.

The only treatment that is going to benefit the person suffering, is one that deals directly with the underlying causes. For this reason, many treatments simply suppress a few symptoms. They do not effect cure. Measures of success have nothing to do with weight. Locking someone away and preventing them from purging is not a solution. If anything, it contributes to anxiety.

Often we see addiction in the family. This may be alcohol or narcotics, but is often present in either parents or grandparents. There is something of a myth that has grown up to suggest many bulimics have been sexually abused. There is no statistical evidence to suggest that instances of sexual abuse in bulimics is any higher than in the general population. This sort of misinformation is dangerous, as it can prevent some sufferers seeking help. They were never abused and wouldn't want anyone to suspect their parents of abusing them.

Because of the higher likelihood of addiction in the family, sometimes the bulimic individual doe s not have the benefit if a family that is supportive. However, because they are generally intelligent and creative individuals, they can sometimes find another support network.

Many bulimics experience shame and guilt around their behavior. This is particularly sad as their situation is not one of their choosing. It is an illness just like diabetes. However, sufferer often blames themselves for their condition.

Bulimic, or 'Group B', people have little control or moderation over some aspects of their life. Food tends to be focused on, however spending, drinking, exercise and sex are all areas in which this lack of moderation can be experienced. This is not by choice. It's simply deeply coded into the nature of the person. Only with careful management will they get things under control.

There is a direct relationship between satisfaction and anxiety. As their anxiety increases and their satisfaction reduces they become more likely to engage in bulimic activity. If for instance they have exams, or a difficult episode with friends, or even a nasty shock, they become radically more likely to binge/purge. Of course, narcotics and alcohol both increase stress and anxiety in the body. Excessive use of either is likely to trigger a return to bulimic behavior.

Many people forget that the poor moderation control also can have it's positive aspects. Bulimics are great employees, as they tend to take on additional work - unable to moderate their workload. There is a danger of 'burnout' here, however with a good manager this employee can be much more productive than her counterparts. Equally, at school they often do very well, because they give 110%. They work best in a project based environment, where work takes place in short bursts of intense activity, with periods for recuperation in between.

As the bulimic individual masters her situation she often thrives and moves into a new more creative stage of her life. She understands herself better, and learns to accept the benefits of her nature, while limiting the riskier aspects of it. Mastering anxiety often completely removes the binge/purge aspect of bulimia. Typical list of symptoms: What are the effects of Bulimia?

Bulimia has a whole array of medical complications that can arise as the disorder worsens. These effects will infiltrate every inch of the body both physically and mentally. Some effects of bulimia are:

Physical Effects

* Irregular heart rhythms, heart failure

* Dry skin, callused or sore knuckles

* Sore, swollen cheeks

* Increase in cavities, tooth enamel loss, gum disease

* Stomach ulcers

* Rupturing of the esophagus, soreness

* For women, irregular periods

* Complications of the intestines

* Dependency on laxatives

Emotional Effects

* Depression

* Fluctuating emotions

* Feelings of anxiousness

* Poor self-image

* Feeling out of control

* Isolating oneself from others

Signs of bulimia

1. Swollen cheeks or jaw

2. Dehydration

3. Binge eats

4. Calluses or sores on knuckles

5. Going frequently to the bathroom after meals

6. Misuse of diuretics, laxatives or enemas

7. Stomach problems

8. Feels out of control when eating

9. Secretive about eating, or hides food

10. Broken blood vessels in the eyes

What happens to the liver being bulimia?

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Bulimia can cause a ton of things.

* Anemia

* Ruptured esophigas

* Ulcers

* Constipation

* Brittle, dry skin

*Bruised knuckles

* Organ Failure---including liver

* Stomach pain

* DEATH Bulimia is a very serious disorder. There was one woman who died from multiple organ failures from this. If you or someone you know is suffering from this, seriously, see a doctor.

Is ketchup healthy?

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Though ketchup is called "tomato ketchup" tomato is only thethird greatest thing in the sauce The first is aqua or water. The second is salt, otherwise known as rock minerals. Ketchup is good for you in small quantities, like most junk foods, but in large quantities can result in a salt overload- ...or WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Your daily salt recommendation is an average 6 grams) :)

What percent of bulimic's vomit everyday?

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Depending on how bad the case normally after every meal or when the individual is feeling "fat"

Are there any celeberties with anorexia or bulimia?

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Yes, there are unfortunately very many celebrities with anorexia and bulimia.

What is more severe between anorexia nervosa and bulimia?

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i think its bulimia because then there throwing up all the food they eat so they have none leftin them but anorexics just eat a bit of food and don't throw up also both kinds do a lot of exersise so bulimics lose more weight cos they don't get hungry either they eat lots then purge i know because i am bulimic. i was since i was 9 years old i think im fat people think im mental because they think im to thin i don't believe them i am 12 now i weigh 4 stone i am 5ft 4 u may think im thin i don't

Why should you only take laxatives for a short time?

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So you don't go too much. Going too much is bad for you, im not saying twice a day is bad, but 4 times might be, because your body may not be absorbing nutrients from the food you eat because its being "rushed" out by the laxative. The use of laxatives as a way to lose or control weight is not only dangerous, but irrational. Continued laxative use can cause bloating, cramping, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias, irregular heart beat and heart attack, renal problems, and death.

Where to get help for bulimia?

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Hospitals and treatment centers (both in-patient and out-patient) and therapy session, usually.

Why is binge and purge cycle dangerous?

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The binge-and-purge cycle (commoly referred to by the notation "b/p") is often seen in eating disroders like bulimia. It begins with a person "bingeing". This is where they consume large amounts of caloires (thousands, literally) in a short amount of time. To them rid their bodies of these calories so as not to gain weight, the person will then "purge". This is usually either forcefully throwing up or by use of harsh laxatives. This process repeats daily or weekly and become known as a cycle.

What can purging do to your body?

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turns your skin yellow, it doesn't give you enough nutrients so your muscles break down, the acid in the vomit rots your esaphogus and teeth (and makes your teeth fall out), turns your fingernails yellow, etc... basically it is a slow death.

Who fast will someone with bulimia lose weight?

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"Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the two main eating disorders. People with anorexia have extreme weight loss as a result of very strict dieting. Some people may also make themselves sick, abuse laxatives or do excessive exercise to try and lose weight. In spite of this extreme weight loss, people with anorexia believe they are fat and are terrified of becoming what is in fact a normal weight or shape. About four out of ten people with fully established anorexia make a full recovery, and others improve. Only about three in ten continue to have major long-term illness. Untreated, about 15 per cent of all sufferers will die from the disorder within 20 years of its onset."

yea but no. Please don't do it's like smoking and then dying but much quicker. If your feeling unconfident just turn to the lord and just ask god to help you and just keep on praying who cares about what other people say just be yourself. Life is short so just live it , the way that's right for you not for someone else like a bully, boyfriend, or someone random

How old to buy laxatives?

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You cannot buy laxatives upfront if you are a minor or if you are below 18.

What do you eat to throw up?

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If you are asking this question because you want to induce vomiting, please talk to your parents, a teacher that you trust, or your family doctor. The desire to induce vomiting can either be from ingesting poison, or the belief that food is a poison. In either case, medical supervision is the best option. The term for this condition is bulimia. Please talk to someone before it gets out of hand and too late to safe your life.

There are substances that someone can drink to make themselves sick. Drinking them can be dangerous to your health so we won't mention them here. Consuming anything to induce vomiting can could lead to short time issues, long term disabilities or even death. I would not advise anyone to drink any substance to make yourself ill without direct supervision by a doctor.

Your family doctor will know what you should drink to induce vomiting in case you are poisoned, which is the only reason you should do so, so ask your doctor for advice.

What body system does Bulimia affect?

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As is progresses, bulimia can affect virtually all of the systems in the body.

How do doctors diagnose bulimia?

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The person needs to be taking in a rather obscene amount of calories in one setting (20,000 to 40,000 calories) and then purging them from their system by means of inducing reverse peristalsis or laxatives.

True or false the eating disoder characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss is called bulimia nervosa?

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That one is called anorexia nervosa. Bulimia involves the use of vomiting and/or laxatives to purge the food, though it is possible to be both anorexic and bulimic. Note that most bulimics appear to have normal weights, as they do not usually restrict the food to the extent that anorexics will.

How can you stop being bulimic on your own?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look at yourself after you self induce vomiting/ take laxatives or purge in any other way. Look. Focus on your face and note down all the good things and don't even spare one thought to your flaws (if you have any) then work your way down to the rest of your body. Have a positive look on your body in all aspects. Take a long time concentrating on what is good about your body. Then watch things like Fat Families, or The Biggest Loser, or another trashy TV show where they have obese, or overweight people and allow yourself to be grateful that you don't look like that. Allow yourself to be horrible and comment on their unfortunate state. It sounds cruel but this will skyrocket your self esteem. When you do find yourself in a situation where you will compare yourself to overs, don't. Just concentrate on something else. If you do compare yourself think about that TV show. You don't look like that do you? Be grateful for that. Now it is time to eat. To start off with you don't want to starve at all, just eat fruit and vegetables and drink a lot of water. This is not a diet. You want to be eating so you don't binge and actually gain weight where you feel you have to purge. Everyday add a bit more fruit or vegetables, then the next week have a slice of bread every day etc etc, so you gradually build up to a normal diet. When you want to purge contact someone immediately.

I hope you get over this. I did, so can you I hope. Remember this is gradual change. Try not to purge. This requires effort. If it doesn't work contact medical help, and this is not medical advice

What drugs make you vomit?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm sorry, but WikiAnswers is meant to be a place where questions are answered that are there to help or educate or assist a person. Suggesting a medication that throwing up, which is a sign of bulimia (a potentially fatal and life-endangering disease) would not be helping, but would be promoting this dangerous life style.

TO WHOEVER POSTED THE ABOVE ANSWER....there are PLENTY of people who honest to God want a medication that makes you throw up so that you feel better if you are nauteous ...and I nor anyone else who's looking for a medicine because they feel came looking to be told that they are bulimic or have any other eating disorder.

Way to think outside the box, ever consider people might want a drug to feel better (hense why most people take medication) and not to loose weight?