

Care of Ferrets

Ferrets were first tamed by the Ancient Egyptians for food and clothing. Today, they are playful weasel-like companions that depend on us for love! This category contains questions about ferret health, history, and needs.

500 Questions

How do ferrets and other pets interact?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on the kind of animals. Ferrets have been used for centuries in rodent control and extermination and has a natural instinct to hunt and kill mice, rats, rabbits, etc (any rodent). Ferrets have no inherent danger of other animals like dogs and cats, that they will be friendly towards even if the other animal may be a danger to them. Like some dogs with natural hunting instincts like terriers may kill ferrets.

Ferrets, rodents and birds

Ferrets natural instinct might perceive any rodent type pet as prey and attack mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, they should not be allowed to interact or be housed together. Birds can be stressed or nervous around ferrets and might be preyed upon as well.

Ferrets, cats, and dogs

Ferrets have been known to play well with household cats and some non-aggressive dogs, however, great care must be taken when introducing ferrets to any other household pets. Certain terrier dog breeds even have a heightened instinct to grab and kill ferrets. Never leave a ferret unsupervised with another animal.

Dogs that were bred for hunting, for example terriers, even if they have never been used for hunting, still have a natural instinct, should never be around ferrets. Trying to introduce a grown aggressive dog would be too stressful for a ferret. But a puppy that has been raised around ferrets will most likely be safe with ferrets.

Ferrets get along with cats better than any other animals, especially if introduced as a kitten. An adult cat, it depends on it's temperament or behavior. An adult cat can easily harm a baby ferret and vise-versa, closely supervise grown a ferret when playing with a kitten. Ferrets will readily approach other animals, without fear of their own safety.

Ferrets are fearless to the point of foolishness and should not be allowed to wander. Whenever they are outside, they should be closely supervised and preferably kept on a harness leash designed for ferrets such as an H-shaped harness. Their curious nature also leads them to place themselves in situations where they will confront and try to play with larger animals outdoors that may be dangerous to the ferret.

from other contributors:

  • Well, I have a dog and he likes the ferret. Ferrets are really friendly!
  • Know that ferrets will generally treat any rodent, bird, or lizard as a prey.

Ferrets and Guinea Pigs

  • Sometimes. It really depends on the ferrets personality. But not likely. It is likely that the ferret would attack the guinea pig.
  • Absolutely not!!!! We had both a ferret and Guinea pig and one night the ferrets cage was left open, she pried open the cage of our guinea pig and attacked her relentlessly! I found her (the guinea pig) the next morning missing both of her eyes, her face was full of deep puncture wounds. I had to rush her to the vet and she thought the most humane thing to do was to put her down. I would not wish that graphic scene on anyone and I can't imagine what our sweet guinea pig went through in her last hours.

Can you bring your pet ferret from the US to Australia?

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Yes but it is always good to check with vets and register them. Victoria allows ferrets which is good.

How many ferret attacks are there each year?

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Ferrets don't attack. Improperly raised and abused ferrets can become fear biters, just like any animal.

Will pine shavings kill a ferret?

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No, not recommended. You may see pet stores using cedar or pine shavings as bedding for ferrets. Cedar shavings harbor bacteria and can cause allergies and respiratory problems in ferrets, also pine and other woods produce dust. Wood shavings are completely unnecessary for ferrets, you can use clean towels or old T-shirt for sleeping. Cedar shavings, white and yellow pines, release volatile hydrocarbons which can affect animals. Plicatic acid, a volatile hydrocarbon, results in asthma in humans and rabbits. Other hydrocarbons result in changes in the liver, which may impair its ability to detoxify certain drugs, including various anesthetic agents. Scientists over the years have alluded to possible carcinogenicity in cedar shavings. Absolutely not. Wood shavings are usually made of pine, which is a very dusty wood. If small animals like ferrets, rabbits, etc. come into excessive contact with very dusty materials (such as wood shavings and cat-grade clay litter) this can get into their lungs and dry them up. And that can end up very badly if not caught in time. Short answer: no wood shavings.

How does a ferret protect itself in the wild?

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The black footed ferret protects itself by spending most of the time underground in its home or prairie dog burrows and usually only comes out at night.

The black-footed ferret is very secretive and is nocturnal, so that few people have ever seen them in the wild. Most of its time is below ground in prairie dog burrows, and usually spends only a few minutes above ground each day for hunting or finding new burrows or mates. In burrows it sleeps, stores its food, avoids predators and harsh weather, and takes care of it's young. Their worst enemy is man, and they are losing that battle. As we plow more lands and kill prairie dogs, the ferrets begin to die because we cut off their main food source. The black footed ferret is making a comeback now because of captive breeding programs, several colonies are roaming the plains again.

Is it better to have more that one ferret?

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  • If you can and have enough money you should definitely get Two. Some ferrets can lonely and stressed if things to do a day and another ferret friend can give both ferrets exercise and comfort. if you spend the day at work or school the ferrets need each other and get very attached!!!!
  • Not necessarily. As pets, you can keep one, and it will be perfectly content if you have plenty of time to play with your ferret as they crave human interaction, two can keep each other occupied if you don't have a lot of time for your ferret.
  • So the answer to your question is: 'No, they don't have to be in pairs - but they would prefer it.'
  • Yes - if they're already friends. Two ferrets provide company for one another. Our two constantly snuggle and play together and one on its own would need more attention from us. However, buying two ferrets who do not know or like one another needs more care.
  • Ferrets are not pack animals. But, due to domestication, they retain more juvenile characteristics (cf.s dogs similar behaviour to wolf puppies). They view their companion ferret as a litter-mate.
  • Yes, ferrets do like to be in pairs but they can be just as happy by themselves. If you are someone who is busy and can't let your ferret out of the cage as much as you are supposed to then you should consider getting another ferret. But you still have to remember that even if you have two ferrets, they still have to be let out to run around and play together. Even if you are thinking about getting another ferret you also have to remember that you may have a ferret that may not get along with another ferret so you may be his only friend.

Is it true that if ferrets get a taste of blood they will become vicious?

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Asked by Rebirf

That is a very popular myth but is certainly untrue. As long as proper care is given, no ferret will ever become vicious, though they can nip if untrained. VERY UNTRUE

How many offspring do ferrets have at a time?

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Ferret litters vary greatly. A litter can consist of just 1 kit (baby ferret) or as many as 17 kits. The average ferret litter consists of 6-8 kits.
It varies a lot. The ferret can have just one kit or as many as 17 kits in a litter. The average litter is 7 kits but like I said the number of babies varies hugely

Why do ferrets have watery eyes?

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there eyes are naturally black, unless it is an albino which would have pink eyes. Ferrets can see in black white gray and red. It is a matter of opinion if ferret eyes look scared.

How much exercise does a ferret get a day?

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Ferrets being very social animals should be allowed out of their cage for at least four hours daily. Ferrets are not caged animals, you cage them for their protection. Prolonged caging can lead to illness, stress related disease and aggressive or abnormal behaviors in ferrets.

Do ferrets shed?

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No, if they are on a proper diet (high protein, low carb/grain) ferrets do not really shed much. However, they will shed, probably a lot (depending on the climate where you live), in the spring and sometimes the fall. Ferrets grow winter coats and will shed them in the spring, but the shedding usually only lasts a week or two, then it's back to normal. Just keep them brushed during that period, and wash their bedding regularly.

If your ferrets sheds and does not regrow fur, this indicates a serious medical problem and should be taken to a veterinarian for a checkup

What age do ferrets die?

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Average life-span of a domestic ferret - How long does a ferret liveAccording to Marshall Farms, the largest breeder of ferrets in the U S, the domestic ferret average life span is 5 to 8 yearswhen properly cared for.

To maintain a ferrets life it's important to have a quiet and dark sleeping space with without noises or interruptions, they sleep an average of 15 hours (more or less). A good quality ferret food is very important, and not all ferrets foods are that good of quality. Marshall farm ferrets are more prone to illness and disease early in life, thought to be caused by genetics - inbreeding, and early neutering. But with proper care (meaning educate yourself and read everything you can about ferrets) they can live longer (My ferret Abby is a white albino female that weights about 1 lb and she's 9 years old)

From other contributors:

  • ferrets in the UK live till they are between 8 and 10 years.
  • a ferret aged 5 years would not be considered old in the UK
  • Generally, ferrets live for 7-9 years.
  • The average lifespan of a ferret is normally 8 to 10 years, although well cared for ferrets have been known to live for up to 12 years, and others die at the age of 4 to 6 for no apparent reason other than old age.
  • some ferrets have lived for as long as 15 years it all depends on there health most live till 10 years of age
  • They can live anywhere from 5-8 years. All depending on their health and care.
  • The average lifespan for a ferret is 6 to 8 years. Although my last ferret lived to be 11 years old. But not without the sad effects of blindness, hair loss and other ailments. Though he did live a happy and playful life to the very end.
  • They can live to be 6 to 10 to even 15 years old. That is if they're healthy and cared for very well.
  • They live 6 to 10 years. Sometimes, they live even longer.
  • Anywhere from 6-10 years can be considered normal. However, some ferrets can live up to 10 years if you take good care of them.
  • The oldest lived to be 15 or 16.
  • From 6 to 8 years.
  • Anywhere from 5 to 13 years, depending on where you got your ferret (pet store or breeder), how the ferret is cared for, and general luck. Feeding a good diet and ensuring they don't ingest objects they shouldn't are essential to the longevity of a pet ferret. Ferrets bought in a pet store, especially in America, are said to have shorter lifespans due to genetic issues. Do not feed a ferret anything but meat-based products, proper vitamins (Ferretone, only in small amounts), and water. They should never, ever have anything with a lot of sugar or dairy. Sugar is linked to pancreatic cancer (insulinoma, an all-too-common killer) and ferrets are lactose intolerant.

Are ferrets Illegal in Boise?

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No I'm pretty sure they're not, as long as they aren't feral.

Why is your ferrets anus pushed out with blood on it?

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This is a sign of internal bleeding. There are many possible reasons for this, some of them very serious and so it is very important that you take your ferret to a veterinary surgeon as soon as possible.

Why do ferrets need soft bedding?

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ferrets like to be comfortable, think about it you have a soft bed, so should they

Are ferrets legal in Massachusetts?

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Yes, but check with your city government ordinances on companion animals as ferrets may require a permit to own. A few pet stores, like PetCo, occaisonally sell them.

What do they call a collection of ferrets?

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A group or collection of ferrets is called a "business"

How much does it cost to have a ferret descented?

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The price varies with different veterinarians. You will have to contact your local vet to learn the actual price. Please keep in mind that descenting a ferret is completely unnecessary. The musky smell associated with ferrets does not come from the scent glands and removing them rarely lessens the odor. In Europe, descenting is considered cruel and unusual, and is often illegal.

Is it easy to litter box train ferrets?

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Well, it depends on who you are, how busy you are, and the kind of ferret you want to keep. You can have a ferret that lives mostly in a cage, or a ferret that roams around your house/apartment and spends next to no time in a cage. However, a ferret that does live in its cage most of the time still needs to be played with and let out often, or else it could become overweight, lazy, or extremely jumpy. A ferret that lives outside its cage needs to live in an environment that is completely "ferret-proofed", or stripped of anything that could be harmful to the ferret; small, swallowable objects, escape routes, and places where it could fall or get stuck in. Also, ferrets need to be litter trained. This isn't usually particularly difficult, depending on the ferret. In addition, ferrets need to have their nails trimmed, ears cleaned, fur groomed, cage cleaned, and attention to be the best pet it can be. Overall, it sounds a lot more difficult to care for a ferret than it really is, but again, it depends on the personality of the ferret and how much time you have to spend with it.

Do ferrets go into shock?

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Ferrets can go into shock (which is an acute fall in blood pressure) for example caused by a loud sudden noise, being chased by a predator, from an accident or injury or any similar sudden, quick movement; certain diseases can also cause this condition. Shock may not be instant and a delayed from the time of the incident to the time of the reaction may occur. The symptoms can vary: cool skin, pale lips and gums, faint rapid pulse; staring but unseeing eyes; from panting and lethargic to a catatonic state of rigidity, depending on the depth of the shock. A ferret must be kept warm and the blood circulation returned to normal as soon as possible. To help a ferret suffering from shock, wrap in a towel or blanket, and place him in a warm quiet spot. Massaging your ferret to encourage circulation, while speaking softly and using gentle strokes will help recovery. It is advised to seek veterinary care for any accidents or injuries

so mainly let them bite you to ease the shock

or see Paris Hilton for help
Yes. If a ferret gets extremely scared, injured, cold or hot it can go into clinical shock. Symptoms of shock in a ferret include: pale skin on the ears or nose, cold skin, grey/blue gums, shivering, fast heartbeat and unresponsiveness.

If your ferret is in shock. Keep it warm by wrapping it loosely in a blanket. Keep the ferrets surroundings as quiet as possible by turning off radios, tvs, washing machines etc (anything making loud noise). Do not try to feed or give water to the ferret. Get the ferret to the vet as soon as possible.

Is a ferret a dangerous pet?

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Ferrets are not dangerous at all. It's the humans that abuses the animals that's dangerous.

Dogs are dangerous, when is the last time you heard that a ferret killed someone? There are by far more dogs bites to humans compared to ferrets biting humans. According to the AMVA latest figures there were 800,000 cases of dog bites to human that had to be treated, plus people have died from dog bites. And no telling how many unreported cases there were.

No, ferrets are not dangerous, though they could bite out of fear, if handled improperly, abused or not properly socialized. Also a female ferret with babies are very protective and could bite. All animals can potential be dangerous if handled improperly, yet ferrets have a more calm disposition than other pets. Make sure if your ferret, or other pet is acting strange to take the pet to the vet, sometimes animals attack out of fear, hunger or pain.

What is the gray wolf's bite force?

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A gray wolf's jaw can generate a crushing pressure of up to 500 pounds per square inch.

Is it better to feed your ferret meat or ferret food?

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Asked by Beagles258

The best diet for a ferret is what it evolved to eat, ie, whole prey (mice and rabbits) plus raw meat and organs. Ferrets do not need carbohydrates and, in fact, they're bad for them. There is proof that feeding kibble is directly linked to insulinoma (a pancreatic disease).

Is it okay to give ferrets milk?

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Ferrets are lactose intolerant and cannot digest any dairy products.

Dairy products such as milk can cause loose stools or diarrhea in ferrets.

Advise from another contributor:

we have five ferrets and have done quite a bit of research over the years, and i read on a few occasions that ferrets are lactose intolerant and therefore it is not good to give them milk as it can give them diarrhea. we also learned this as we gave one a small amount of milk and he had diarrhea. poor little thing.

Do ferrets fight with dogs?

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If your ferret is playing with the dog, a bite shouldn't hurt. But if the ferret is defending himself, he could quite possibly cause damage. Also depends on the dog whether is a small or large dog.