

Care of Ferrets

Ferrets were first tamed by the Ancient Egyptians for food and clothing. Today, they are playful weasel-like companions that depend on us for love! This category contains questions about ferret health, history, and needs.

500 Questions

Do ferrets fight with dogs?

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If your ferret is playing with the dog, a bite shouldn't hurt. But if the ferret is defending himself, he could quite possibly cause damage. Also depends on the dog whether is a small or large dog.

Do ferrets like to burrow?

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No, ferrets are burrowing animals, but in the wild European polecat ferrets live in burrows of other animals. Black footed ferrets live in prairie dog burrows.

How are ferrets and wolverines related?

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No. Ferrets are not related at all to rats. Rats are rodents, ferrets are related to skunks, polecats, otters, and weasels. Ferrets are more like the responsibility of a cat or dog, as they are very very social and need attention at all times. Please if you are getting a ferret, DO NOT put wood shavings or newspaper as their bedding. They need soft blankets, hammocks, and even old t-shirts would work. The shavings cause problems with their lungs, and is really bad for them!!

Were can i fid Huge ferret cages under 50?

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Pets are pricey so make sure you have figured the costs before you get one. has some great cages for ferrets.

What humane methods should you use to get rid of Ferrets?

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There are no humane methods, is would be against the law in the US under animal cruelty

Ferrets are awesome pets, I'm sure someone would come and take them off of your hands, maybe a pet store or ferret rescue?

By not properly caring for health and welfare of your ferret, and it would be illegal, called animal abuse

In New Zealand, feral ferrets are considered pests and are controlled by poisoning.

Are ferrets illegal in GA?

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Ferrets should be legal in Georgia if it's in the US

^^ Not True. Not all states/ cities in the US Have Ferrets as legal pets. New York City, New York. Hawaii, And California are the only places in the US where Ferrets are illegal

What food can you give to a ferret?

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A ferret needs a food made specifically made for ferrets that are designed to meet their daily nutritional requirements. Feed the best food you can afford and your ferret will be healthier and happier. A good nutritional ferret food will help to prevent disease and illness, and it's much cheaper than to treat it with drugs and surgery later. For variety and training, offer an occasional treat, duck soup, or chew treats made for ferrets.

Use the following guidelines to select a dry or kibbled food for ferrets:The first three listed ingredients should be a high-quality meat protein - chicken, poultry, beef, or lamb (preferably whole - not meal) meat. Protein must be 35 - 40%, Fat must be 18 - 30%, Fiber - 2% (good fiber ingredient - beet pulp) (anything above 3% can cause digestive upsets), Needs to contain 21 amino acids including taurine, an essential amino acid for vision and proper functioning of the heart.Must have a low ash level (7.0% or less), Good carbohydrates ingredients - rice flour or brewers yeast.

Ferrets are true carnivores (strict meat-eaters - whole prey) belonging to the weasel family, or mustelidae and is related to ermines or stoats, minks and weasels. Ferrets lack a cecum and appendix, the section of intestine that helps omnivores process vegetables and they cannot adequately handle diets high in fiber or carbohydrates and requires a diet high in protein and fat, consisting mainly of meat and animal products. They cannot digest vegetable, fruits, or grains. They digest food in about 3 to 4 hours, and must have food and water available at all times. Most high quality ferret foods contain all the essential vitamins and minerals necessary, and does not need any extra supplements.

A baby kit (6 - 11 weeks old) might not be accustomed to eating solid food and may need to have moistened food. One part dry food with three parts warm water, let sit about 3 minutes, until consistency of oatmeal (adjust ratio if needed). What a ferret is fed in the first six months of life, it will only recognize that as food. It is important to feed a variety of food from the beginning. A lot of owners buy a variety of ferret foods and offer as a mix. This will prevent any problems, should a brand become unavailable.

Feeding a ferret an improper or poor diet of highly processed food with excessive vegetable protein can cause many illnesses and premature death. A ferret can suffer from such diseases as bladder stones, poor coat and skin , eosinophilic gastroenteritis (wasting, diarrhea, ulcerations of the skin and ear tips, swollen feet) and poor growth. Foods high in carbohydrates (sugar - ferret treats) causes insulinoma in ferrets. Do not feed a ferret vegetables, grains or fruits, they are unable to digest and could cause stomach blockage that without surgery will cause a painful death. Do not feed ferrets any dog or cat food, they are not nutritionally appropriate and will cause heath problems. A high quality kitten food is acceptable if you are unable to obtain ferret food.

Avoid dyes (look at the color of the food), fillers such as corn, corn meal, corn grits, wheat middling, bran, germ, flour, and other grains or fish as the primary protein. Avoid anything with soy flour or soybean meal. Avoid fruits and vegetables ingredients. Foods with corn products can cause intestinal blockage in ferrets.

Avoid artificial preservatives such as Ethoxyquin (used as a preservative in pet foods to prevent the rancidification of fats), BHT (synthetic analogue of vitamin E), and BHA (an additive that accumulates in the body fat and known to cause cancer in animals) as these ingredients are considered to be harmful to a pet's health and may increase the likelihood of cancer.

There is a direct relationship between foods and disease. Be aware that most ferrets love sweets and are prone to being "junk food" eaters. Do not feed candy, cakes, sugar-coated cereals, soda, junk food, ferrets cannot digest sugar. Sugars puts tremendous strain on the pancreas and results in diabetes, which is difficult to treat and leads to death. No dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream), dog food or canned cat food. All of these can cause severe, life-threatening diarrhea.

Do not feed your ferret any kind of cat or dog food, they will suffer from improper nutrition and will become ill and could possibly cause death.

.Never feed your ferret these items:

Toxic or dangerous food for pets

  • Chocolate
  • Onions
  • Grapes
  • Raisins.
  • Yeast dough
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Marijuana
  • Moldy or spoiled food
  • Wild mushrooms
  • Large amounts of raw fish
  • Potato, rhubarb or tomato leaves
  • Large amounts of raw liver
  • Large numbers of macadamia nuts
  • Fruit pits
  • Corn cob

Can humans get head lice from ferrets?

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Head lice cannot live on animal blood, only human blood, and will die within 24 hours of leaving the human head, so it is unlikely. However, if even one does end up on your animal by happenstance, and you interact with your pet within a 24 hour period, it is possible to get the head lice back into your hair where it can lay eggs. For the sake of caution then, it may be wise not to allow your pets on your beddings or furniture such as your sofa until at least24 hours after your last hair treatment, and to change clothes after interacting with your pet.

Is their anything special about a ferret?

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OF COURSE!!!!!!!!! Ferrets are fun loving little pets. they sleep a lot so they're good. But, of course, two ferrets are actually easier to care for cause they don't get bored! I highly recommend ferrets. BUT DON'T LEAVE THEM UNSUPERVISED!!!!!!!!!!

Do ferrets like to take baths?

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Ferrets don't need to be bathe, unless they get into something that you would have to bathe them. Ferrets are clean animals and will groom themselves. Bathing ferrets only causes them to smell more. It drys their skin, making them itch and they will secrete oils to replaced what was washed off by bathing.

Some Ferrets do like having baths. But then again lots don't. Ferrets body temperature is about 101 F to 104 F (37.8 - 40 C), so what may feel warm to humans may feel cold to a ferret. May sure the water isn't too cool for them. Make sure you keep the bedding clean to cut down any odors and change litter box daily.

Will the mother ferret eat her kits?

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If a mother ferret perceives a danger or threat to her babies, yes she will eat them. By doing so, she will come into season again to mate and have another litter.

How do you get rid of a polecat?

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It may be illegal, depending on the area of the world your in. Contact animal control authorities for advise

Which animal is related to a ferret - mongoose or rodent?

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The mongoose is in the sub-order of cats, the ferret is in the sub-order of dogs, under the carnivore family. Rodents are in the rodent family. The ferret is not related to either the mongoose or rodent

Can ferrets eat raw chicken?

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They certainly would do, given a chance - if you have a caged bird, it'd be a good idea to keep a ferret away from it because birds fit easily into the category of things ferrets instinctively hunt.

In the wild, polecats (ferrets' ancestors) will eat birds occasionally but they don't form a large part of the animal's diet because birds have much better eyesight than ferrets and will fly away before the ferret is even aware there's a bird nearby. However, they do occasionally get into chicken sheds and will also kill and eat game birds confined to pens.

How do ferrets get Aleutian disease virus?

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Aleutian Disease (also ADV, for Aleutian Disease Virus) is a highly contagious parvovirus affecting mustelids, causing spontaneous abortion and death in minks and ferrets.

Aleutian disease virus is highly contagious. It is transferred through a ferret's bodily fluids, and it can be lie dormant in dried urine or on an owner's clothes and shoes for up to two years. Known cases of ADV positive ferrets should not be taken to places where they may come in contact with other ferrets. They also should not be allowed to run on floors or other areas where uninfected ferrets or their owners may come in contact with residual traces of the virus from the infected animals.

The Aleutian disease virus lays dormant in ferrets until stress or injury allows it to surface. While the parvovirus itself causes little or no harm to the ferret host, the large number of antibodies produced in response to the presence of the virus results in a systemic vasculitis, resulting in eventual renal failure, bone marrow suppression and death. The symptoms are chronic, progressive weight loss, lethargy, hepatomegaly and/or enlarged spleen, anemia, rear leg weakness, seizures and black tarry stool. Once symptoms show themselves, the disease progresses rapidly, usually to death within a few months.


What state has the most pet ferrets?

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That would be hard to determine since there is not a national registry of ferrets.

How old is a ferret when their four in human years?

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They do not compare, you can take the average human lifespan and divide the average ferret lifespan. But this number will not be good for anything.

Search wikipedia for "Aging in dogs" for more information

Can male ferrets share a cage?

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In most cases, yes they can - two of our male ferrets, Reuben and Ya'akob, have been happily sharing a cage for some time and other than the completely normal and short-lived squabbles that all ferret owners become used to, they get along perfectly well. Do remember that for the few hours each day when they're not asleep, ferrets are extremely active and as such require a large cage with plenty of space. if you're keeping two ferrets in one cage, it needs to be a very big cage. Unlike most animals, ferrets never fight over food which makes it far easier to house two together.

Having said that, ferrets are highly intelligent creatures and as a result also highly individual, so if my ferrets - and indeed, all the other ferrets in the world - do something, it doesn't necessarily mean that your ferrets will do the same. Some ferrets actually prefer to be alone and some dislike all other ferrets, though the vast majority prefer ferrety company. Try putting them in the cage together and see what happens - there may be some fighting to begin with, but unless they're drawing blood let them settle. Chances are they'll be curled up together fast asleep before too long.

Can ferrets eat canned fruit?

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Ferrets are strict carnivores - "meat eaters". They cannot digest fruit because they lack a cecum and an appendix. Feeding fruit to ferrets might cause stomach blockage that could eventually lead to their death

Which is better a ferret or a bird?

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It's not a matter of one being better than the other. It's based upon individual preference based upon the care and upkeep of a particular pet. Ferrets are a very high maintenance pet and can by very expense to maintain. You need to learn about the care and habits of any pet you are interested in having.

Your baby rabbits were born with black fur is this normal?

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Yes rabbits can have black fur. If niether of the parents were black, then some of their other ancestors were black and the black hair gene just didnt express itself until the new generation. Look up genetics and punnet squares for more info.

Are ferrets legal in pa?

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Yes you can.

Is a ferret closer related to a cat or a dog?

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A ferret is related to the dog and listed under the scientific classification order of Cornivora, suborder Caniformia, or Canoidea (literally "dog-like")

Does frontline make a flea treatment for ferrets?

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No. The only approved flea treatement for ferrets is Revolution, which is usually available from your vet.

You can use the kitten dose of Frontline to treat your ferret for fleas, just use one drop per pound of ferret. (2lb ferret= 2 drops)

Do ferrets cause allergic reactions?

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Some ferrets do suffer from allergies, the most common are food allergies (causes digestive problems) and topical allergies (irritants to the skin). I've haven't read anything about ferrets being allergic to other animals, but it's possible.
no, ferrets are not allergic to cats normaly, but like humans, as well as other animals, they can have/get allergies, i have 2 ferrets, 2 cats, two dogs, and a problems with any of them :)