

Challenger and Columbia Disasters

Challenger and Columbia disasters refer to NASA’s two space shuttle accidents that resulted in the death of all their crew members. Challenger was lost at liftoff in January 1986, while Columbia disintegrated on reentry in February 2003.

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Is christa delcamp married?

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Hasn't worn a ring in 7 months!

What is the summary of Stigma Shame and Silence by Kalpana Jain?

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The Story revolves around the Social Stigma associated with HIV and AIDS.

People still associate HIV immoral lifestyle though the reasons may be numerous. This causes a person suffering from HIV to be subjected to a lot of shame and consequently forces them to hide their problems and deal with them quietly, when actually they need all the help they can get.

The writer uses the example of Ashok who recently discovers from the Doctors at Command Hospital Pune that he is suffering from HIV.

The doctor shows innate contempt for Ashok which causes him to feel ashamed. Furthermore, he is subjected to discriminatory treatment from the hospital staff.

This is the essence of the story: The Social Stigma and pain that patients have to go through.

What needs to be done though is to help these patients understand that life does not end with the contraction of HIV, and with treatment and proper counseling they can lead a normal life too

When did Space Shuttle Columbia disaster happen?

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Space Shuttle Columbia disaster happened on 2003-02-01.

When did Space Shuttle Challenger disaster happen?

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Space Shuttle Challenger disaster happened on 1986-01-28.

What happened to the close out crew of the challenger astronauts?

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They didn't die during the blowup, they died when the part that they were in hit the water so hard that anybody could survive-

What was the name of the black astronout that died died in the 1986 space shuttle challenger explosion?

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His name was Ronald McNair. He was born on October 21, 1950, in Lake City, South Carolina. He graduated from Carver High School as Valedictorian in 1967. In 1971, he received his BS degree in Engineering Physics from North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from MIT. After graduation, he was working at the Hughes Research Labs in Malibu, California.

Ron McNair played the saxophone, attained a black belt in Karate, and was a member of the Bahá'í Faith. He lost his life, along with the other 6 Challenger astronauts, on January 28, 1986. He was 36 years old when he died.

In what year did the Columbia disaster occur?

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The Columbia disaster happened on February 1, 2003. This shuttle malfunctioned, and exploded in the sky. There were seven astronauts that lost their lives that day.

What date was the Challenger explosion?

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Space travel and space launching is a very dangerous adventure, and as such, has many crashes. The Challenger explosion, which is one of the worst, was on January 28, 1986.