


While known for their presence on the sidelines of football and basketball games, cheerleaders are athletes, capable of complex stunts and tumbling. Ask questions about this sport here.

500 Questions

How do you perform a standing back handspring?

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lean back put your hands on the ground then flip over BUT OMG DONT TRY THIS WITH OUT A SPOT learn to do a back bend first then just jump its easy

Where can you get the cheer uniforms from Bring it on?

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you can get it at cheer leading web site they have cheer uniforms their.

What does g3fca2a mean in cheer athletics?

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This appears to mean:glory

friends, family forever

Cheer Athletics

Above all

What has more injuries gymnastics or cheerleading?

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In all sports cheerleading reports the most fatal injuries.

In womes sports, cheerleading is still in the lead, folowed by gymnastics

What is the difference between a middle split and a straddle?

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A straddle consists of at-the-money puts and calls that expire on the same date. Strangles consist of out-of-the-money puts and calls that expire on the same date.

Straddles are lower-risk plays than strangles are. You know the stock is going to change price, and if it changes at all one of your options will go in-the-money and can be exercised. (If you've got a stock that really swings back and forth, and you're watching the straddle carefully, it's possible to cash in on both options by exercising them as they go in-the-money.) With a strangle, there's a gap between the two options where both of them are out-of-the-money and it's possible for both options to expire worthless.

The advantage of straddles: the near certainty that one of the two options will go in-the-money.

The advantage of strangles: out-of-the-money options are A LOT cheaper than at-the-money ones. An at-the-money put will run you between 8 and 10 percent of the stock's value--if you're buying an ATM put on Apple, which is over $300 per share right now, you'll pay over $30 per share in premium.

What does cheerleading consist of?

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This is another web page by cheerjulia. The elements of cheer leading are stunts, cheers, dances and jumps. The stunts can be easy or complicated! For the youth division, you might learn thigh stands, preps, cradles and twist ups. Others might learn the mummy, twist downs, extensions, ball backs and back hand springs into stunts These all take a lot of hard work. The cheers are very important also! You must focus on your volume ( Turn it up until your lungs break!), speaking clearly and putting the jumps, stunts, and dance moves together with your words. The dance is all about synchronization, how you PUNCH out you motions and the difficulty of the moves. Lastly the jumps are about height, pointing your toes and the difficulty of you jumps. Some jumps are the toe touch, pike, hurdlers and spread eagles. These are just a few of the main elements of cheer leading! Check out my message board and other answered cheer leading and gymnastics questions. Remember, I'm Julia, the cheerleader and gymnast. Put it together it's cheerjulia!

When is CMT airing Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders making the team 2011-2012?

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Indications are that the first episode of "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team 6" will air Thursday, October 20, 2011 in primetime.

Why do you think cheerleaders are dumb?

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Some may be, but this is just a stereotype. There are smart cheerleaders out there, and don't think that just because you see one that he or she is dumb; it's just a stereotype.


Actually, cheerleaders have to maintain a GPA of about a 2.0-2.5 and many have higher GPA's than that... So that cheerleaders are stupid is just a stereotype


Im 16 and a cheerleader in out school.Its true if wer stupid and dumb we woulda been kicked out from cheer cause we have to maintain a certain grade like in our school we cant have 2 D's or failures cuz if we do we get kicked out.Some just have to sit out if somethings up.

BUT there are some stupid ones but not in class or anythng just plain girl trying to get attention.


Different types of tumbling that you might use in cheerleading?

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Round Off, Front Walkover, Back Walkover, Front Handspring, Back Handspring, Front Tuck(Punch Front), Back Tuck, Layout, Full. NEVER Tumble or try any of these skill unless a trained professional is spotting you.

What are some funny Cheerleading jokes?

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You might be good at football you might be good at track but when it comes to basketball you might as well step back

riding on a donkey sitting on a cactus we think your team needs a little practice jump in the tub pull out the plug look at ur team scrub-a-dub-dub

What is the code to super in pom pom squad?

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barbie pom pom squad

What are the categories of cheerleading?

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There are three main typed of cheer:

Recreational cheerleading, which is more for local football teams and does not involve much skill at all. you can do this without having any experience.

Allstar Cheerleading, which is for people who really have a desire to cheer. This type of cheer is not cheap. Allstar cheer involves alot (tumbling, jumps, dance, stunting). At least, a basic understanding of cheerleading would help if you are pursuing allstar cheer. There are 5 levels for allstar cheer.

College/Highschool Cheer, which is for well, high school and college kids. Some high schools and colleges offer a competition team, but most offer atleast a more recreational team. Sometimes these teams tumble, but if it is recreational and not as intense, they mostly cheer and stunt. Competitive college teams have another level (level 6).

How cool are cheerleaders?

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Asked by Gsugurl640

cheerleaders are the coolest people in the world.

What are male cheerleaders called?

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male cheerleaders wear a shirt and shorts. Like in this picture:

What is team characteristics?

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A team is a group of people who work together to accomplish a goal. The team will practice, polish, support, or even guide each other in order to finish the task at hand.

What stunts are legal for middle school cheerleading?

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The same stunts that are legal for high schools are legal for middle school. General rules includ: no more than two persons high, basket tosses allowed only on mats, grass, or rubberized tracks, no backward inversions, forward inversions must remain in motion and the flyer must remain in contact with either two bases or two posts. For more rules you can visit the AACCA website. Competitions however have varying rules for each level, so if you are competing you should check the rules for each individual competition.

What does it mean to be a cheerleader to the community?

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By showing school spirit. By always acting nicely and following the rules. Always be a good sport at other schools.

How do you put in a cheerleading bow?

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before you try it you need to stretch your left leg ALOT ! when you are flexible enouph you kick your left leg up kind of to your head and catch your foot at the top. so it almost look like you are holding your foot at first. then , you put your right hand on your left foot with your fingers facing forward, once you grip your left foot well you can put your left hand (the hand that was holding the foot first ) and slip your hand in front of your leg and pull your leg close to the left side of your head. it should turn out looking like your hand and left leg making the shape of a bow and arrow.some cheerleaders just put their hand in the back of their leg and hold it out if they arent flexible enouph to do it the right way yet. (other way is more impressive)

*make sure to put that right hand in front and hold your arm out and usually spread your fingers, point, or make a fist)

How can you make it in cheer tryouts?

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to pass the tryouts, practice, practice, practice. also make sure of the following things:

  • MOTIONS: Tight, sharp motions. no spaghetti arms, no loose wrists, hands in fists/blades, tight knees, punch the motions.
  • JUMPS: the thing that makes a jump look good is the sharpness and tightness of the jump. tight arms, straight legs and pointed toes. before you start the jump, go on your toes to get the height and balance. no arms flying everywhere, keep your head and torso up, and make sure to land on your toes and roll off the balls of your feet to reduce the noise and the risk of ankle injuries. the landing position is a squatting position. always clean. don't loose balance on the landing.
  • DANCING: Tight, sharp motions, rhythm, facials...
  • CHEERING: tight, sharp motions. project your voice. don't scream, and don't whisper. you should be getting the air from your stomach and using your voice from there.
  • STUNTING: everyone in the group should show strength and stability, as well as flexibility. no talking/laughing while stunting, and all should be working together.
  • TUMBLERS: get a good, clean running start. straight legs and pointed toes. don't loose balance on the landing. always clean.
  • ALWAYS SMILE!!!! nobody likes a dead cheerleader. always show enthusiasm and smiles!! as a matter of fact, that is the most important thing in cheerleading. ;)

How have cheerleading uniforms facilities and equipment changed?

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Cheerleading uniforms have changed dramatically over the years. The biggest way they have changed is the size and fit. Uniforms used to be somewhat modest and bigger on the cheerleaders.

Can you be a cheerleader if you can't do a back handspring?

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it depends where u want to cheer. for grade school squads a back handspring is not required. however, once u get into the high school level it depends on whether the squad competes or not. in college a back handspring is most likely going to be required, if not something greater, such as a round off back handspring back tuck or layout

What is the stunt for level one cheerleading?

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A thigh stand

How much does a dallas cowboy cheerleader make a year?

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According to a November 2010 piece posted on, the Cowboys Cheerleaders now receive $150 per game.

What was cheerleading called when it first started?

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long socks, long skirts & no bellies shown. not as sexy & revealing as today :]

What does senior 4.2 in cheer leading mean?

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It means senior level 4 stunts and level 2 tumbling. (backhandspring, round off backhandspring)