



Questions about the game of Chess. Electronic versions of chess may be asked about here, as a second category, but would be more appropriately placed in a Video Games category.

500 Questions

Other name for chess game?

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Asked by Tanassbgp5961

Another name for a chess game might include "immortal game" or even Scholar's Mate.

How do you place 6 queens and 6 knights in a chess board without clashing?

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Asked by Wiki User

On her color. On e1 for white and e8 for black.

What is a corner chess piece called?

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Asked by Wiki User

when you say corner chess piece, do u mean the piece tht starts in the four corners of the chess board, if so then that is called a rook.

Tips on how to be a best chess player?

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Asked by Wiki User

A chess computer or online game is a good way to learn the moves. To improve, you should paly against players who are better than you are and observe how they try to beat you. After friendly games, players can point out to each other what their plans were and how they put them into practice.

You can also read books and articles on chess tactics and strategy. There are chess problems and commentary in the US Chess Federation's monthly magazine, Chess Life.

Is the horse the knight in chess?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your asking how the Knight moves, it moves three squares in one move, two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontilly. Forwards or backwards.

What is it called in chess when it is your opponets turn but he can't move because the king is in check if he moves but he only has two pieces king and pawn and his pawn can't move or attack?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you or your opponent cannot make any legal move and the king is NOT in check, it is called stalemate and the game is a draw.

Can you kill the king without saying check?

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Asked by Wiki User

You never take the king. You say check to alert the person their king is in danger. If they can block, move, or capture to get out of check, the game continues. If they can't it's checkmate and you've won.

How does a Bishop in chess capture?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Bishop captures the same way any other pieces captures, by making a legal move to another square occupied by an opponent's piece. A bishop moves as many spaces as it can along a diagonal line of squares until it comes to either an opponent's or his own piece. It may not jump over another piece and may not land on the square of a color that is different than the one it was on when the game started.

Do I reheat a frozen chess pie?

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Asked by Wiki User

What does pat mean on chess game?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pat means stalemate in Chess. Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves. A stalemate ends the game in a draw.

Can you block the king if it's on check mate?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm pretty sure if you take his king and he doesn't know he is in checkmate, it would spark a fight. Just get someone who knows the game to referee, so the guy would know that he's a loser. Answer The rule of the game is that when a player places another player in a state of checkmate it is announced - so a person should always know that he is in checkmate. By tradition, a king is never taken.

The correct announcement of "Checkmate" ends the game. To actually take the King would be considered rude and insulting in some circles.

How many men are there on a chess board at the start of a game?

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Asked by Wiki User

The game of chess begins with two kings on the board, one for each side. Neither side can ever have more than one king on the board, nor can either side ever have fewer than one king on the board. The king is the essence of the game. When one of the kings is checkmated, the game is over.

What is a zugzwang?

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Asked by Bobo192

Zugzwang describes a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious, often decisive, disadvantage. This word comes from the German meaning "compulsion to move" and it's just that - it's your move and you have to move. Whether you want to or not. You have no choice. You cannot skip your turn. It has application in other games, but it is commonly associated with chess. In the chess world, particularly in a close endgame, it can mean having to give up a chance to win and to have to accept a draw, or it can mean having to give up a draw and having to accept a loss. Any who "push wood" on a regular basis know the in's and out's of the application of this term well. Wikipedia has a article posted, and a link is provided.

Can a king attack the piece that put it in check?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it can, as long as it doesn't put the king in check.

PS, it's "capture", not "kill".

In chess and you have one piece left what happens after 15 moves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nothing. You may be thinking of the 50-move rule, where if 50 moves happen without a capture or a Pawn move, the game is a draw.

What is deep blue chess computer speciality?

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Asked by Wiki User

The chess playing computer does not explain how it makes it decisions, does not give interviews, does not sign autographs, and does not do anything other than play chess with superlative skill.

How is chess different from other board games?

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Asked by Wiki User

Kings in chess are different than kings in feudalism because in feudalism, the king has ultimate power, even though he may sometimes be poor because he gave out too many fiefs to the knights in exchange for protection. However, in chess, the king has almost no power at all; he can only move one space at a time unless the rook is Castling it. (Castling is when one rook has not moved any spaces at all yet, so the king is allowed one extra square to move.) It's also different because the Rook (or Castle) did not really 'attack' people, it just helped defend the king and serfs. (serfs are people almost like slaves, but they own a house and work on a fief for a knight. Their land can never be taken away from them.)

Why is there a cross on the king piece in chess?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pieces in chess all represent opposing kingdoms as would have been involved in wars of the distant past. The rooks (chariots), knights, bishops, and pawns represent the allied forces within a realm. In some early forms of chess, the queen was actually a weak piece with the same movement as the king. Later changes in the rules of movement made her the most powerful of the pieces.

The queen can move in the same manner as do rooks and bishops. This makes her powerful in attacks. But like all the other pieces, she is still used to protect the king.

What does check mean in chess?

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Asked by Wiki User

A founded check is when a piece in the middle of the king and the piece moves away.

If a player touches one of his chessmen in chess what must he must do?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to USCF rules, you must move the piece.

In the event that the player verbally indicates "j'adoube" (I adjust) or simply "adjust" prior to touching the piece, the player is allowed only to reposition a piece within its square.

Can any piece kill any piece in chess?

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Asked by Wiki User

The capture of the King is the penultimate goal in the game of chess .

How many squares are there on one side of a checker board?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 16 chess pieces on side of a chess board. Each player receives the same number of pieces and must eliminate the other player's king to win.

Can you take the chess piece that has you in check with the king?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, but only if that results in you not being in check anymore. For instance, if it is the one that is checking you.

When your king is in check, your only option is to stop the king from being taken. Otherwise, the game is over and you've lost.

There are three ways to stop the king from being taken: move the king out of check; block the piece that has attacked the king; or -- here's the answer to your question -- capture the piece that has attacked the king.

Any of your pieces that is able to do so, including the king itself, may capture the attacking piece.