

College Finance

Student loans, scholarships and grants oh my! Financing a college education can be both hectic and confusing at times. Find out the answers to your college financing questions here.

500 Questions

Is a divorced father obligated to pay for college in Indiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you were order by the court to pay child support, that support will continue until the child either graduates college or stops attending. I do not believe the court can order you to pay for college. However, as a father you should be willing to help.

How did Sonia Sotomayor pay for college?

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Sonia Sotomayor attended Princeton University and Yale Law School on full scholarships.

Factors affecting financial performance?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many factors are affecting our financial performance. One of the most important factor is global political issue. Global political issue effect our financial activities such as banking, business, corporate business, multinational business etc. Even it is also effecting our employment.

Can you get money back on your taxes if you pay for college out of you pocket?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is only deductible if you are already in the field and can relate the courses to your current work. If you actually get money back on your taxes is an entirely different issue.

What is Asset Reconciliation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asset Reconcilation means reconcilation of asset, verifying the asset with the available cash.

How do I apply for the scholarship for World War 1 grandchildren great-grandchildren?

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Asked by Wiki User app 0305 13-1420121017.pdf

Can the state make you pay for college for your child?

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Asked by Wiki User

Once your child is 18, he's on his own. Unless you are divorced and college was included in the divorce decree.

Top 20 richest cameroonians?

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Asked by Wiki User

The richest cameroonain is marcquiso.

Can Oprah help you pay for college?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hey my name is Lewis Rogers, I want to know can Oprah help me pay for college. Im sending in a letter to briefly explain why.

How can you pay for college?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way is to apply for student loans. You can also apply for scholerships. Another idea is to first go to a comunity college for a couple of years and work after school to save money, then when you have a good amount of money you can find a college.

Free sample of a hardship letter?

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Asked by Wiki User

A hardship letter is a detail explanation of your financial hardship explaining the details of your situation. It should be genuine, and honest with every detail.

Writing hardship letters does not have to be difficult, but you need to know what your lender is looking for. Many homeowners simply do not understand the basics of writing an effective hardship letter and this is costing them their homes.

Here are some main points in Writing a hardship letter are:1. Subject Line Request - Right off the bat let the loss mitigator know what you are requesting.

2. Brevity - Don't let your financial hardship letter go on for page after page. Keep it as short as possible.

3. Personal - Let the loss mitigator get to know you and your circumstances.

4. Clarity - Get your points across in the clearest possible way and then provide a summary.

5. Information - Make sure you leave nothing out of your financial hardship letter. Attach important information such as bank statements, cash flow documents, income tax statements, letters of reference, etc.

6. Be Appreciative - The person reading this financial hardship letter did not get you into this mess but he or she is the one that can help you out of it. So be thankful and humble in your tone.

The hardship letter is not the only tool in your chest for a financial reprieve but it is by far one of the most important. So make it your prime instrument when dealing with the bank and get it in soon.


Do the Navy SEALs pay for college?

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Asked by Wiki User

The US Navy has programs that can help one get a college education, most notable is the GI Bill that all military personnel can participate in.

How can you convert percentage to CGPA?

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Asked by Wiki User

Divide the percentage mark by 10 and add 0.75 to it.


For a 70% score, divide 70 by 10 to get 7.

Then add 0.75 to get 7.75.

For CBSE Board Exams:

There is a online CGPA to Percentage converter according to grading system in Class X, which is available at the link below.

What do you do to pay for college?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most people take out student loans in order to pay for college. To apply for student loans and federal grants, students should complete a FAFSA application on

Why do you have to pay for college?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because it is an investment, and you are supposed to get a return on the resources you use to get a degree. Also, someone has to pay the teachers, build the buildings, and keep the power and water on. If nobody had to pay for college, then a college degree would be worth a lot less, because there would be a surplus of degrees, and demand would plummet. It's just a part of life.