

Colorectal and Colon Cancer

Cancer that begins in the colon or large intestine is called colon cancer. Cancer that begins in the rectum is called rectal cancer. Cancer that starts in either of these organs may also be called colorectal cancer.

500 Questions

Which cancer of the cells of the epithelium spreads quickly to other body systems?

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Yes it is one of the fastest spreading types of cancers. Depending on where the primary cancer is dictates where its spread to. The only cancer that I know off hand that spreads faster is small cell lung cancer. Merkle cell also spreads far but is very radiosensitive. Squamous is too, but not so much and its quicker to spread. If its a squamous cell skin cancer just have it excised and if needed followed up with chemo and/or radiation, it doesnt metastasize as quickly as if it were inside an organ.

What are some problems with a virtual colonoscopy?

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some patients might still require the regular colonoscopy as a follow-up to the virtual procedure if a polyp or abnormality is found that requires biopsy.

Where is cervical region?

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There are two answers. First, the cervix is the connecting point between the vagina and the uterus, so the cervical region in this context is within the vagina. Second, the cervical spine is the seven vertebrae that make up the neck, so the cervical region in this context is the neck.

Can having a colon cleanse hurt you?

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It depends on how often you do it and the method you use. If you're talking about a colonic, they don't cause any longterm effects as long as you don't do them too often. If you have colonics too often, then it can cause the muscles used in defecating to cease functioning correctly, and you will be unable to defecate normally.

Where does colon cancer usually first metastasize?

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As the malignant cells work their way to other areas of the body, they again become locally invasive in the new area to which they have spread. These tumor deposits, originating in the colon primary tumor, are then known as metastases.

What are the ingredients for a colon cleanse?

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During a colon cleanse there are a few things that are passed. Hardened fecal matter, undigested waste, and parasites are a few of the things that can be passed.

What hormonal drug therapy can a prostate cancer patient be given after orchiectomy?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Medications that prevent the production of testosterone: [goserelin or leuprolide acetate]); radiation treatment; chemotherapy.

Why are people affected by colon cancer?

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§Small polyps were not discovered before they become cancerous.

§Diets high in fat, alcohol, protein, calories, and red and white meat. Colon cancer is more common in the U.S. and other Western countries where people eat foods high in saturated fat and low in fiber.

§Not eating foods rich in fiber. Dietary fiber is thought to protect against colon cancer because fiber-rich food is digested faster. Therefore undigested food remains in the colon for a longer period of time.

How long does radiation for cancer stay in the body?

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Asked by Wiki User

for pain from bone metastasis a treatment of 1 fraction, this means 1 session of approx. 10mins can be applied. For curative (with the intention to cure a cancer, e.g. neck, lungs, prostate) treatment up to around 40 sessions can be applied, 5 sessions per week... this means up to around 8 weeks.

What are some causes for elevated alkphosphatase?

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Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme present in a very wide variety of tissues. As you might suspect, it may be elevated for a correspondingly wide variety of reasons, some clinically relevant, others benign. In the absence of additional context, it would be a disservice to lead you down a path that suggests what the elevation may or may not be associated with. This underscores the importance of consulting a physician or other health professional, and asking them questions as they evaluate your laboratory values in the context of your medical history, etc.

What is the Best diet to prevent colon cancer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lots of veggies; raw carrots, raw salads, cooked beans, chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, brown rice, potatoes. Eat red meat once a week or none if you can live without it it's better for you, the reason is we want our bodies to be alkaline (red meat is acidic) cancer and disease thrives in a body that is acidic. We all do have inactive cancer cells in our bodies, they become active in an unhealthy acid body.

When was colonoscopy invented?

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Ferdorico Portogalis in 1937 it was made and in 1978 it was pleaded safe for humans

Is a colonoscopy performed if a woman has her periods?

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It depends on the indication (reason) for which the colonoscopy is being performed. If it is a simple screening colonoscopy then it is advised to wait until the period is over. The reason is that colonoscopy has a risk for perforation and bleeding. Bleeding from a perforated colon in addition to bleeding from the period may lead to a tremendous blood loss.

What is the spread of cancerous cells to other parts of an idividual's body?

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The movement of cancer cells from one tumor to other areas is called metastasis.

How often should a man have a colonoscopy?

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About every 10 years if nothing found abnormal.

If required sooner, your physician will inform you.

Will a colonoscopy detect celiac disease?

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I know an endoscopy will ,but I'm not sure about a colonoscopy . I hope i helped.

Is Fibroadenoma with Fibrocystic Change Cancerous?

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It is possible; continue to have regular mammograms.

How many Chemo treatments are given for rectal cancer at stage four?

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Chemotherapy is administered for stage IV disease

Is enriched pasta OK to eat before having a colonoscopy?

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For any colonoscopy, you must spend one full day with no solid food of any kind, the day before the procedure (Jell-o works to fill the gap, though). But prior to that day of fasting, you can pretty much eat normally.

To be honest it depends a lot on the protocol of the hospital that you're with. Some hospitals specify only "clear fluids" for three days before a colonoscopy, and laxatives, whereas other hospitals' specify a normal diet, with a lot of laxatives the day beforehand. It's best to consult your gastroenterologist, or the information that you were (probably) provided with pre-investigation, to find out what the protocol is.

One of the most commonly followed procedures today is nothing but clear liquids a full day before (Jello qualifies as a "clear liquid") and beginning about 4 PM that day, the ingestion of a half-gallon of Mirilax, which has no taste. The procedure is constantly being improved and modified to make it easier for all concerned, but the procedural directives for the place where yours will be done are the ones you should follow.