


Comets are small solar system bodies that orbit around the Sun. They have a tail (trail of light) when traveling in space.

500 Questions

What is a space object formed from dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water methane and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the sun?

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A space object formed from dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia that forms a bright coma as it approaches the sun is a comet.

Do all-stars have oort clouds?

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Yes, all-stars are believed to have Oort clouds, which are vast regions of icy bodies at the outer edge of a star system. Just like our own Sun has an Oort cloud, other stars are also likely to have similar structures that contain remnants of their formation.

Are there any comets other than Halleys comet?

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Yes, there are many comets other than Halley's comet. Comets are icy bodies that orbit the Sun and often have elongated orbits that bring them close to the Sun. Some well-known comets include Hale-Bopp, Comet NEOWISE, and Comet Lovejoy.

What travels in long cigar-shaped path around the sun?

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A comet travels in a long cigar-shaped path around the sun. Comets are icy bodies that release gas and dust as they approach the sun, creating a glowing coma and tail. These objects have highly elliptical orbits that can take them far out into the solar system before swinging back close to the sun.

When is Haleys comet in 2010?

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Halley's Comet was last seen in 1986 and won't be visible again until 2061.

Does the hallie's comet come on May 6 2010?

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From Wikipedia: "Halley's Comet ... is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. ... Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061."

You will be able to see other comets, though.

How does comet Halley's orbital speed change as it orbits the sun?

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Comet Halley's orbital speed changes as it orbits the sun due to gravitational forces. As it approaches the sun, its speed increases, reaching its fastest point at perihelion (closest approach to the sun). After perihelion, its speed decreases as it moves away from the sun.

When is the next comet hitting the earth?

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There are currently no known comets on a collision course with Earth. Astronomers continuously monitor near-Earth objects to assess any potential impacts, and the chances of a large comet striking Earth in the foreseeable future are considered extremely low.

What is the name of one comet myth?

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One comet myth is the belief that comets were seen as omens of great events, such as wars or natural disasters, in various ancient cultures.

What is a mass of gases dust particles and stars located in space called?

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simple and easy a comet a comet has a solid center nucleus that contains rock particles trapped in frozen liqud

this forms the tail: as it moves closer to the sun the "outer ice" turns to gas and the solid particles (pieces) turn to dust

Which stage comes first in the life cycle of a high-mass star?

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The stage that comes first in the life cycle of a high-mass star is the main sequence stage. During this stage, the star fuses hydrogen into helium in its core, maintaining a balance between radiation pressure and gravity.

What would be an advantage of locating a moon colony in an area where ice deposits from impacting comets have collected?

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Locating a moon colony near ice deposits from impacting comets would provide a nearby water source that could be used for drinking, growing food, and producing oxygen for life support. It would reduce the need to transport water from Earth or extract it from other sources on the moon.

What tools do scientists use to study asteroids and comets?

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Scientists use telescopes, including ground-based and space-based ones like Hubble, to study asteroids and comets. Spacecraft missions, such as NASA's OSIRIS-REx and ESA's Rosetta, are also used to perform close-up studies and sample collection from these celestial bodies. Spectroscopy, radar imaging, and infrared observations are common techniques used to analyze their composition and characteristics.

Why are there not meteors in craters caused by meteor strikes?

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Meteors burn up in Earth's atmosphere before reaching the surface, so they do not make it into the craters caused by meteor strikes. The impact of a meteor creates a crater, but the meteor itself does not remain intact to be found within the crater.

Do comets have highly elliptical orbits around the sun?

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Yes, comets typically have highly elliptical orbits around the Sun, which means they have elongated shapes instead of being circular. This eccentricity in their orbits is what allows them to come closer to the Sun at some points in their trajectory and then move far away into the outer solar system.

What is the frozen portion of a comet?

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The frozen portion of a comet consists mainly of ice, including water ice, carbon dioxide ice (dry ice), and various other frozen gases and compounds. This frozen portion makes up the nucleus of the comet, which is surrounded by a cloud of gas and dust when the comet is active.

What comet is known as The Great Comet of 1997?

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Comet Hale-Bopp is known as The Great Comet of 1997. It was one of the brightest and most widely observed comets of the 20th century. People around the world could see it with the naked eye for over 18 months.

How often does Halley's Comet appear and where and when will it be seen again?

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Halley's Comet appears roughly every 76 years. It was last visible from Earth in 1986 and is projected to next be visible in 2061. The comet can be seen from various locations on Earth, depending on its orbit and visibility during its return.

If earth had no atmosphere would comets still be visible from its surface?

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Asked by Livmister

Comets would still be visible from Earth's surface even if there was no atmosphere. Comets are typically bright, icy bodies that reflect sunlight, making them visible in the night sky regardless of the presence of an atmosphere. However, without an atmosphere, the lack of air would not scatter sunlight, allowing for potentially clearer views of comets.

What years has Halley's comet appeared?

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Halley's comet was last seen in the year 1986. It is seen after every 75 to 76 years, having a relatively stable period affected by Jupiter and Saturn. It can be observed for three or four months before, and several months after its closest approach to the Sun.

It will next be visible to the naked eye in July 2061.

What are the rocky planets in order of their distance from the sun?

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In order of their distance from the sun, the rocky planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

Described as a dirty snowball what is composed of ice frozen gases and rock?

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A dirty snowball is a comet, which is composed of ice, frozen gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia), and rock. When a comet travels close to the Sun, the heat causes the ices to vaporize, creating the tail that we see from Earth.

What would be an advantage of locating a moon colony in an area where ice deposits from impacting comets may have collected?

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One advantage of locating a moon colony in an area with ice deposits is the potential to extract water for human consumption, oxygen production, and fuel generation. Access to water on the moon reduces the need to transport it from Earth, making the colony more self-sufficient and sustainable.

What is the name of the cloud with frozen comets that is by Pluto?

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The cloud of frozen comets that surrounds Pluto is called the Kuiper Belt.

Kohoutek one of its kind was studied by men in space?

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Comet Kohoutek was a well-known comet that passed through our solar system in 1973. It was studied extensively by astronauts aboard the Skylab space station during its mission. The observations helped scientists gain insights into the composition and behavior of comets.