What is the best swords and sandals character build?
you can go for two types of gladiators, you can have the strength, or the agility. when you mix both it doesn't always work. you want one of those to be your main stat, and you also want attack. defence is a little bit less important, and you need vitality when it comes to tournaments, and stamina is very important to becuase you dont want to be resting every other turn. in my opinion magicka and charisma are completely pointless but if you want them go for it.
How do you get to the monastery in Diablo 2?
If you don't have any waypoints, then you just need to go through each of the fields until you reach it. The most difficult part would probably finding your way through the underground passage, but you haven't seen anything until act 2.
Where can you get diablo 2 free?
There are currently no stores handing out diablo 2 for free. the only way to get it for free is to steal it, and plus its been out so long the price is very low. I would consider buying it because its a great game.
Where should you power level for diablo 2?
levels 15-20 do Tomb runs in Canyon of act 2 norm
levels 20-25 do Chaos Sanctuary runs after River of Flame of act 4 norm
levels 25-50 or 55 do Baal runs for quest 'Kill Baals minions' of act 5 norm
levels 50-60 Move on to nightmare or hell difficulties and follow 'Chaos runs'
levels 60-85 These levels are best done in hell on 'Baal runs'
But you can always buy lvling service.
What is a CD key for diablo ii and diablo ii lord of destruction?
you can either get key gens for the keys or look online under google web search and type in "Diablo 2 CD Keys" or "Diablo 2 LOD CD Keys". Im sure that will come up with some cd keys that are used for diablo 2 and diablo 2 lod.
What is the best character to build in diablo 2?
Why is the game Diablo 2 so played?
Because it's the 3rd part of the best Hack&Slash game Diablo, and awesome Diablo 2. Blizzard promised 3rd part to be at least as good as 2nd.
there is no god mode in diablo 2 closed battle.net you can use hacks to get over powerd heros and gear like hero editor for offline and open battle net
Can 2 people play diablo 2 with one disk?
Yes. Start the game on one PC, then remove the disk and use it to start the game on the other PC.
How do you make diablo 2 druid?
You click create new character at the bottom left corner and the druid is the last one.
open console type "tgm" Voila! God Mode! Yeah, that's Morrowind.
How do you get wirts leg in diablo 2?
Wirts dead body is laying in Tristram along side of the river. Tristram is accessed thru the Pentagram in the stoney field. It is also where you rescue Decard Cain. When you click on wirts dead body it will pop out along with a bunch of gold.
good luck
How do i change character's skills in Diablo 2?
to add characters in diablo 2 lord of destuction first, sign in to your account then on the bottom of the screen it should say create character click on it then select your character then type your name then start killing noobs
How do you get high runes in diablo 2?
run cs alot and sell the drops to people. i use my druid for mf only because he has 290 mf but you should look into a hdin or a sorc for consideration
How do you defeat diablo on diablo 2?
lol you beat it by killin diablo in act 4 no, on the left side of the pentagram - the star - is a little bit of wall sticking out. if you can get diablo on one side you can use magic or arrows or any long range weopon to hit him through the wall. and the best part is hes too stupid to do anything about it . just dont hire anyone or hell chase him out of the corner and kill you.be shure to have plenty of rejuvination potions just in case.one more thing easiest to kill diablo with amazon because of her magic arrows and spears . hope this helps.
How can you download diablo 2 onto your laptop?
u buy a CD key off d2 items.com and then download the game off of blizzards web site. make sure u have a account. i play to by the way. my acc name is imgonnaeatu
How do you switch diablo 2 single player characters to battlenet?
To use battle.net, you need three things.
1. A set of installation CDs
2. A unique set of CD-Keys (located on the CD-Cover)
3. A connection to the internet.
If you install the game with unique cd-keys, you should be able to connect to battle.net and enjoy the multi-player aspects of the game =)
Where to buy diablo 2 classic items?
To sell things in Dragonfable, all you have to do is got to any shop, click buy/shop and at the top of the menu, it will say sell. Click it, select and items to see the selling price, and click sell again if you want to sell it.
How can i play diablo 2 on Windows Vista?
I have recently installed my old copy of Diablo II and the Lord of Destruction expansion on my Windows 7 machine. I am running a 512MB dedicated DirectX 11 video card and there was only the issue of the older DirectX drivers refusing to ovewrite the newer ones. I ignored the DirectX upgrade and I had a notice that reported that there were known compatibility issues with the game and Windows 7... I ignored it and played it anyway. There seems to be no problems at all.
Although, when I attempted to do this some time ago, the game would refuse to play and I was pulling my hair out trying to get it to work. I guess there must have been either an issue with the game version or a fix with a recent Windows Update. The one that works at the moment is version 1.10 of both installs.
My suggestion is this... install the game completely followed by the expansion (if you decide to) then get a hold of any of the update patches available AFTER it is all installed. DO NOT update Diablo II before installing the expansion. Whatever patch you find will update both.
1. What operating system are you running? You might need to run a newer version of the O.S. to make that particular application work. 2. How much RAM do you have? You might just need to add more memory. It's relatively easy and inexpensive. 3. Do you have enough VIRTUAL memory? Virtual memory is just disk space that has been set-aside to hold anything that doesn't fit in RAM. Use your command line ( dos prompt ) to run the memory command mem /c followed by mem /p and then mem /d Take note of all running programs. Also, look into your prgram manager Crtl Alt Del to find running programs. Then kill one program at a time and rerun your program to see what program is causing you problems. Most likely, your problem comes from a security or virus program. Once you identified the program that is being unkind, contact the company website for updates and helps. Do not surf the internet without your firewall, security and virus programs running.
How do you insert an item in Diablo?
simply just click on item with left mouse key, don't forget to hold the mouse key down as your drag item to where you want it to go or just right click to instant equip it. ^_^
Diablo 2 how do you get your account back?
you can email blizzard and maybe they will care for you. but blizzard doesnt really care about diablo 2 anymore. there focused on bigger things such as cataclysm