

Documentary Films

Movies or television programs based on fact, often dealing with scientific or educational subject matter

500 Questions

Reaction for the documentation of the inconvenient truth?

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Reaction Paper: An Inconvenient Truth

The documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, by Al Gore is an eye opener and also a wake up call for me. I have heard about global warming before, probably back in grade school but I knew a little about it or I only knew the meaning of the term global warming. The documentary gave me a deeper understanding of what global warming really is and what will be the consequences if we do not do something about it. The way the documentary is presented is very effective. Al Gore defined and described global warming in a way a non-science-loving-environmentalist-geek would understand. Most likely, that would be the reason why it won so many awards.

The documentary showed the basic process of global warming which is the greenhouse gases are trapping the sun's heat in the earth's atmosphere which makes the earth warm. The greenhouse gases are caused by producing too much CO2. When Al Gore compared the old and new photos of the same place, the difference was very obvious. I can clearly see that the glaciers are starting to melt. Al Gore also showed graphs and charts showing that every year the production of CO2 is getting higher also earth's temperature is getting warmer.

Other nations are trying to do something about global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is an amendment to the international treaty on climate change, assigning mandatory emission limitations for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to the signatory nations. The objective of the protocol is the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. Unfortunately, United States did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol even if they are the country with the highest production or emission of CO2. It is just too sad that some US officials are ignoring and neglecting the global warming issue for the...

What is the meaning of inconvenient truth?

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An "inconvenient truth" refers to a fact or piece of information that is difficult or uncomfortable to accept, but is nevertheless true. This term was popularized by the documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth," which focused on climate change and its impact on the environment.

Where can you see An inconvenient truth?

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You can watch "An Inconvenient Truth" on various streaming platforms like Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, Google Play Movies, and iTunes. It might also be available on certain subscription-based streaming services.

What is the name of the National Geographic TV documentary emptying or drying or draining the ocean?

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The documentary is titled "Drain the Oceans" and it explores the hidden secrets and submerged history beneath the world's oceans by digitally draining the water to reveal the landscape below.

Which documentary screened at the 2004 Tribeca Film Festival about the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki quotes Thomas Merton's eponymous poem?

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"The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court" is the documentary that screened at the 2004 Tribeca Film Festival, exploring the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It features Thomas Merton's poem "Original Child Bomb" which reflects on the tragic events and their long-lasting impact.

Walking with dinosaurs was it filmed in new caledonia?

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"Walking with Dinosaurs" was actually filmed in New Zealand, particularly in locations like the Southern Alps and the Macraes Flat gold mine. New Caledonia was not a filming location for this documentary series.

Did Andrea Gordon from National Geographic movie clone die?

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There is no verifiable information about a National Geographic movie involving a cloned character named Andrea Gordon. Could you provide additional details or context?

What is the Frontline documentary on PBS about?

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Frontline airs many different documentaries including subjects like the government, money, education, outdoor activities and so many more.

Is et a real alien?

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If you are thinking about the movie then no it's just a boy in an alien suit. If you want to know if ET was ever discovered in real life then no or I don't think that any scientists have gone and discovered ET from/in a different planet.

What kind of species of penguins were in March of the Penguins?

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The penguins are Emperor penguins, also known asAptenodytes forsteri. They are the tallest and heaviest of any penguin species. They can stand up to about 48 inches tall and weigh up to about 99 pounds.

King penguins look somewhat like Emperors, but Kings are thinner. Kings were not depicted in this documentary, but Kings have similar orange markings on their heads.

Documentary films vs the books?

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Asked by Wiki User

Documentary can be explained as documentation of reality . in a documentary the theme or subject taken in completely real or based on real incidents , here a story is not plotted or the set , everything is shot when seen , an terrifically set is not created to shot these films , whilie films have got a story , which maybe a complete fiction - ibs

Is bowling in columbine a film?

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As nearly as I can determine there is no film titled "Bowling in Columbine". There is, however, a Michael Moore film titled "Bowling for Columbine" where he portrays his views on the reasons for the Columbine shootings.

When was The Documentary created?

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The Donner Party - documentary - was created in 1992.

Was dalia hernandez really pregnant during filming of apocalypto?

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Did dalia Hernandez really gave birth of her real child in the movie apocalyto?

What website lets you download films for free?

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Asked by Wiki User

Limewire is one of them. It is a safe free download from the internet just type it in to google. You can get music off there aswell. hope this helped :)

I have gotten lime wire it infected my computer i have Ares it lets you download movies music of any kind

Where is Shanae Owens from Girlhood documentary?

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Well not completely sure of where she is HOWEVER, she is going to be speaking at CCBC-Essex Campus on April 29. They have her listed as Shanae Watkins.

What does style of a movie mean?

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A film style is a recognizable group of conventions used by filmmakers to add visual appeal, meaning, or depth to their work. It can encompass every aspect of film; dialogue, cinematography, attitude...etc

Best documentary sites?

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Asked by FlipDall

Some good free documentaries online include "The Story of Stuff," "Drone On" and "Gearing Up." You can learn more about these documentaries and watch them online at the Top Documentary Films website.

Do you italicize documentary titles?

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There are several methods to indicate that a collection of words is a title. They are, in order of preference: • Set the title in italics, as in: The Bridge over the River Kwai, this is the preferred method • Set the title within quotation marks, "The New York Times" • Set the title in all capital letters; this is done when italics are unavailable: LITTLE WOMEN • The least-preferred method is to use an underscore; in a word-processing program, this can generally be found under "type/font/style" or in a similar location depending upon the application; on a typewriter, one must first type the title, then backspace to the beginning of the title and add the underscores (Shift key and hyphen key, pressed simultaniously).

What is inconvenience?

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a little bit "put out" slightly bothered a bit annoying i.e. When I need to drive ten miles to a grocery store because the one closest to me has closed, it is an inconvenience. But, it's not the end of the world. An inconvenience is usually a minor thing.

What are the release dates for A Short History of the Highrise - 2013?

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TINY A Story About Living Small - 2013 was released on:

USA: 9 March 2013 (South by Southwest Film Festival) (premiere)

USA: 22 May 2013 (San Francisco Green Film Festival)

Canada: 28 September 2013 (Edmonton International Film Festival)

USA: 18 October 2013 (Tallgrass Film Festival)

What are two issues discussed in the documentary The inconvenient truth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Its not about forcing my ideas on any other person.

These nouns refer to the quality of being in accord with fact or reality. Truth is a comprehensive term that in all of its nuances implies accuracy and honesty: "We seek the truth, and will endure the consequences" Charles Seymour.

Veracity is adherence to the truth: "Veracity is the heart of morality" Thomas H. Huxley.

Verity often applies to an enduring or repeatedly demonstrated truth: "beliefs that were accepted as eternal verities" James Harvey Robinson.

Verisimilitude is the quality of having the appearance of truth or reality: "merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative" W.S. Gilbert.

If you'll notice that when talking about any issue, whether it the social science behind Pakistani bitterness in the UK to world relief and reasons behind hunger, that people will pipe in with some uneducated negative reply. The natural reaction of course to the truth is one of disdain, hatred and denial because of the various biases and prejudices inherit within each person.

Case in point, when I once mentioned racism and classicism in England which kept in line with some of the comments about why some pakistanis decided to bomb a few trains in London. And I talked about the anguish and feelings from within the Pakistani community and how the bitterness has resulted in very mixed feelings towards the English and, indeed, the west. All of which was taken from notable sources and books written by social scientists. Many of commentors then went on to speak about their own personal experiences, or simply to deny that any form of racism against pakistanis exists in the UK, and some have even gone to lengths at describing the fact that some minorities are also prejudice and do injustice. The problem here is that while all these things may be true to a degree it takes away from the initial conversation and evaluation of how true racism and classicism has led to Pakistani/Muslim bitterness in the UK. This type of denial also places a hold on extending the conversation towards the bitterness of the Israel/palestinian conflict and the Iraqi war which may have also played a role in the suicide bombings and terrorist organizations within Britain.. And so on and so forth.

"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is." (Winston churchill)

thereby, an inconvenient truth is not suited to the comfort level of a certain individuals or groups definition of reality. Although it may, indeed, still be a fact!

How old is Jill Bauer?

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QVC's Jill Bauer is 49 years old (born April 6, 1968).

Documentary producer-director Jill Bauer is about 54 years old (born circa 1963).