


Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is the energy transmitted through space or a material medium in the form of electromagnetic waves. The frequency range of such waves is tremendous, and is shown by the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves include radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light waves, ultraviolet (UV) waves, X-rays, and gamma rays.

500 Questions

Do xrays and gamma rays have higher frequencies than ultraviolet rays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because that term is the name we have given to electromagnetic radiation with

the highest observed frequency. If they had lower frequency, then we would call

them by another name. And if they're called by that name, then they must be rays

of the highest observed frequency, all because that is how we have defined them.

Why is it important to drape the trunk of your body when undergoing an x-ray?

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Asked by Wiki User

Draping the trunk of your body during an x-ray procedure helps to protect sensitive reproductive organs from unnecessary radiation exposure. This extra layer of protection reduces the risk of potential harm to these organs.

How do infra red affect your body?

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Infrared radiation can penetrate the skin and generate heat, which can help increase blood circulation and relax muscles. There is some evidence to support its benefits for pain relief, wound healing, and improving skin condition. However, prolonged exposure to high levels of infrared radiation can cause skin burns and damage.

Who invented the gamma ray?

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Gamma rays were not really "invented" by any one person. They are a form of electromagnetic radiation that exists naturally in the universe. Their discovery is credited to French scientist Paul Ulrich Villard in 1900.

What is an example of infrared radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of infrared radiation is the heat emitted by a warm object, such as a stove or a light bulb. Infrared radiation is also used in thermal imaging cameras to detect heat signatures and in remote controls for electronic devices.

What is the explanation for a feather quilt being so warm on a cold winter night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Feather quilts are warm because the down feathers used in them provide excellent insulation by trapping body heat and creating a layer of warmth. The air pockets within the feathers help regulate temperature and retain heat, making them an excellent choice for cold winter nights.

Why does a white shirt appear white?

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Asked by Wiki User

A white shirt appears white because it reflects all of the visible wavelengths of light, giving it a neutral color perception to our eyes. This means that the shirt is not absorbing any specific colors and is instead bouncing all colors back to our eyes, resulting in the sensation of white.

Which element is blue color when heated?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sky has a blue colour because of the atmosphere, it holds back the red tinted light because it has an too short wavelength to reach your eye. Blue tinted light has, in contrary of the red tinted light, a long wavelength and is being reflected into your eye.

Do electromagnetic spectrum contain magnitict fields?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, the electromagnetic spectrum includes both electric and magnetic fields. These fields are perpendicular to each other and propagate as waves through space. The interaction between electric and magnetic fields gives rise to electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light, radio waves, and X-rays.

Do hotter objects emit more infrared radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, hotter objects emit more infrared radiation according to Planck's law, which describes the relationship between temperature and the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation emitted. As an object's temperature increases, the amount of energy it radiates also increases, with a greater proportion of that energy being emitted in the form of infrared radiation.

How are the different types of electromagnetic radiation similar?

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Asked by Wiki User

All forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light, X-rays, and radio waves, share the property of being composed of photons, which are particles of energy. They also travel at the speed of light and can exhibit wave-particle duality, meaning they can behave as both waves and particles depending on the circumstances.

What electromagnetic wave is located between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation in the visible spectrum?

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Asked by Wiki User

The electromagnetic wave located between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation in the visible spectrum is visible light. This range of wavelengths is visible to the human eye, allowing us to perceive colors and shapes in our environment.

What role did Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect play in the development of the particle-wave interpretation of the nature of electromagnetic radiation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect showed that light behaves as discrete packets of energy called photons, supporting the particle nature of light. This contributed to the development of the particle-wave duality concept, suggesting that electromagnetic radiation can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties.

What distinguishes electromagnetic waves from mechanical waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, while mechanical waves, such as sound waves, require a medium. Electromagnetic waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields, whereas mechanical waves involve vibrations of particles in a medium. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum, while mechanical waves cannot.

Look at the other kinds of electromagnetic radiation Did your three sources agree on any of the wavelength ranges?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, all forms of electromagnetic radiation share the same fundamental properties and obey the same laws of physics, despite varying in wavelength and energy. While the sources may have differed slightly in the specific ranges they attributed to certain types of electromagnetic radiation, there is overall consensus that each form occupies a unique segment of the electromagnetic spectrum based on its wavelength.

Why does electromagnetic waves never deviate in electric and magnetic field?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electromagnetic waves do not deviate in electric and magnetic fields because they are self-propagating disturbances of electric and magnetic fields that are already present in space. As they travel, they create and sustain each other, without being affected by the fields through which they pass. This phenomenon is described by Maxwell's equations.

Can you convert sound waves to light waves or viseversa?

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Asked by Rohitchikkaraddy

While it is not possible to directly convert sound waves to light waves or vice versa, some devices can visually represent sound vibrations through methods like LED lights reacting to sound levels. This doesn't involve converting the actual waves, but rather using visual cues to represent sound intensity.

Are red yellow and green the colors beyond violet light?

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No, red, yellow, and green are not considered colors beyond violet light. Beyond violet light, there are ultraviolet rays, which are not visible to the human eye. Red, yellow, and green are part of the visible spectrum of light.

How are the energy and the frequency of an electromagnetic wave related?

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The energy of an electromagnetic wave is directly proportional to its frequency. This relationship is described by Planck's equation E=hf, where E is the energy of the wave, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency. This means that as the frequency of the wave increases, so does its energy.

Is a infrared wave a form of an electromagnetic radiation?

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Yes, infrared waves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. They have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies than visible light, and are often used in technologies such as remote controls and thermal imaging.

Which group of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest penetrating power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Those are the ones with the highest frequency/shortest wavelength/most energy per photon.

Most . . . gamma rays

Next most . . . X-rays




Least . . . low-frequency radio waves

What is electromagnetic radiation in microwaves?

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Electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range refers to electromagnetic waves with wavelengths between 1 millimeter and 1 meter. Microwaves are commonly used in cooking, communication, and radar applications due to their ability to easily penetrate materials like food and clouds, and their low energy can heat objects without causing chemical changes.

What is the range of wavelengths of ultraviolet light?

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The range of wavelengths for ultraviolet light is typically between 10 to 400 nanometers. This range is further divided into UVA (315–400 nm), UVB (280–315 nm), and UVC (100–280 nm) based on their wavelengths and potential effects on living organisms.

How is energy transferred from the Barnard Star to Earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Energy from Barnard's Star reaches Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation, mainly as light. This energy travels through space and is received by our planet, providing light, heat, and other forms of electromagnetic energy that sustain life on Earth.

What range of wavelengths does UV radiation have?

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Asked by Asdfghjkllllllll

Visible light has a wavelength of 400nm-700nm (from violet to red). Ultraviolet rays which starts immediately after the violet region of visible light have their wavelength from 10nm-400nm.(where nm means nano-meter)