



The scientific theory according to which populations change gradually through a process of natural selection.

500 Questions

RNA may not have been the first hereditary system to develop Explain?

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There are theories that suggest RNA may not have been the first hereditary system to develop on Earth because RNA molecules can be unstable and require specific conditions for replication. Other molecules like peptides or simple proteins may have served as the first hereditary system due to their greater stability and ability to catalyze reactions. The transition from these simpler systems to RNA-based life forms could have occurred over time through a process of chemical evolution.

How are fossils used to oppose the theory of evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fossils are not typically used to oppose the theory of evolution. Instead, they provide evidence that supports the theory by showing the gradual change in species over time. Fossil records demonstrate a progression of life forms that align with the predictions of evolutionary theory.

How does speciation affect evolution?

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Speciation is a key mechanism in evolution as it creates new species with unique characteristics and traits. Over time, these new species can adapt to different environments and evolve independently from their ancestors, leading to greater biodiversity and the development of new species-specific adaptations. This process of speciation plays a crucial role in driving the overall diversity of life on Earth.

Why was Darwin's theory of evolution better than other theories of evolution?

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Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was better than other theories of his time because it provided a mechanism (natural selection) to explain how evolution occurs. It was supported by evidence from various scientific disciplines such as geology, paleontology, and morphology. Additionally, Darwin's theory was able to explain the diversity of life on Earth in a simple and elegant way.

What situation might develop in a population having some plants whose flowers open at midday and other plants that have flowers that open late in the day?

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Asked by Wiki User

In this situation, two distinct groups of pollinators may emerge: one adapted to visiting the midday flowers and another adapted to the late-afternoon flowers. Over time, selection pressure may favor the synchronization of pollinators with the timing of flower openings, potentially leading to the divergence of populations into different time-specific pollination niches.

What is another theory besides the theory of evolution that can't be proven but has strong evidence?

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Asked by Wiki User

One example is the multiverse theory, which proposes the existence of multiple universes beyond our own. While it cannot be proven definitively, it is supported by theoretical physics and observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation.

What race are people from Haiti?

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Asked by Wiki User

The majority of people in Haiti are of African descent, with a small minority being of mixed African and European ancestry.

How do intermediaries provide the evidence that supports evolution?

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Intermediaries, such as fossils and genetic evidence, provide a record of gradual changes over time that support the theory of evolution. Fossils show transitions between different groups of organisms, while genetic evidence reveals similarities in DNA sequences among different species, indicating a common ancestry. Together, these sources of evidence help demonstrate the process of evolution and the relationships between species.

What are five examples of evidence that support the theory of evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Entomologist
  2. Pharyngeal
  3. Vertebrate relationship
  4. Permian
  5. Quaternary

Entomologists, Pharyngeal, and Permians are indirect and are Cambrian. Vertebrate relationships is cross-bred, and Quaterny's are humans.

Hope I helped (: I read it in my textbook ! Like my answer and check your phone screen , you'll see a new backround (; just like my answer please<3 it's right !

How can environmental factors affect evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Environmental factors can drive natural selection by favoring certain traits that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction. This can lead to the evolution of adaptations that are better suited to the specific environmental conditions. For example, changes in temperature, precipitation, food availability, or presence of predators can all influence the direction of evolution in a population.

Body parts in two different animals that are similar in structure are said to be?

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Homologous structures. These structures suggest a common evolutionary ancestry between the two animals, indicating that they have descended from a shared ancestor. Examples include the pentadactyl limb found in many vertebrates, including humans, cats, and whales, illustrating their evolutionary relationship.

What usually has to happen before a population can become 2 different species?

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Asked by AustinLyle

Before a population can become two different species, they must first be isolated from each other for a long period of time, limiting gene flow between them. Over time, the populations will accumulate enough genetic differences that they can no longer interbreed and produce viable offspring, leading to the formation of new species.

If evolution is true why are there still single cell primitive organisms?

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Asked by Wiki User

Evolution is a gradual process that results in the diversification and adaptation of species over time. Single-celled organisms have been successful in their ecological niches and do not necessarily need to evolve into more complex forms to survive. Their simplicity allows them to thrive in a wide range of environments.

Which statements is probably true about the experiments that supposedly proved that spontaneous generation occurs?

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Asked by Wiki User

The experiments that supposedly proved spontaneous generation likely lacked proper controls, used contaminated samples, or made incorrect conclusions. Inaccuracies in the experimental setup or interpretation undermine the validity of the results suggesting spontaneous generation. It is important to critically evaluate the experimental design and methodology to establish the credibility of such claims.

Why are metals in the origin of life?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metals are essential for life because they play crucial roles in biological processes, such as enzyme catalysis, electron transport, and structural stability of biomolecules. In the origin of life, metals could have facilitated the formation of complex organic molecules and acted as catalysts for prebiotic reactions. Additionally, metals are abundant in the Earth's crust and could have been readily available for early life forms to utilize.

Fad diets typically do which?

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Fad diets typically promise quick weight loss results through restrictive or unbalanced eating patterns. They often lack scientific evidence to support their effectiveness or sustainability in the long term, and can lead to nutritional deficiencies or health risks if followed for an extended period.

If two alleles have incomplete dominance what will the resulting phenotype be for an individual who carries one copy of each allele?

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Asked by Wiki User

In incomplete dominance, the phenotype of the heterozygous individual will be intermediate between the two homozygous phenotypes. For example, if one allele leads to red flowers and another allele leads to white flowers, a heterozygous individual will have pink flowers.

Define evolution at the population level?

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Evolution at the population level refers to changes in the genetic composition of a group of interbreeding individuals over successive generations. It involves processes such as natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation that result in shifts in the frequency of different genetic variants within a population.

What drive the theory of evolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

The theory of evolution is driven by the evidence of traits changing in populations over time, as well as the concept of natural selection where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. This theory helps explain the diversity of life on Earth and how species adapt to changes in their environment.

Compare and contrast stabilizing directional and disruptive selection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stabilizing selection favors the average phenotype and reduces genetic diversity by selecting against extreme traits. Directional selection favors individuals at one extreme of the phenotypic range, leading to a shift in the population's average phenotype. Disruptive selection favors individuals at both extremes of the phenotypic range, increasing genetic diversity within the population.

Compare and contrast prokayotes and eukaryotes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms with no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles, while eukaryotes are organisms with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotes have a simpler internal structure compared to eukaryotes. Eukaryotes can be single-celled or multicellular, while prokaryotes are predominantly single-celled.

What are Dragonoid's evolutions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dragonoid's evolutions in the Bakugan series are Cross Dragonoid, Helix Dragonoid, Lumino Dragonoid, Blitz Dragonoid, Titanium Dragonoid, Fusion Dragonoid, Sky & Gaia Dragonoid, and Mutant Dragonoid. Each evolution showcases different abilities and strengths in battle.

Although you know from chemical evidence that life on Earth evolved as early as 3.5 billion years ago the most ancient available fossils are only 0.54 billion years old This is because of what?

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Asked by Wiki User

The lack of availability of ancient fossils older than 0.54 billion years is due to geological processes like erosion, tectonic activity, and the recycling of Earth's crust. These processes can destroy or bury old fossils, making them difficult to find and study. Additionally, early life forms may not have had hard body parts that could fossilize easily, further complicating the preservation of ancient life records.

What is called when a pattern of evolution where a species is stable for a long time then rapidly changes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Punctuated equilibrium is the term used to describe the pattern of evolution where a species remains stable for long periods and then experiences rapid evolutionary change. This theory suggests that speciation occurs in quick bursts, followed by long periods of little change in the species.

When does stasis occur in punctuated equilibrium?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stasis occurs when a species shows little to no morphological change over a long period of time in punctuated equilibrium theory. This can happen during the periods of stability in between rapid bursts of evolutionary change.