

Fish Breeding

Egglaying and livebearing are the two strategies exercised by fish. As what their names suggest, egglaying fish lays eggs rather than giving birth to a little look-alike of an adult fish as what livebearing fish does.

500 Questions

How do you know if your female convict fish is pregnant?

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They need to be fully grown, regularly fed live food to get them in condition and in a minimum sized tank of 50 Gallons. You will need at least 10x 100 gallon tanks to rear the youngster properly.

Is there any fish called ice fish?

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Yes. Ice fishing is a very popular sport in areas with a cold climate. Holes are drilled in the ice with an auger (either manual or gas powered) and fishing is undertaken with either an (i) ice fishing rod or (ii) a tip up.

Some people like the comfort of a hut or a clam shell (a type of tent).

What do you call a person who works underwater?

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With a tube = Snorkling

With an air tank = SCUBA

With a tube and metal helment = Hard Hat Diving.

How long does it take trout eggs to hatch?

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7-10 days. They are so small at first that you may not be able to see them. When you'll see them they'll be white and about half the size of a grain of rice.

What are the easiest fish to breed?

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well im not entirely sure but i don't belive any freshwater fish are easy to breed. I would not recomend breeding fish unless you do the proper research. you have to know what your doing. if you already did your research the find a breed that you like and breed um up.

Why do fish lay eggs in warm water?

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I think the answer is that half of them aren't going to make it any ways. Also, They can lay a bunch since they are so small.

What are fishes needs?

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Well not really, a fish only needs to be able to filter water through it's gills.

Is a fish born alive or eggs?

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Most fish hatch from eggs. However, there are some livebearers, such as mollies guppies, swordtails and platies. These fish retain the eggs within the body and give birth to live young.

Can you cross breed fish?

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Goldfish do not differentiate between siblings and none siblings, so any male will spawn with any female. Under certain/special controlled circumstances this type of breeding is done by specialist breeders on purpose to establish a "line" or type of fish.

How long is a comet fish pregnant for?

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after five days you will find small comet fish.don't clean the water or introduce new species to the tank because sudden change in water can kill the and new species will have tension of eating the small fish. feed them regularly.if you have filters or other equipments which suck the water tun them off they can suck up the small fish.look after them carefully till the are 6-5weeks old.

Do female bettas make bubble nests?

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Yes and No. The betta will make a bubble nest, but it is helpful to the betta to have the bottom half a styrofoam cup in the tank for the betta to build it on, it would most likely build one anyway if there was a place to build one though. Good luck!

Does salmon give birth to young alive?

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No, they lay their eggs if fertilized, in a pebble bed in the river, in which they were themselves born.

Why do daytime fish breed at night?

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They are more active at nights in the summber, because of the hot weather, they are mor active at night because of the cool nights, thats when they go out to feed in the summer.

How do goldfish breed?

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You should see that the female goldfish appears fatter than usual due to the eggs she is carrying. The male will have white spots on his front fins and gill covers and will pay the female a lot of attention chasing her around the tank or pond. The female will lay her eggs on strands of pond weed which the male will fertilise with his milt. The eggs will hatch in 48 to 72 hours emerging as small fish known as fry.
They breed best in a pond. Feed them up well for a few weeks with earthworms etc and provide plenty of surface plants for them to spawn in. They will come into breeding mode as the temperature is raised up towards 70F and usually spawn at dawn.

Do saw fish give birth or lay eggs?

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Clownfish like sea anemones, they "live" in them. Once a girl clownfish finds a boy clownfish to her specifications, she lays eggs and he fertilizes them. Hope this helped

How do you breed Betta fish?

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Breeding Bettas is a difficult and challenging endeavor. Also an expensive one. You will need a brooding tank that is no smaller than 10 gallons, a 40 to 50 gallon growing tank for the fry to grow up in, and upwards of 500 individual jars to put the new Bettas in once they are large enough. You will need a salt brine culture to feed the new-born, then a daphnia culture to feed them on once they are large enough. You will need a large room dedicated just to breeding and raising your Bettas. Unless you have lots of time, lots on money, and lots of space it is best to buy your Bettas from your local pet store.

if you have more than one betta fish, i advise you to put them in separate tanks because if you put more than one beta fish in one tank they would attack each other and they might die. When i was taking care of a beta fish i fed it three times a day and it worked out perfectly fine. if you want more information you should ask a pet store that sells betta fish.
First you need a 24"x12"x12" tank, a heater/thermostat set at 79F. Soft water and a mature pair of Beta splendens in breeding condition that have been kept apart. Some floating plants will help the male with his nest so they are a good idea too as is a few little hidey holes for the female to hide in when the male gets too rough. Add the female to the breeding tank first, wait overnight and add the male the next morning. Keep an eye on them. The male will start off by showing off (flashing his fins etc) to the female. He will build a nest of bubbles and plant bits and he will regularly drive the female under it. She will not stay until she is happy with the nest. Once she is happy they will take a position under the nest and the male will embrace the female and they will roll over trembling and then as they separate, the eggs (ova) will fall towards the bottom of the tank and the male will collect them in his mouth and blow them into the nest. This will continue until she is spawned out and the male drives her away. The female must now be removed from the tank before the male kills her.

How do you say ICT in spanish?

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Tecnología (s) de la información y la comunicación (TIC)

What is induced breeding of fish?

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induced breeding of fish is a technicque of producing fish fry by pituitary injectioning without considering fish attempts. it is a widelt accepted economical breeding programme in an artificial way