


Freshwater Aquariums

Freshwater aquariums are both fun and educational. Questions about the operation of the freshwater aquarium itself, filtering systems, best fish mixtures, and other environmental factors are asked and answered here.

500 Questions

How do you lower alkalinity in salt water aquarium?

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To lower alkalinity in a saltwater aquarium, you can perform partial water changes using reverse osmosis water, avoid using products containing carbonate or bicarbonate, and use a protein skimmer to reduce organic waste buildup. Monitoring alkalinity levels regularly will help you adjust and maintain them within the desired range for your aquarium.

Are shrimp bottom feeders?

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Yes, shrimp are bottom feeders, meaning they primarily feed on food at the bottom of the water, such as algae, decaying plants, and detritus. They play an important role in the ecosystem by cleaning up and recycling nutrients in aquatic environments.

How can you get into an accidentally locked 1998 dodge neon?

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If the car is accidentally locked, you can try using a spare key if available. Alternatively, you can call a locksmith or a roadside assistance service to help you unlock the car. Avoid trying to force the lock or break into the car yourself to prevent damage.

What is error p420 for a 2002 dodge neon?

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Error code P0420 on a 2002 Dodge Neon typically indicates an issue with the catalytic converter efficiency. This can be caused by a failing catalytic converter, oxygen sensor, or exhaust leak. It is recommended to have a mechanic diagnose and repair the issue to prevent further complications.

Why do soap suds come out of your outside water spigot for about two minutes?

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Soap suds may be coming out of your outside water spigot if a nearby neighbor or you have used too much soap while washing a car or other items. The suds will dissipate after a few minutes as the excess soap is flushed out of the water line. It is not harmful to the water system but may indicate excess soap usage in the area.

How do you spot a slumlord?

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You can spot a slumlord by looking for signs of neglect in their properties, such as poor maintenance, safety hazards, and unsanitary conditions. Slumlords often prioritize profits over the well-being of their tenants and fail to address issues promptly or adequately. Additionally, frequent turnover of tenants and a history of complaints or violations can indicate a slumlord.

If you produce two eggs due to fertility drugs and only one is fertilized what happens to the other egg and do you get a period?

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Asked by Wiki User

The unfertilized egg will be reabsorbed by the body or expelled during menstruation. The release of an egg does not affect the menstrual cycle, so you will still have a period as normal.

Do people with anterograde amnesia ask questions?

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Yes, individuals with anterograde amnesia can ask questions. However, they may struggle with retaining new information and forming new memories, including remembering the answers to the questions they ask.

If dinosaurs didn't have penises how did they procreate?

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Most dinosaurs likely reproduced by mating, with the male using a cloaca to transfer sperm to the female's cloaca. This method of reproduction is similar to how modern birds reproduce. While the exact mating behaviors of dinosaurs are still a topic of research and debate, this is the current understanding based on fossil evidence and comparisons to modern relatives.

How do sharks procreate?

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Sharks reproduce through internal fertilization. The male shark uses his claspers to insert sperm into the female shark's cloaca. The female then fertilizes her eggs internally, which eventually develop and hatch inside her body before being born live or laid as eggs.

What is the scientific name for a balloon molly fish?

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The Balloon molly is a Black Molly (Poecilia sphenops) that has been bred with a deformed spine. (It was an inevitable accident of (bad) inbreeding) This deformity shortens the fishes lifespan. If this deformity had occured in any fish I had bred I would have euthanased the fish rather than perpetuate a deformity. I personally believe that the breeders who deliberately breed and allow this deformed fish to be sold are doing the wrong thing by the species.

What is the scientific name for a guppy?

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Asked by Makkapakka3

The guppy was "Lebistes reticulatus" for many many years but now the taxonomists in their ultimate wisdom, have decided that the guppy should be in the same classification as the Molly. Now the Guppy is correctly called "Poecilia reticulata".

What is the scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis?

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Asked by Makkapakka3

The scientific name for Dwarf Gouramis is Trichogaster lalius.

Is there any stores that sell keyblades?

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Keyblades are fictional weapons from the video game series Kingdom Hearts, so they are not sold in physical retail stores. However, you may find replica keyblades for sale on online retail websites or at conventions where vendors sell merchandise related to the series.

Can goldfish become depressed?

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Goldfish can exhibit signs of stress or sickness in response to poor living conditions, such as inadequate space, water quality, or social interactions. However, it is not clear if they experience emotions like depression in the same way humans do. Proper care and a suitable environment can help prevent stress-related issues in goldfish.

Do mosquitoes mate?

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Yes, mosquitoes mate in order to reproduce. Male mosquitoes typically locate and mate with a female mosquito in order to fertilize her eggs. This process is essential for the continuation of the mosquito species.

What type of limbs do fish have?

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A fish with limbs is called a Coelacanth, which have recently been discovered alive.

Why is your fish tank losing water?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are losing water in your tank, it is probably because of evaporation. No matter if you have a fish bowl or a fish tank, if it's in direct sunlight, the water's gonna evaporate. Another way you could be losing water is something called "fish intake". Most fish absorb water through their skin, and they replace it with their... bodily fluids. And most of what the fluids are is carbon dioxide and other things that take the place of water. Now there's more air in there and less water. Hope you find this useful!

P.S.-- If you find that the water is lower because of fish intake, add a bit of water IMMEDIATELY!!! The lack of water means lack of oxygen. Your fish could suffocate!

P.P.S-- On that cheerful note, good-bye!

Does a cold water tank need to be removed when you do a loft conversion?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on where exactly it is situated in your loft. What you must remember it will be taking up space in the loft which is why you are looking for a loft conversion in the first place.

First thing is to call in a few loft conversion specialists to take a look and they can best advice you when on site.

How do you tell the age of African dwarf frog?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look at the circles behind its eyes. If they are larger than than its eyes it is a male. Smaller, female

What are types of freshwater fish that can live in a 15 gallon aquarium?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a 15-gallon aquarium, you could consider keeping small freshwater fish such as guppies, endlers, neon or ember tetras, dwarf rasboras, or a betta fish. Always ensure proper water conditions and compatibility when selecting fish for your aquarium.

Recommended: ₕₜₜₚₛ://gₒₜᵣₒₚᵢₛₗᵢₘ.cₒₘ/#ₐff₌ᵥᵢₖₐₛbₐbbₐᵣ₀₀₁

Why does mercury build up in fish?

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When a body of water is polluted with mercury, the mercury will begin building up in every part of the water, including plants, plankton, and fish. Each part of the food chain increases the amount of mercury. Therefore, larger fish will have more mercury inside them.

How big of a tank does a glofish need?

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Asked by Wiki User

On Petsmart and Petco they say 10 gallons or larger, but I have mine in a 5 gallon tank with 2 guppies and some plants ( 1 live 2 fake) and they are doing great. Just do weekly water changes and they will be fine. I also have a filter and a heater.

How can you tell the difference between a boy and girl blue dwarf gourami?

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The "blue" Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia) is sexed the same way as all Dwarf gouramis. The male is brightly coloured and the female is much plainer.

Why are your guppies dying with pH at 7 and temp at 78 F?

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Asked by Wiki User

Guppies are better at 70F than 78F. but pH and Temperature are not the only things that matter. You need to follow the basic rules to keep your water habitable. The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are. :- 1 inch of fish must have at least 1 gallon of water. Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank need at least 50% of its water relpaced every week. If you fail to observe and comply with any of the above rules I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and they will live vastly shortened lifespans.