


A toy made for children by Tiger Electronics that is shaped like a little creature. It is lovable and interacts with you!

500 Questions

What language do furbies speak?

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Can furbies walk?

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Asked by Wiki User

Furbies have the ability to dance; they can't walk even though they can have either huge, plastic feet or plastic things that poke in and out through slots under the toy. Also, some may have a base which pushes against a surface repeatedly, rocking the Furby back and forth. A Furby uses any one of these moving parts mainly for dancing. The Furby babies from 2005-2006 can't dance, but can fold and unfold their legs when waking up, or going to sleep.

Can you download the furby app online on your computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Furby Boom app is available on iTunes for the iPhone and on the Android Marketplace for android phones. It is not available to download on a computer.

How many colours of furbys are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

The colors are:


Punky Pink



Phoenix Red

Rain Cloud


Multicolor Pink/Teal

Lightning Zap

Multicolor Black/Pink

Sprite Yellow

Green Man

Multicolor Orange/Blue

Do furbies need batteries?

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Can a furby grow teeth?

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What is the purple furby called?

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What is the value of a ET furby?

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Do furbys talk to furby booms?

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How much does a furby cost at target?

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As low as $1.00 for the common ones, and as high as $500 for the very rare ones. These prices come from eBay US and UK.

What are old furbies called?

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