

Garden Insects

The term 'garden insect helpers' generally refers to insects that are beneficial as pollinators or as feeders on destructive bugs. Among the best known of the beneficial insects are the ladybird beetle, the colorful butterfly, and the busy bee. What's bugging your garden? Are there slugs in your salad greens, ants in your azaleas, bean beetles in your beans, or some other pesty insect in your garden? Insects like to eat, but gardeners are not willing to share.

500 Questions

Is honey from flowers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, honey is produced by bees using nectar from flowers. Bees collect nectar from flowers and then convert it into honey through a process of regurgitation and evaporation before storing it in honeycombs.

Do worms eat grass or leaves?

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Worms primarily feed on decaying organic matter such as leaves, rather than living plants like grass. They help break down dead plant material, making nutrients more accessible for plants and aiding in the decomposition process.

How do you get rid of the odor from dead honey bees?

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You can use a mixture of water and vinegar to help neutralize the odor from dead honey bees. Simply spray the solution on the affected area and allow it to dry. Additionally, proper ventilation and cleaning the area thoroughly can also help remove the odor.

Could you use horned lizard for ant control in the yard?

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Asked by Queenwinddancer

Horned lizards primarily feed on insects, including ants. However, they may not be as effective at controlling ant populations in a yard as other methods like using ant baits or insecticides, as horned lizards have specific habitat and dietary requirements that may not align with the ant infestation in your yard. It's best to consult with a pest control professional for effective ant control strategies.

Did you know that honey is actually bee's vomit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, honey is made by bees regurgitating nectar and enzymes multiple times to create the final product. It may seem unappetizing, but honey is a nutritious and delicious sweetener enjoyed by many around the world.

Why do bugs help to keep plants alive?

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Bugs play a significant role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem for plants by assisting in pollination, breaking down organic matter into nutrients through decomposition, and controlling pest populations that can damage plants. Additionally, some bugs, like bees and butterflies, are essential pollinators for plants to reproduce and produce fruits or seeds.

What does the pulling down of the honey bear in Bee Movie parody?

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The pulling down of the honey bear in the Bee Movie parody is a comical exaggeration that is meant to depict the conflict between bees and humans over the consumption of honey in a humorous way. It is a satirical take on the relationship between bees and humans in the context of environmental conservation and ethical treatment of animals.

How worms evolved?

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Worms are a diverse group of organisms that have evolved over millions of years through natural selection and genetic mutations. They diversified into different species to adapt to various environments, such as soil, marine, and freshwater habitats. Their evolutionary history is shaped by factors like predation pressure, competition for resources, and environmental changes.

How long does it take a queen bee's egg to become a worker or drone?

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It takes approximately three weeks for a queen bee's egg to develop into a worker bee and 24 days to become a drone bee. The difference in development time is due to the different nutritional requirements and environmental conditions needed for each type of bee to mature.

Can the Red Worm consume poultry manure as its feed?

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Yes, Red Worms can consume poultry manure as part of their diet. However, it is important to properly manage the bedding material and moisture levels to prevent the manure from becoming too acidic or compacted, which can harm the worms. It's recommended to mix poultry manure with other organic materials like shredded cardboard or food scraps for a balanced diet.

What do bees live in?

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Bees live in hives, which are structures where they store honey, raise their young, and protect their queen. Hives can be found in various places such as hollow trees, walls, or man-made structures designed for beekeeping.

What flowers are good for bees?

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Flowers that are good for bees include sunflowers, lavender, bee balm, and coneflowers. These flowers provide nectar and pollen for bees to feed on, helping to support their health and well-being. Planting a variety of flowers that bloom at different times throughout the year can help provide a consistent food source for bees.

How do bees and flowers interact?

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Bees and flowers have a mutualistic relationship where bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers for food, while inadvertently pollinating the flowers in the process. Bees transfer pollen from one flower to another, facilitating the reproduction of the plants. This relationship is essential for the reproduction and survival of many flowering plants and the pollination services provided by bees are crucial for agricultural crops as well.

I have to many ants in my lawn how can i rid my lawn of the ants?

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You can try using natural remedies like diatomaceous earth, cinnamon, or citrus peels to deter ants from your lawn. You can also use ant baits or sprays specifically designed to eliminate ants. Maintaining a clean yard and removing sources of food can also help reduce ant populations.

Where can you buy worms in bulk in New Jersey?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can buy worms in bulk in New Jersey from local bait shops, garden centers, or online suppliers. Some popular options in New Jersey include fishing stores like Tight Lines Bait and Tackle or garden centers like Home & Garden Outlet. Additionally, you can order worms in bulk online from suppliers like Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.

How do you get ants out of your garden?

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You can naturally repel ants from your garden by sprinkling cinnamon, coffee grounds, or citrus peels around the affected areas. Diatomaceous earth can also be effective in deterring ants. Additionally, you can create physical barriers using substances like vinegar or soapy water to disrupt their scent trails and make it harder for them to navigate.

How do you get rid of the little worm - which curls up into a ball when you touch it - that comes into your house through the pipes and through the cracks?

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Asked by Wiki User

It sounds like you may be dealing with drain fly larvae. To get rid of them, clean out the drains with a mixture of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda. Seal any cracks or openings where they may be entering the house. Consider using a drain cleaner specifically designed to eliminate organic matter that the larvae feed on.

What do honey bees eat?

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Honey bees primarily feed on nectar and pollen collected from flowers. Nectar provides the bees with carbohydrates for energy, while pollen supplies them with proteins and essential nutrients. They store excess nectar as honey to feed the colony during times of scarcity.

Both cytokinins and gibberellins promote plant growth. Compare the ways in which these hormones stimulate growth.?

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Cytokinins promote cell division and growth mainly in lateral buds and roots, leading to bushier plants. Gibberellins, on the other hand, primarily promote stem elongation and leaf expansion by stimulating cell elongation. Both hormones work together to regulate various aspects of plant growth and development.

What flowers are important in Sikhism?

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In Sikhism, flowers like the white jasmine (mogra) and marigold (genda) are commonly used for religious and ceremonial purposes. These flowers symbolize purity, beauty, and devotion in the Sikh faith. Additionally, offerings of flowers are made at Sikh temples, known as Gurdwaras, to show respect and reverence during prayers and services.

Is the Riddex Electronic Pest Repeller effective against spiders or ants?

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The effectiveness of the Riddex Electronic Pest Repeller against spiders or ants is debated. Some people report positive results in repelling spiders and ants, while others claim it has little to no effect. It's important to consider other pest control methods in conjunction with the Riddex device for the best results.

How long does a pearl in an oyster take to grow?

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A natural pearl inside an oyster can take anywhere from 1 to 3 years to form. The process begins when an irritant such as a grain of sand or debris enters the oyster and the oyster secretes nacre to coat the irritant, forming a pearl over time.

What makes plants grow faster water or sweetened water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plain water is more effective in promoting plant growth than sweetened water. Sweetened water contains sugars that can be harmful to plants when absorbed through their roots. Plain water provides essential hydration and nutrients that plants need to grow faster and healthier.

What kind of mixture is chalk?

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Chalk is a mechanical mixture, which means it is a combination of different substances that are physically mixed together but not chemically bonded. It is composed mainly of calcium carbonate and other minerals.

Will sugar help flower grow?

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Sugar can act as a supplemental food source for plants by providing carbohydrates that can be used as energy for growth. However, it is important to be cautious when using sugar as it may attract pests or disrupt the balance of microorganisms in the soil. It is best to provide plants with a well-balanced fertilizer and proper care to support healthy growth.