


Hiccups are a harmless yet irksome condition characterized by a contraction of the diaphragm. Hiccups usually go away with simple home remedies, but chronic hiccups may require medical intervention.

500 Questions

Do you grow when you hiccup?

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no you do not grow when you get hick ups. ( i wanna write it that way) what does make you grow up ... veggies and fruits and playing basketball. hope this helped and this does not include gibberish or whatever... don't listen to the dingbot or whatever.. :D

What were some ancient explanations for hiccups?

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A spasm of the diaphragm

What does it mean when you have the hiccups all day?

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Hiccups are usually a result of irritated or inflamed diaphragmatic muscles in the abdomen. Usually some external irritant is involved, as food allergies or even some medications. Short of going to a physician for an anti-nausea medication like Phenergan or Compazine, there's not much over the counter of any real help. Some people find that repeated cycles of taking in deep breaths and holding for 30 second cycles may be helpful.

How do you make hiccups go away fast?

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I usually use vinegar whenever having hiccup because the sour taste of vinegar can help distract me from hiccups. Another way is lemon since it has the sour taste too. Regarding vinegar, I only need to drink a little dosage of it and finish with water.

What can you do about constant hiccups?

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What are some home remedies to instantly stop hiccups?

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The hiccups occur when the vagus nerve is irritated (which is a nerve that runs from the abdomen to the brain). They best way to stop it is to make the body forget about it tricking it to think something more important is going on. One way to do this is to hold you breath, this makes the levels of carbon dioxide rise so your body is more concerned about lowering the levels which then makes it switch to dealing with that .

Why hiccup yawn cough or sneeze?

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Hiccups: Like with the beating of your heart, your diaphragm and lungs have a smooth muscle/involuntary repetitive action cycle to them, you don't always have to remember to breath, right?. Your body is hard-wired to breath at a certain rate, causing your lungs and diaphragm to contract at intervals. Now, as you know from going to the bathroom and straining to poo, your diaphragm can be consciously controlled as well. So hiccups are caused when your voluntary actions on your diaphragm put it out of sync with the involuntary contractions of your lungs. Your lungs and ribs contract to pull in air at the same moment that your diaphragm relaxes which would push out air, and that smacking together of the muscles is what we call a hiccup.

That is why as a cure, we hold our breath, or drink water for a certain period of time. By stopping our ability to breath, we push the metaphorical reset button on our lungs and diaphragm, re-syncing the muscles.

Yawn: As you know, breathing brings oxygen into our lungs which then oxygenates our red blood cells who bring the oxygen to the rest of our bodies for a variety of purposes: to clear away lactic acid build up in our muscles, get rid of muscle cramps, improve physical and brain function, to turn into energy, and a variety of other processes. We need oxygen to live. When you finally go to sleep, your body doesn't, your heart keeps beating, and you keep breathing, often deeper in your sleep. That's because when you sleep, your muscles and your brain are resting, while your body refuels them with oxygen for the next day, clearing away any buildup of waste and healing you while you sleep. When you're tired, your body isn't getting enough oxygen. A yawn is your body's attempt at a quick refresh and awakening by pulling in a lot of oxygen to rejuvenate your brain, improve it's function and blood flow.

So the next time you're in a deep conversation with somebody and they yawn, say, "thank you," because it's a compliment to you. Your conversation is so interesting and complex that they need to increase oxygen and their brains' function to understand everything you're saying.

Cough: A cough and a sneeze are just wonderful, they're our bodies attempts at protecting us. A cough is when your body senses something liquid or solid pushing to get into the lungs. Your lungs close off their opening, tense up, and Push back, Boom! a Cough bursts forth, pushing all the air in your lungs at the intruding object or liquid sending it into your mouth or throat, where you can decide to swallow it or spit it out. It's a defense mechanism to protect the lungs from foreign objects.

Sneeze: A sneeze is a beautiful thing, it's your body's way of protecting you by expelling any dangerous particles it senses in your nasal cavity. Like a cough, a sneeze protects you from foreign particle, but this defensive play is aimed at your nose. When we breath in through our nose the little hairs and mucous membrane inside the nose catch any offending particles that are too big or don't belong in the lungs, like a safety net. When we blow our noses and mucous comes out, that's us cleaning out the net. But sometimes, bad particles get deep in the net of our nose who then sends a message to the lungs of "Danger! Beware!" Our lungs then, breath in through our mouths and "Achoo!" Shoot air out through the nose and mouth at speeds of up to 100mph, sending away any offending particles and clearing the nose net for good function and more breathing.

I hope this helps, sorry if I went into too much detail. The human body is just SO cool!

When did they discover hiccups?

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While we don't have an exact date, we do know that this condition was known in ancient times-- the Greek philosopher Plato mentioned it in his famous work "The Symposium, " back in 380 B.C. E.

Does doing a handstand help to stop hiccups?

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Well, the answer to your question is that

holding your breath does not stop hiccups.

In fact, pouring yourself a drink of anything, really,

and bending your neck down, then drinking it, stops them.

I'm laughing at this answer, because as you drink a whole glass of "anything, really", whether your neck is bent down, up, or sideways ... unless you are holding your breath while you do so, it doesn't work. if you are drinking AND breathing, that's called "sipping", and it does nothing to help your hiccups. but if you are NOT drinking anything, but just taking the biggest breath you can take and then holding it as long as you can, the hiccups go away. it may take more than one try ...but it works. EVERY TIME. i'm no doc, but i just did it right now, this very took 2 tries, but it works. EVERY TIME, with drinking, without drinking, with my neck holding ANY way whatsoever's all about the breath, and holding it does the trick. i've heard, "eat a spoonful of sugar", "drink vinegar" "drink a glass of water upside down" lay on your side and whistle dixe out your butt as hard as you can (ok, that last i just made up to press the POINT =) ... that no matter WHAT remedy you go for's the holding your breath THRU that exercise that does the trick. i mean, really, when was the last time you whistled dixie out your tuckas without holding your breath WHILE you were doing it, hmm? EXACTLY. hold your breath. hold it long, hold it strong, just do it. it works. they WILL go away. =]

How should you start your speech on hiccups?

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im doing a speech on hiccups myself.

try starting with the top 5 worst places to get the hiccups

or how you came across the ideaof this speech topic or you could say how embarrasing it would be to be doing a speech and suddenly be attacked with a case of hiccups

How old is hiccup?

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In the first book hes 10.5. In the 6th book hes 12 years old with his little annoying dragon Toothless who's 3 years.

Irritation of a major nerve of this plexus may cause hiccups?

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Hiccups are involuntary spasms of the lungs associated with esophageal irritations. They are triggered by the phrenic and vagus nerves.

Does holding your breath increase oxygen in your blood which can stop hiccups?

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It depends on how long you hold your breath.

What you have to do is to swallow a big gulp of air.


No it doesn't, but a good way of curing hiccups is to get a cup of water and drink all or as much as you can, without taking a breath. Works everytime!

Why do you hiccup in your sleep?

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Well I have been hiccuping in my sleep since I was about 6 years old and it has never done me any harm, I am now 23. When I was younger my parents used to tell me that the hiccups were so loud that they could hear them from downstairs whilst I was upstairs. As I have got older they have become less frequent, but by no means disappeared. No idea what triggers them either, they just happen some nights. They are so bad they wake me up, but not enough to keep me from falling straight back to sleep once I have got rid of them (I normally just hold me breath for a second and they go). Sometimes I am told by my boyfriend that I had been hiccuping in my sleep again and only then is it I remeber waking up with them. I asked my doctor about them once before as I was worried they were dangerous and caused by me not breathing properly whilst I slept, but he said that he had never heard of that before, but it should be nothing to worry about, more irritating than anything else. The fact I have been having them for 17 years of my life makes me think that they are probably just a quirky thing that I have... and the fact that this question has been asked means I am not alone.

How can you describe Hiccups?

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Virtually everyone experiences hiccups, but they rarely last long or require a doctor's care. Occasionally, a bout of hiccups will last longer than two days, earning it the name

What helps with hicups?

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Water does not directly help hiccups but while focusing on drinking the water your diaphragm relaxes. Based on my personal experiences, water does not help hiccups. Neither does a good scare or stand on your head. The only thing I know that works is a teaspoon of dry sugar. What is the science behind it, I have no idea; but I can swear in court that it have work each and every time.

Is Astrid and hiccup engaged?

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How do you stop hecups?

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If you follow these steps they should work

  1. get a glass of water
  2. plug your nose
  3. have someone put there fingers in your ears
  4. drink the water

1.try holding your breath for 15-25 seconds and that might help

holding your breath dont stop your hiccups Well, 2.try making somebody scare you that will take your breath away and stop those nasty hiccups

3. Try breathing in a bag and blow into it and pop the bag at will scare you

I hope this helped you and your hiccups!

Foods to eat with diarrhea?

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You have to eat things that are not raw like cook vegetables and fruits :)

Can hiccups become dangerous?

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Sporadic hiccups are usually harmless. But persistant hiccups may be the sign of something more serious. If you hiccup for a few minutes at a time you'll probably be fine, but if you have hiccups for a large amount of time, see a doctor.

How can you get hiccups?

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I think you can. You eat something really hot( in temperature not spiciness) then drink something really cold right after you take a bite. It happens to me a lot when i do it so maybe it will work on other people.

When do people get hiccups?

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Normal, self-limiting hiccups are triggered when the main muscle we breathe with, the diaphragm, becomes irritated and starts to spasm. The source of the problem could be that you have...

  • eaten too fast or too much
  • drank carbonated or alcoholic beverages
  • swallowed too much air (perhaps from chewing gum, smoking or wearing loose dentures)
  • been exposed to a sudden change in temperature
  • experienced sudden emotional stress

Long lasting hiccups may be a symptom of one of many underlying diseases.

How to get rid of hiccups

Most of the remedies you've heard of have at least some basis of logic behind them and, at the worst, are harmless. So, while there is no known, foolproof cure for hiccups at this time, the following are worth a try:

  • holding your breath or breathing into a paper bag
  • having someone scare you
  • swallowing ice cubes or a spoon full of sugar
  • drinking water upside down or from the far side of a cup
  • gargling water