


Intellectual Property

Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.

500 Questions

What year was the first pink panther cartoon released?

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Asked by Jewledrose

The first entry in the series, 1964's The Pink Phink, featured the Panther harassing his foil, a little white moustached man who somewhat resembles the animated version of the feature films' Inspector Clouseau (this character is officially known as "The Man"), by constantly trying to paint the little man's blue house pink. The Pink Phink won the 1964 Academy Award for Animated Short Film, and subsequent shorts in the series, usually featuring the Panther opposite the little man, were successful releases.

What does TM or R stands for?

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Asked by Wiki User

TM stands for "Trademark"

R stands for "Registered"

They are both used to idenify patents.

Is music intellectual property?

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Asked by Wiki User

Virtually all recordings are protected by copyright, and all contemporary music. Older works (prior to 1923 in the US) may not be protected, but arrangements, adaptations, performances, and recordings of it would be.

Who had 1000 US Patents?

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Asked by Wiki User

Thomas Edison was granted 1093 US Patents - a record that has yet to be broken by a single individual. He also held a couple hundred foreign patents in the UK, France, and Germany. This goes without mentioning the 500-800 denied US applications he filed as well as other inventions he may never have had sought protection for.

Can you get copyright protection on a bumper sticker slogan?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is nowhere in Colorado that you can copyright your bumper sticker, for a number of reasons. First copyright is a federal law. You have to register with the US Copyright office ( Second, names titles, common words/phrases, slogans, etc do not qualify for copyright protection.

Now as to trademark, you will have to file with the US patent & trademark office ( There are certain requirements that have to be met and a search will have to be performed before trademark protection can be offered.

How do you find out if a slogan has been trademarked?

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Asked by Wiki User

get a job in any trade get the official trademark stamp out of a cereal box. then you make up a slogan use your own blood for the stamp and stamp underneath the slogan with the trademark stamp

TADAA you just trade marked something.

Can you sell a handmade craft with a Disney character?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's to your best interest to contact 'Disney' and ask their permission. If your craft should take-off then you can't use it as it's an infringement. If you are just doing it for a child or in a nursery then there should be no problem and you don't need permission. A young woman in Vancouver, B.C. started up a Bistro and she loved Robert deNiro so much she named it 'Raging Bull' and Mr. deNiro sent someone out to tell her to take down the sing and a letter ensued and it was rather blunt.

How do you patent your own martial art?

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Asked by Wiki User

I've spoken to my lawyer about this, because I know martial artists that threaten to sue people for "teaching their stuff". The short answer is no.

If you write a manual or produce a video or otherwise fix something into a tangible form - then that thing has copyright. That's the book or video itself, but not your style.

You could also file a trademark on your style name or logo. Krav Maga is famously going through trademark lawsuits.

The real issue with trying to protect a style is that there is virtually no martial arts movements you could make that don't already exist in some other style.

What type of work did Leonardo da Vinci produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leonardo produced art work (sculpture and painting) and inventions, (he drew the first helicopter and invented war machines).

Who is harmed when people photocopy sheet music or duplicate recorded music without permission?

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Asked by Wiki User

Recording companies, artists, and music retailers...... (all of the above)

Who is the publisher of The Outsiders?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are a number of books by that title. The novel by S.E. Hinton has been published by several companies over time, but most recent editions are either printed or licensed by the Penguin Group.

Do I have to pay music licensing fees to perform and post copyrighted music on Youtube?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it's absolutely free to use, but some videos come with commercials that you have to watch. Also, it costs money to make some of the videos and it costs money to promote them.

What do you need to start a pool hall business?

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Asked by Wiki User

To start any business, you should begin with a business plan. Also: * Be very aware that vending operations, including pool table rental (and the gambling that sometimes occurs on the premises) and use are under the control of organized crime in the U.S.

* Plan carefully and if you get a loan, make sure the source is legit.

Did George Lucas Patent Star Wars?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. A Patent is used when dealing with inventions that one creates. Lucas would have secured copyrights & trademarks for the Star Wars films & merchandise.

Who is fault was the death of Thomas Becket?

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Asked by Wiki User

Henry II as he said ' Who will rid me of this trubelsome priest' I don't think Henry meant it that way as the knights who killed becket did. The King Said 'Who will rid me of this trubelsome priest'; Once Thomas was killed the king said he didn't mean that he should actually be killed - The day after his death, apparently he walked around the Cathedral with his back being whipped to say sorry To Thomas. So its really your decision. The King blamed Himself; But the knights blamed themselves. :)-Lana

What are the similarities between trademarks and copyrights?

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Asked by Wiki User

Both are forms of unlicensed copying, but it's possible to have one without the other.

An example of copyright infringement without plagiarism would be uploading a track from an album you bought: you're not saying it's yours, but you're still copying it without permission.

Plagiarism without copyright infringement would happen when you take materials in the public domain and try to pass them off as your own. Romeo and Juliet? I totally wrote that.

Who was the first African American to receive a us patent?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not 100% sure but I believe it may be Dr. Makola Abdullah.He is currently at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. He was a professor of mine for Engineering Mechanics. Great teacher, I'm very thankful to have had him, he inspired and motivated me. One of the main reasons I am getting my Ph. D. Thanks Abdullah!

What is Jack Nicholson's trademark item of clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think that his trademark item of clothing is his black sunglasses. You almost never see him without them.

What is the age and value of a Fabrique Nationale D' armes De Guerre Herstal belgique Brownings patent depose serial number 189691 32 caliber semi-auto handgun?

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Asked by Wiki User

FN Pistols

Try the book FN Browning Pistols at this link:

They can also be contacted at: Wet Dog Publications * 5603-B W. Friendly Ave * Suite 166 * Greensboro, NC 27410
Email: Phone: 336-394-4138 Fax: 336-349-5427

What kind of powers of government can county commissioners exercise?

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Asked by Wiki User

County government function at the domestic level. While national issues are left to higher powers, county governments are restricted to issues of education, local law enforcement, economic development, and urban planning.