


Jaguars are the only big cats native to the Americas. Their range extends from the far southern portions of the United States (Central Texas down to Southern Arizona), through Mexico and down into Central and South America. Jaguars are solitary except during the breeding season and are known for their sharp hunting skills as well as their elusive nature.'

500 Questions

What are jaguars' adaptations?

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  • Jaguars have soft paws for sneaking up on prey
  • Sharp teeth to tear their prey apart
  • Are exceptional swimmers
  • Skin is camouflaged to help blend in with it's surroundings
  • Are able to retract their claws so they don't get dull
  • Sharp claws to help catch prey
  • Small, compact body-therefore it is easier to live in the rain forest

What is the jaguar's family tree?

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part of the jaguar family are gaylords and bhatti men

How can you help jaguars from being extinct?

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The possible solutions are:

  • Educating humans about what magnificent creatures the Jaguars are
  • Stop hunting and poaching of Jaguars
  • Stop deforestation in Jaguar habitats

How can you stop the jaguar from being extinct?

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Jaguars are Apex Predators and have no natural enemies. An adolescent Jaguar may be killed by an Anaconda or a large Caiman.

Jaguars were found in hundreds of thousands in both North and South America just a few decades ago. Due to extensive hunting their numbers have fallen significantly. An average of around 15000 animals every year just in the Brazilian Rainforests up until a few years ago, when governments world wide banned the sale of Jaguar Skin. If we consider other habitats the number killed would be even more. They were hunted to extinction in countries like El Salvador and Uruguay.

Another threat faced by the Jaguar is loss of its habitat. Population Explosion means people encroach on forests and jungles. Felling of Trees, diverting of rivers etc also dont help these magnificent animals much. If humans don't stop killing the Jaguar or destroying its habitat, this animal may go extinct

Where are jaguars usually found?

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Jaguars live in mostly South America except Chile, Central America, Texas, Colorado and New Mexico
Jaguars are located in parts of Central and South America, and on occasion been rarely seen as far north as the Southern parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.

What layer of the amazon rainforest does a jaguar live in?

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Previous answer: They hunt mostly at ground level but sleep in the trees.

That's interesting. I guess that since they "hunt" mostly grasses, that is at ground level. Capybaras do not prefer to live in forests. Their perferred habitat is swampy grasslands or lake edges. They require open areas for grazing, water for swimming, drinking and evading predators and also like a little cover such as a forest edge for shade and predator avoidance.

What does the jaguar do for its ecosystem?

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The Jaguar contributes to the rainforest by keeping species to a resonable number. The animal eats animals along with species like the puma to create a ballance between specie numbers

Why do jaguars have whiskers?

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Jaguars are in the same family as domesticated cats. Both have whiskers in order to help them with balance. I do not know why that is but the answer to your question is because whiskers help the animal to balance. Hope this helps!

Where are jaguars can be found?

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Yes, as this is South America. There are no Tigers (unless introduced by some unscrupulous latter day Barnum type) nor Hippos in the Amazon jungle, Tarzan and the Great river is inaccurate on the river=horse front!

Do jaguars change color?

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they are yellow and black with spots or just black A Jaguar is yellow with black spots.

A Jaguar is Black with spots that are not readily visble to the human eye.

Jaguars are a goldy colour. They have dark brownor black rosettes of 4 or 5 with a red or brown spot in the middle. The cat has short curved ears. A Jaguar's tail has the rosettes or it is has a banned tail of black or dark brown rings.

Usually, ground-color.

Why is the jaguar an endangered animal?

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The jaguar is becoming endangered because of the destruction of their habitats and people hunting them. Back then jaguars were hunted for their fur for fur trades.

What are the countries where jaguars can be found?

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Jaguars are native to South America and North America.

Are black jaguars rare?

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Since black jaguars are not a distinct species from the jaguar ( Panthera Onca), but a color phase, it cannot be classified as endangered on its own. Currently, the jaguar is not endangered, but listed as vulnerable.

How big is the jaguar?

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Head and body, 5 to 6 ft (1.5 to 1.8 m); tail, 27.5 to 36 in (70 to 91 cm)Weight:100 to 250 lbs (45 to 113 kg)

What are jaguars eaten by?

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well... us. we kill them because of there beautiful fur. Also they die because we keep cutting down trees in the rain forest, that's were they live.

What type of home does jaguar have?

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The jaguar is a mobile animal and does not have a single home. It's range is from about central Brazil and Peru to modern day New Mexico. They prefer a warm to hot climate with easy access to water. While industrialization in the U.S. and northern Mexico has made them extremely rare in the area they are still spotted once in a while. Their South American range is being pushed north due to Brazilian harvesting of the Amazon. Colombia, Latin America, Mexico, and the United States are currently working on a sustained forest chain that would allow jaguars to roam freely and to prevent pocket breeding. This chain has already been created in Costa Rica through Guatemala. Mexico, Panama, and Colombia are currently working on the project. The United States is set to begin their side of the project upon the completion of three quarters of the Mexican part. Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia are looking into the project.

When does the jaguar sleep?

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Just live every other wild cat, about 15-18 hours

Who would win in a fight a jaguar or an otter?

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Well yeh, the lion/tiger is slightly bigger than the jaguar, there has been records of fights between the jaguar and a lion and jaguar has been the winner, so maybe a tiger, but other than that not really any, as also lions have been recorded to win tigers soo, depends on male/female size/age.

Why is the jaguar on the near threatened list?

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Loss of habitat threatens the jaguar, but as of now, it is not listed as endangered.

How long is a black jaguar?

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A black jaguar is 8.5 feet long at average.

Do jaguars lay eggs or give live birth?

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Jaguars do not lay eggs. They are viviparous, meaning mammals that give birth to live young. Oviparous animals are those that lay eggs.

Can jaguars survive in any temperature?

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Jaguars line a Equatorial climate, the Amazon. Which is a Rainforest. The Rainforset is a very humid place and lots of rain, so Jaguars live in the hot.

What is the conservation status for a jaguars?

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Jaguars are listed on the endangered species list. It is estimated (as of 2006), that there are only about 15,000 jaguars left in world. The jaguar is usually found in areas around Central and South America. There are a few jaguars that linger in Mexico, and some have also been seen in the United States, in the areas of Arizona and New Mexico. They prefer to live in areas where the jungle or forestation is very thick. So, as the rain forest is slowly being depleted in Central and South America, the jaguar is also disappearing.

What animal is called a molly?

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A molly is a brightly coloured tropical or subtropical American freshwater cyprinodont fish of the genus Mollienisia.

In what habitat do jaguars live in?

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Jaguars are predominantly found in Rain Forests and dense forests of North & South America. They can be found in countries like Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Dcuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Paragua, Peru, USA, Venezuela etc. It was also present in El Salvador and Uruguay but is extinct now. Jaguars are found in good numbers in areas that are abundant in water supply like rivers and lakes. They prefer river banks and other water holes which may be frequented by its preferred prey species.