

Japanese Geisha

In Japanese culture Geisha’s are female entertainers trained in art, music and dancing. If you translate Geisha into English, you get artist. Find out about the facts and the myths within this category.

222 Questions

How old is a girl before she becomes a geisha?

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A girl usually begins her training to become a Geisha around the age of 14 or 15, she continues to train and will become a full Geisha around the age of 18 to 21.

Why did the Japanese geisha have black teeth?

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Maiko blacken their teeth with a wax like substance during a short period when they 'turn their collar' and become a full Geisha.

There are a few reasons for this.

It is a symbol of maturity, the act of teeth blackening used to also be practiced by newly married Japanese women.

The natural colour of teeth will sometimes look yellow against the stark white face make-up. Even if the teeth normally look perfectly white. The black prevents this. And Geisha are taught to smile with their mouths closed.

In the Shinto practice bones are seen as impure. Teeth were considered to be bones, so as an act to prevent impurity the teeth were concealed.

What do geisha eat?

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Geisha eat whatever their okiya provides for them. Or, if they live on their own they eat what they can afford and readily prepare. Usually traditional Japanese foods.

What is a geisha?

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Geisha is a Japanese Word. it basically means, artist. because they practise many arts. A Geisha is a Japanese woman who entertains people (usually men), with classical Japanese arts. She is skilled in singing, dancing, playing musical instruments for example, shamisen. serving food, drinks like sake, and tea, and practiced in conversation. The word Geisha is written 芸者 in Japanese, and means an artistic performer, or an entertainer. The traditional age of a geisha to start their training is three years and three days. She becomes apprenticed also known as a maiko to a senior, often retired Geisha, and during this many years long apprenticeship she is called a Maiko (舞子), which means a child dancer. One of the best places to learn about a geisha is the Blog of a Maiko in Kyoto, Japan. It is at If you cannot read Japanese, there is an English version at

Can an American girl become a geisha?

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Yes an American can but only 3 have succeeded.

Why are geisha important to Japanese culture?

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Geishas practice traditional art forms such as traditional song and dance and tea ceremony. all traditional art forms are important in japan such as sword making and kimono making etc. Unfortunately less and less people are willing to take up these art forms and the life of a geisha is one of them: they're dying out.

What seas and oceans surround Japan?

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* Sea of Japan (East Sea) * Pacific Ocean * East China Sea (to the southwest) * Korea Strait * Sea of Okhotsk (to the north)

Is it disrespectful to dress as a geisha for Halloween?

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No, it isn't disrespectful as long as it isn't done in mocking (to make fun of).

Be sure to educate yourself about Geisha, that way if people ask you questions about your costume you will be able to give them the correct answers. :)

How much does a maiko's kimono weigh?

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They can sometimes weigh up to 35 to 40 lbs.

What is a geisha's danna?

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A Danna to a Geisha is her main patron. He will often pay for many of her expenses; rent, kimono, kanzashi, wigs, make-up etc.. He does not have exclusive rights to her company or sexual favors, though if the Geisha so chooses to have that sort of relationship with him that is up to her.

She will still have other clients to entertain, but her Danna will come first if he has an engagement that he wishes her to attend with him.

What is the geisha uniform?

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Geisha wear elaborate, beautiful, and expensive silk kimono.

What is a kimono fastener?

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There is an elastic clip/belt that is worn under everything that helps hold the kimono closed called a 'korin belt', but I believe you are thinking of an 'obi' it is the thick sash-like cloth that is tied around the waist/torso when wearing a kimono.

What it means geisha with sword in the head?

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It is a symbol of transitioning into the afterlife in peace.

What if geisha retire?

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Geisha retire often for many reasons. The reason can be personal, financial etc..

A Geisha must remain single through the entire span of her time as a Geisha, if she chooses to marry she must retire before doing so.

Sometimes a Geisha will choose to retire when she feels she has repaid her dept to the Okiya for financing her training, or when she feels she has spent enough time in said profession and it is time to move on.

Some women will also retire from being active Geisha to take over or run an Okiya (Geisha house) of their own.

What is the population density of the japense geisha?

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There are roughly around 1,000 Geisha in total today, compared to in the 1920's when there were around 80,000 working Geisha.

Is geisha a good woman?

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Yes, Geisha are viewed as very good women.

Why do geisha's leve part of their forehead bare?

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If you are referring to the area of their forehead just below their hairline, the reason for it is because the white face paint is to resemble a mask. They also will not paint their ears, and a section of the back of their neck.

How many years does it take to become a geisha?

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It can take around 7 years (or more) to become a full Geisha. A girl generally goes into training around the age of 15 - 16, and becomes a full Geisha around the age of 22.

How are Japanese geisha chosen?

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Today young Japanese women (teens) that are devoted to learning and living the lifestyle and art of Geisha can apply to be trained.

It is very much a fully time job in the way that their entire life is changed to that strict way of life. If the lady is devout in her training as Minarai, Hangyouku, and Maiko she will graduate to being a Geisha or a Geiko (depending on the area that she lives).

What is a geisha required to do?

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Geisha is basically a very culture and art learned woman. SHe has to go through years of rigorous training to learn dance, music, culture, literature, fashion, makeup and also how to carry herself and be elite and attractive.

She is suposed to accompany men on their business lunches, dinners or business trips.

Very rarely is there any sexual relationship involved.

Her time can be quite expensive.

Why do geishas have white faces?

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White face make-up originally came about many years go when those allowed to speak to the emperor could only do so through a screen. When people would approach to speak to him they would paint their faces so he could see where they were through the veil.

Also, years ago when Geisha would meet their patrons and perform, the only lighting was candle and lantern light, the white face make-up reflects light better than a non painted face, making them more visible in a dimly lit room.

It is also said that the white make-up is used to hide the blush of young inexperienced Maiko.

How do geishas get ready?

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It can take a Geisha anywhere from two to six hours to be fully dressed. She will have her hair done by a professional. If she is a full geisha her hair will be pinned up and she wears a wig.

She will carefully, skillfully apply her make-up. Then will begin to be dressed.

She has a professional dresser attend to her, putting on all the under-layers of the kimono, the kimono, obi, tabi socks, and zori shoes.

A full kimono outfit with kanzashi (hair accessories) and all can weigh sometimes up to 60 pounds.

How old is the youngest Geisha?

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Geisha usually become 'full-fledged Geisha' around the ages of 20 to 22.

What is the difference between a geisha and a maiko?

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Geisha- Less outgoing dress and hairstyle, Dark colors, White make up and fuller lips. Smaller Obi "Belt". Shorter geta, and less colr all together. Maiko- Geisha in training. Long and large obi, color, color COLOR!! outgoing hair styles with tons of decoration, pink red and white makeup. High geta. Also a Geiko a real geisha has a white collar in her Kimono. A maiko has a red collar and won't get the white until she is a geiko.