



Kinematics is the study of how a body moves. This includes linear motion, angular motion, and rotational motion.

500 Questions

How do you find velocity given angle and highest point of object?

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To find the velocity of an object given its launch angle and highest point, you can use the kinematic equation for projectile motion. By using the trigonometric functions sine and cosine, you can calculate the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity. From there, combine these components to find the magnitude and direction of the velocity at the highest point.

How can air resistence be reduced?

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To reduce air resistance, you can streamline the shape of the object moving through the air, reduce the surface area exposed to the air, minimize any appendages or protrusions, and use smooth, aerodynamic surfaces to minimize drag. Additionally, reducing the speed at which the object moves through the air can also help decrease air resistance.

The car has 1000 kg mass and it was going 20 ms before it stopped at the stop sign what is its potential energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The potential energy of the car when it stopped at the stop sign is zero, as potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position relative to other objects. When the car is not moving, it does not have any potential energy associated with its motion.

How fast is an object going if its speed and time graph is horizontal?

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An object can only gain speed if there is a net force on it. If a net horizontal force acting on an object is large enough, or acts for a long enough time, the object can aquire a speed up to just under the speed of light, 3 x 10^8 m/s.

How are scalar and vector quantities similar?

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Scalar and vector quantities are both used in physics to describe properties of objects. They both have magnitude, which represents the size or amount of the quantity. However, the key difference is that vector quantities also have direction associated with them, while scalar quantities do not.

Ttr 110 top speed in mph?

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The top speed of a Yamaha TTR 110 is around 40-45 mph.

If an object is speeding up to the right what direction does its velocity vector point?

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The velocity vector of an object that is speeding up to the right points in the same direction, to the right. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction, so as the object accelerates, the velocity vector will align with the direction of motion.

Calculate the change in potential energy of 8 million kg of water dropping 50 m over Niagara Falls?

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Asked by Wiki User

The change in potential energy can be calculated using the formula:

ΔPE = mgh

Where: m = mass of water = 8,000,000 kg g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s^2 h = height = 50 m

ΔPE = 8,000,000 kg * 9.81 m/s^2 * 50 m = 3,924,000,000 J

Therefore, the change in potential energy is 3,924,000,000 Joules.

A graph showing zero slope for the position vs time always indicates that the object is not moving?

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If the speed/time graph slops negatively, that's an indication that the speed

is decreasing, i.e. the object is slowing down. The negative slop is also called

negative acceleration, since acceleration is the rate of change of velocity.

At 55 mph what can be deadly?

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At 55 mph, a car crash can be deadly, especially if the impact is severe and occupants are not wearing seat belts or if they are not properly restrained in child safety seats. Additionally, pedestrians or cyclists hit by a vehicle traveling at this speed are at high risk of suffering fatal injuries.

If people can't create energy then where do we get energy?

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Humans and animals get energy by consuming food, which contains stored energy in the form of calories. Plants get their energy from sunlight through photosynthesis, converting it into chemical energy stored in the form of glucose. Ultimately, all energy on Earth can be traced back to the sun.

As the mass of an object moving at a given speed decreases its kinetic energy does what?

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As the mass of an object moving at a given speed decreases, its kinetic energy also decreases proportionally. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object, so a decrease in mass will result in a decrease in kinetic energy.

What is the mass of an object with kinetic energy?

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Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass x speed2

If you know any two of the three items, you can calculate the third one with this formula.

Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass x speed2

If you know any two of the three items, you can calculate the third one with this formula.

Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass x speed2

If you know any two of the three items, you can calculate the third one with this formula.

Kinetic energy = 1/2 mass x speed2

If you know any two of the three items, you can calculate the third one with this formula.

How many yards per minute is this if you are going 12 miles an hour?

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If you are going 12 miles per hour, you are traveling at a speed of 704.73 yards per minute.

Does a horizontal line on a distance-time graph means the object is moving at a constant speed?

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Yes, a horizontal line on a distance-time graph represents an object moving at a constant speed. The slope of the line on a distance-time graph represents the speed of the object, and if the line is horizontal, it means the object is moving at a constant speed as there is no change in distance over time.

If you Add up the total kinetic energy and potential energy what does that give you?

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The total of kinetic and potential energy gives you the total mechanical energy of a system. This is a constant value if only conservative forces are involved.

Average velocity always equals one-half the sum of the initial and final velocities?

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Average velocity is actually calculated by taking the total displacement and dividing it by the total time it took to cover that distance. The equation to find average velocity is (final velocity + initial velocity) / 2.

When you add heat to a solid does its kinetic energy rise?

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Yes, adding heat to a solid increases the kinetic energy of its particles, causing them to vibrate more rapidly within their fixed positions. This increase in kinetic energy leads to a rise in temperature, which can eventually cause the solid to melt into a liquid.

What is the momentum and derive the formula for the momentum?

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Momentum is a measure of an object's motion and is calculated as the product of its mass and velocity. The formula for momentum is: momentum = mass x velocity.

If an object is accelerating what equation relates the acceleration of that object the initial velocity and the final velocity and time?

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The equation that relates acceleration (a), initial velocity (u), final velocity (v), and time (t) for an object under constant acceleration is: v = u + at.

If an object is accelerating what equation relates the distance traveled by that object to the initial velocity final velocity and time?

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The equation that relates the distance traveled by a constantly accelerating object to its initial velocity, final velocity, and time is the equation of motion: [ \text{distance} = \frac{1}{2} \times (\text{initial velocity} + \text{final velocity}) \times \text{time} ]

This equation assumes constant acceleration.

Convert 30000 feet into miles per hour?

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To convert feet to miles, divide by 5280 (1 mile = 5280 feet). To convert hours to miles per hour, divide distance in miles by time in hours. Thus, to convert 30000 feet to miles per hour, first convert feet to miles (30000/5280), then divide by the number of hours to get miles per hour.

Which word equation is used to calculate the acceleration of a object?

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Asked by Timothybrashergp6492

The word equation used to calculate acceleration is: acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This equation quantifies how an object's velocity changes over a period of time, giving a measure of its rate of acceleration.

You jump down and the trampoline streches potential or kinetic energy?

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When you jump down onto the trampoline, the initial potential energy from your height is converted into kinetic energy as you descend. When you bounce back up, the kinetic energy is then converted back into potential energy as you reach the top of the bounce.