

League of Legends

League of Legends is a free to play online team based multiplayer game created by Riot Games. It is loosely based on the previously popular Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft.

500 Questions

Where did the idea of secession start and why did it create a constitutional crisis?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is clearly a homework question from a textbook or teacher generated. It is time to open the books and notes to find the answer. Wiki will not help you cheat so get to work.

just tell the answer even i have the same question, this is the place to ask and not the place to tell people that they are cheating, we ask and if people are nice enough, they answer the question, and i just opened the page and see this crap, totally a waste of time and why did u even answer this question if u aint going to tell the answer, the guy on the top is so f***ing stupid.

What are the names of the members of Moscow 5?

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Asked by Xwizardgodx

Alex Ich,Diamondprox

, Genja

,GoSu pepper

, andDarien.

What is a good build for Miss Fortune?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

Miss Fortune The draven

Start items

Amplifying tome + health pot.

Core items

Runaan's hurricane.

Kage's Pick (from amplifying tome)

Vision ward (keep in mind vision ward does damage)

Endgame items

Philospher stone.

Rod of Ages.

Boots of mobility.

Build 2 :

Start items


Core items


Endgame items


Miss Fortune Draven

What are good starting items for Amumu?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tear of the amumu.

How can you change your password in league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm pretty sure you can change your password by clicking the forgot your password on the league of legends site, however like most people, i have not tried nor needed to try this.
Go the the League of Legends main site that pertains to your region. Then press your name on the top when it finishes loading. Go to the tab "Change password" and then follow the instructions when prompted

What is a good build for Master Yi?

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Asked by Wiki User

Master Yi The Wuju Bladesman Build :

Start items :

Health Potion x3

Boots of Speed

Core items :

Zhonya's Hourglass

Lich Bane

Rabadon's Deathcap

Endgame items :

Guardian Angel

Abyssal Scepter

Void Staff

Build 2:

Start items :

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items :


Mercury's Treads

Wriggle's Lantern

Endgame items :

Guardian Angel

Blade of the Ruined King

Infinity Edge

Frozen Mallet

Jungling Tips :

Timing objectives:

It is a great idea to note when Blue/Red buffs or Dragons/Barons will spawn back. That way you can make sure you will get it first. For example, Blue buff usually dies at 2:00. That means it will come back at around 7:00. You can ward the enemy jungle and go at the enemy blue at 7:00 to steal for example.

Here are the jungle respawn times:

Wraiths - 50 seconds

Wolves and Golems - 1 minute

Red Lizards and Blue golem - 5 minutes

Dragon - 6 minutes

Baron Nashor - 7 minutes

Another tip: When you kill Dragon or Baron, look at the current time, add 6 or 7 minutes to that time (depending on what you just killed) and type in chat. That way you can scroll up in the chat box to see when it's gonna come back. Your team will be able to get ready to get it again/ambush the enemy. :)

League Of Legends Champion Guide :

Does league of legend require strategy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. As an RTS/MOBA (Real Time Strategy/Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), it requires quite a bit of strategy to move up through the elos (the difficulty level of opponents you are matched against). At first, it does not seem like it takes much skill, because you are playing against people that are beginners, but as you win more and more matches, you are matched against stronger players, and you will eventually reach your ideal elo, and win approximately 50% of the games.

As for the depth of strategy, there are many aspects of the game that should be taken into consideration in how you play. I won't go into the details of each; I'm just listing off the aspects of the game so you can see that there is more to the game than you see at first.

  • Team composition
  • Team coordination
  • Countering
  • Anticipating an enemy build
  • Flexibility in one's own build
  • Zoning
  • Ganking
  • Last hitting
  • Map control
  • Backdooring
  • Positioning
  • Interplay between champion skills

These are just a few aspects of the game; there are many more. There is also no single correct way to do any of these; there are Pros and Cons of each method.

What is a Luden's Echo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Statik Shiv for casters.

Should i put money in League Of Legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are going to play League Of Legends for a living i would reccomend you putting some money in the game cause the viewers like watching champs with skin (but dont over do it).

But if you play League Of Legends just for fun i reccomend you not to put money in the game cause you will someday get bored of it or you will get to old for it or.... or.... or.... or.............

What is a Syndraaaaa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Syndraaaaa is a term used to express exclamation just like "Holy shit".

Who is the newest League of Legends champion?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of July 8, 2013, the newest champion released on League of Legends was Aatrox, the Darkin Blade. Lucian, the Purifier, is the next champion that will be released. The date of his release is unknown for now.

League Of Legends Champions Guide :

Can you use cheat engine 6.0 on league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not in the way you are thinking, no. All the data used for your gold and level or anything that would affect how you interact with other players or the store, including the IP and RP are all stored on the LOL servers, and not on your computer.

You can use it, but you won't be able to change anything significant, it is also against their terms of service so they might delete your account. You could probably mess up the way some things look to you, and you might be able to hack the way colors are represented to see heroes better or something, but the only thing you'll be able to change is the way you see things, it won't have any way to game the system to get 100,000 gold or anything.

The game is server-sided so anything you change on your client is not seen by others so if you try to use gold-hack and buy an item, when the client responds to the server, it will not work. However, you can mod the client to add custom skins and map textures but those will only be seen by you.

What is the story of urf the manatee in league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Urf the manatee was an April Fool's Day champion joke. The actual story of Urf goes as follows:

Despite the traditionally peaceful ways of his people, Urf the Manatee idolized the strength and prowess of Champions in the League of Legends and strafed to become one. Of all the League's Champions, there was none that Urf admired more than Jax The Armsmaster. Since the introduction of the arena, no man has forced the League of Legends to revise their regulations more often than Jax, and the self-proclaimed Grandmaster at Arms rattled off a streak of consecutive wins 152 long. In order to compensate for the extreme power of this Champion, the League created special sanctions for Jax: He is only allowed to fight with weapons the League deems suitable. For now, that list includes a lamppost, a chicken's foot, a spatula, and a fishing rod.

In his admiration and pursuit to become a weapons master like Jax, Urf has equipped himself with the two great symbols of his Manatee heritage as his weapons: a fish (to symbolize the bounty and providence of the sea) and spatula (to pay homage to his people's age-long pursuit for culinary mastery). Urf now begins his aquatic journey as the League's first Manatee Champion, hoping one day he will have the opportunity to cross fish and spatula with chicken's foot and lamppost.

Unfortunately, today, the story of Urf Day took a tragic turn, for as Urf was swimming along, dutifully guarding the river in the Summoner's rift, he met with a tragic demise. Eye-witness accounts have been unreliable at best, but everyone seems to agree that just before it happened a blue streak was seen darting out of the nearby jungle. A great clamor ensued, followed by the doleful screams of a manatee done wrong. In the end, all that was left of this brave prince amongst sea cows was his skin... and even that was stolen by this most nefarious of perpetrators. Now any good story needs a moral. So if there's anything that the story of Urf Day and the story of the Big Bad Wolf have in common, it's this: deep within every wolf, there is a cunning master of disguise just waiting to get out. Take Warwick for instance; a giant, bloodthirsty werewolf able to cunningly adapt by blending into even the most innocent of surroundings. He could be anywhere at any time... behind a rock, in the brush, in the jungle, or cleverly masquerading as a lovable, spatula-wielding manatee.

If you play LoL do you have a life?

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Asked by Wiki User


Depends on how much you play :) if you want to be really good at the game, LoL will be your life oO

How do you unlock fields of justice in league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

You cannot unlock fields of justice. RIOT every now and again will release a new field for everyone to play. The next field that is due in late september/early october is Crystal Scar, which will feature the new game mode, Dominion.

What are the names of the members of World Elite?

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Asked by Xwizardgodx

Top: Caomei
Jungler: Clearlove
Mid: Misaya
ADC: Weixiao
Support: Fzzf

Can league of legends work with 1.73 ghz core?

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Asked by Wiki User

League of Legends requires a 2 Gigahertz Core and will not function properly with 1.73. You can try to, although your computer may face problems in game and crash. When running, try to close all un-needed processes and services.

More system requirements can be seen in the link below...

How can you buy League of Legends riot points in Australia via mobiles?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is done via Paymo. The points can be purchased in the client under the Purchase RP section.

What is Ryze's Q spell in League of Legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ryze's Q spell is "Overload." Passively, this ability causes Ryze to gain cooldown reduction. When activated, Ryze throws a charge of pure energy at a target enemy unit to deal magic damage. For more information about this ability and other's pertaining to Ryze, the Rogue Mage, see the related link provided below.

Does league of legends work on inspiron 8200?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unless you upgraded the computer, No is your answer. The current requirements are listed below.

Minimum System Requirements
  • 2 GHz processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 750 MB available hard disk space
  • Shader version 2.0 capable video card
  • DirectX 9.0 capable video card
  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (Mac OS is currently not supported)
Recommended System Requirements
  • 3 GHz processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 750 MB available hard disk space
  • GeForce 8800 or equivalent video card
  • Windows XP with the latest service pack installed, Windows Vista with the latest service pack installed, or Windows 7 (Mac OS is currently not supported)
  • The latest update to .NET Framework from Microsoft

What league of legends champion is most likely to get a pentakill?

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Asked by Wiki User


Because of his ultimate(r) which targets everyone on there team that is alive. No matter who runs karthus' ultimate will hit absoultly every champion champion that is alive so if you use it you are very likely to get a PENTAKILL!

How do you download league of legends on a tablet?

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Asked by Wiki User

Impossible to do at the current time. Because there's no tablet version for league of legend yet. But what I did is connect my phone and keyboard and an HD monitor that outputs 1080p through a usb hub to my Samsung Galaxy S2. At this point in time 3/26/2012, most flagship tablets and phones being launched are at least dual core if not quadcore. The GPU's are accelerating almost as fast. The new Samsung Galaxy S3 will have a 1080p 4.8" screen And likely a quad core 1.5ghz processor with 1.5g of ram. The GPU will aslo be an exynos 5275. Those specs are more than enough to play league of legends.

What is the Void Staff in League of Legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Void Staff is an advanced item in League of Legends It is used to counter champions that stack magic resistance.


Combining Void Staff with Arcane Knowledge yields 40.2% magic penetration, rather than 43%, because percent magic penetration stacks multiplicatively.

The same is true for armor penetration with Weapon Expertise and Last Whisper.

The 35% magic penetration from Void Staff becomes more effective the more magic resist the enemy target has on them. Ranging from 30 magic resist to 200 magic resist, the magic penetration increases damage from 8% to 30%.


Magic penetration reduced to 35% from 40%.

Void Staff is now applied before flat magic penetration.


Coloring changed to blue from the glitch where in the shop it was red.


Recipe changed to Blasting Wand + Amplifying Tome + 1000g.


Passive ability is now Unique.

V1.0.0.52: Added

Mid tier ability power/mana Item: gives your spells 40% magic penetration.

League Of Legends Items Guide :