

League of Legends

League of Legends is a free to play online team based multiplayer game created by Riot Games. It is loosely based on the previously popular Defense of the Ancients (DotA) mod for Warcraft.

500 Questions

How do you talk on league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

In order to chat with your team one must simply press the enter button in order to bring up a dialogue box in which you can type. Just press enter again when you're ready to send the message and it will display for your teammates.

What is a good ADC in league of legends?

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ADC (now officially known as Marksmen) could refer to champions who have been tagged as Attack Damage Carries, such as:

How do you log in without a summoner league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only way to create a summoner on a new account is to load up the game client and then setting it up that way. There is no other way to do this.

What is the best build for ezreal in league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think it would probably be trin-force-ish. Corki has good harass, and that's not just his skills. His passive makes for really nice damage. Considering the build I would probably use for corki, would be along the lines of Trinity Force, maybe a Phantom Dancer or something else with ASPD, and get some Attack Damage through Bloodthirster or Infinity edge. If you want to go a little more durable/tanky, grab a warmogs on your way to atma's(but only if you get health items, such as frozen mallet or something). Another good suggestion would be Madred's bloodrazor, for the magic damage. Combined with corki's passive, it would make it easier for him to take down tanks. If the enemies are all quite tanky, try getting some Armour Pen.

Note: Try changing the build: For example, if the enemies are squishy, there would be no need to stack Armour Pen. Instead, go for some health-attack damage, as the squishy characters seem to do more damage than the moderately durable ones.

Don't forget, if you want to be tankier, and there is a karthus in the game, the best way to annoy him is to buy Maw of Morthius.

Good luck with your build!

The Big 100k

How do you buy champions in League of Legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, first of all, you can buy "Riot points" (with real money),

but keep in mind that you will also get some "Influence points" by just playing matches.

With these Riot points OR Influence pionts, you will be able to buy new champions. The prices vary, ranging from 450 - 6300 Influence points or 260 - 975 Riot points. You can do this in the client by logging in to your account, and clicking on the "Store" button, which I believe is represented by a little treasure chest and some coins on the top right of your window. Once in the store, click on the "Champion" tab, and you will find a list of available champions. You can use the various options on the left to sort champions by your preference. Also, once in the store, you can click the "Purchase Riot Points" button on the top right, in order to top up on Riot points. *REMEMBER* More expensive champions are not necessarily better (I used to think so when I first started playing).

I hope this helped.

What is a good build for Annie in League of Legends?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

Annie The Dark Child

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Crystalline Flask

Core items

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rod of Ages

Sorcerer's Shoes

Endgame items

Zhonya's Hourglass

Void Staff

Abyssal Scepter

Build 2

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Crystalline Flask

Core items

Sorcerer's Shoes

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rod of Ages

Endgame items

Abyssal Scepter

Void Staff

Zhonya's Hourglass

Pyromania (Passive): Pyromania is Annie's passive. Whenever Annie casts an ability she will gain a stack of Pyromania. Once at 4 stacks there will be a swirling white/gray wind around her,indicating that her next offensive ability will stun it's target for 1.75 seconds.

Tips and Tricks

Enemies will probably play defensive if you have your stun up.

Leave this at 3 stacks so they'll feel safe,then cast Molten Shield/ Disintegrate + Disintegrate/ Incinerate/ Summon: Tibbers to stun and burst them.

Use this to save yourself or teammates.

Your stun is the reason junglers may not gank you.

Disintegrate (Q): Disintegrate is Annie's main farming tool and harass. It refunds mana if it deals a killing blow making it an efficient farm/mana sustain. Use it to stun the enemy if they get too close. That's all I can about this ability.

Tips and Tricks

When you have Pyromania up use Disintegrate + Incinerate to deal a good chunk to the enemy mid.

Disintegrate is an easy last hit tool.

Incinerate (W): Incinerate is a deadly AoE cone shaped nuke. Annie scorches a cone of fire in front of her to deal damage. It has about the same range as Disintegrate allowing for easy comboing. It can be used to farm multiple minions at once aswell.

Tips and Tricks

If you have Pyromania ready to stun,use it to stop ganks by stunning both/all of your offenders.

Pyromania + Disintegrate + Incinerate = Alot of damage early game.

If in a teamfight without Summon: Tibbers,consider Incinerate as your next giant team stun.

Molten Shield (E): Molten Shield is Annie's "No don't gank me" ability. It gives her a boost in armor and magic resist and if attacked by an auto attack the attacker will be hit with magic damage. It's a shame not many Annie players use it to defend themselves, they only use it to charge stun. (HINT HINT)

Tips and Tricks

Molten Shield + Incinerate (or vise versa) at fountain if you have less then 3 Pyromania stacks.

Use against ADCs and anyone who likes to auto attack alot.

When at 3 Pyromania stacks,using this and then quickly following up with an offensive ability can catch an opponent off guard.

Use when getting ganked to take less damage. (no brainer :o)

Tibbers (R): Summon: Tibbers is your ult that basically demolishes if you have Pyromania up. Tibbers will appear in a burst of flames dealing massive damage in an area. He will do AoE magic damage and smack enemies.

Tips and Tricks

Pyromania + Summon: Tibbers + Disintegrate + Incinerate is your burst combo.

Pyromania + Summon: Tibbers in a teamfight is devastating,enough to stun an entire team.

Use Summon: Tibbers to turrent dive or kill a turrent faster.

If you have Tibbers already in use,you could place him in a bush for a ward.

If your enemy is too scared to fight you at level 6 and you have Pyromania,use Disintegrate and follow up with Summon: Tibbers and Incinerate.

Pyromania + Flash + Summon: Tibbers + Disintegrate + Incinerate is OP.

League Of Legends Champions Guide :

How many Megabytes do you need to play league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

the system requirements for league of legends are

Minimum System Requirements

* 2 GHz processor

* 1 GB RAM

* 750 MB available hard disk space

* Shader version 2.0 capable video card

* DirectX 9.0 capable video card

* Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows 7 (Mac OS is currently not supported)

Recommended System Requirements

* 3 GHz processor

* 1 GB RAM

* 750 MB available hard disk space

* GeForce 8800 or equivalent video card

* Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows 7 (Mac OS is currently not supported)

What is Ashe's build in League of Legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ashe is an attack speed and an attack. So the best item you definitely should get is Phantom Dancer. That should be your second item. Your first item is Berserker's Greaves. Second is Phantom Dancer. Third is Infinity Edge. Fourth is Bloodthirster. Fifth is another Phantom Dancer. And finally, the sixth item should be another Infinity Edge.

Berserker's Greaves -> Phantom Dancer -> Infinity Edge -> Bloodthirster -> Phantom Dancer -> Banshee's Veil

ADDENDUM: I wish to make sure that you understand that there is not one way to build a champ. I personally prefer getiing the Infinity's Edge first (for more damage output) before I build a Phantom Dancer. Some games also call for other items, such as Quicksilver Sash for example.

What is the code for free ip on league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

IP (or Influence Points) are gained by playing the game. It does not need to be purchased with real currency. More IP is awarded to you if you are on the winning team, were able to make a lot of kills (minion or otherwise) or tower take downs, etc. You are still awarded IP even if you lose, but the amount is reduced. The first win of each 24 hours is doubled. So, in essence, all IP is free. also you can buy rp (riot points) to get characters and skins easier.Also yuo can get runes which help with your builds.

Who is the best champion on league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no best champion in LoL. The game mostly depends on player skill. If you play one champion long enough, you will become good at that champion. Champions are also suited for different roles. Some are tanks, some are melee DPS, and some are casters. You can't compare tanks and DPS champions. Champion abilities, and strength change each time they patch the game. One week a champion might be considered over-powered, but then in the next patch Riot may Nerf that champion (make him/her/it weaker) and instead another champion becomes over-powered. Basically choose whichever champion suits your play-style, and stick with them. I recommend doing this with a variety of champions from different roles, so you can complement your team no matter which champions they pick. By the time you have played 100 games with a champion, you will be better with that champion than any other champion you could play, even if they are over-powered.

What is a good build for Warwick?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

Madrid's Bloodrazor is always good take a look at what the opposing team consists of and try to get defensive items accordingly. But it is always more logical to follow guides and builds on the internet since League of Legends is sustained in updates and game constantly changes.

Why wont your league of legends load?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have no idea.

What are user names and passwords for people who have played league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

For this question, it is hard because why would anyone give you their accounts?

Why does league of legends mess up my computer's resolution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some computer games have a set resolution for that game. Most of the time it is lower then the resolution of your screen so it has to automatically adjust for best game play performance. You can change these settings in the in-game settings.

What is an atlantean syndra?

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Asked by Qaregular1

Atlantean Syndra is a name of a game. This game can be played online.

What structures are good to build when using basswood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Basswood has little change with the weather, Basswood is also good for making Model Structures. Also chairs, tables, and houses. You can always Search for more answers.

What is a good build for Taric?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

Taric The Gem Knight

Start items

Health Potion x2

Vision Ward

Sight Ward x2

Rejuvenation Bead

Core items

Aegis of the Legion

Philosopher's Stone

Mercury's Treads

Ruby Sightstone

Endgame items

Mikael's Crucible

Shurelya's Reverie

Build 2

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Faerie Charm

Rejuvenation Bead

Core items


Aegis of the Legion

Mercury's Treads

Philosopher's Stone

Endgame items

Sunfire Cape

Warmog's Armor

Shurelya's Reverie

Ruby Sightstone

Mercury's Treads

AD Carries

As a support you will be bot lane with a ranged AD carry, naturally you'll also be facing one.


Playing with: Work together to burst down your enemy. Starting fights with Dazzle and Shatter will allow Graves to Quickdraw and Buckshot, dealing huge damage thanks to armour shred. At level 6 the lane becomes a lot more dangerous with Radiance and Collateral Damage being thrown into the mix. Graves' armour passive also synergises well with Shatter.

Playing against: Your armour aura should help negate a lot of Graves' burst damage. Wait until his Quickdraw is down before stunning him to allow you and your ADC to lay some hurt onto him.


Playing with: Ezreal's strong poke with Mystic Shot and Essence Flux. Stun your enemy with Dazzle to allow Ezreal to poke for free. Ezreal is quite fragile and benefits well from Shatter and sustain from Imbue. You can burst enemies down at level 6 with the additional damage from Radiance and Trueshot Barrage.

Playing against: Ezreal is a strong poker so Shatter will help overcome that slightly. Try to stun and burst Ezreal when his Arcane Shift is on cooldown to stop him escaping. Be sure to ping out any ultimates that he fires and to be careful that he doesn't try to smite you with it if you're low on health.


Playing with: Caitlyn has strong harass which can maximise the potential of Dazzle and Shatter combos. You do a lot of damage by steadily weakening the enemy.

Playing against: Caitlyn's poke is painful and Shatter helps overcome it. Caitlyn's only escape is her 90 Caliber Net which can be difficult to activate if she panics. Initiate by stunning her and bursting her down. Taric is resilient enough to intercept oncoming Ace in the Holes aimed at your allies and to eat her Yordle Snap Traps but try to avoid unnecessary damage from Piltover Peacemaker.


Playing with: Ashe plays relatively passive aside from harassing with Volley and using her harsh poke from Frost Shot. Don't rely on her Hawkshot as a replacement for wards. She can initiate herself by using her Enchanted Crystal Arrow or with your Dazzle and you can both proceed to wreck the enemy team. Alternatively you can use your stun to temporarily disable a disruptive enemy support.

Playing against: Be very careful not to overextend or you could find yourself stunlocked / permaslowed by Ashe and her support, especially as her Focus+ Volley combo can hurt really bad. Be wary of her Enchanted Crystal Arrow as she may instagib you with it if you're low on health. Be sure to ping out any ultimates that she fires.


Playing with: Corki's Gatling Gun synergises superbly with your Shatter, allowing you to shred the enemy's armour and win engagements. Corki can burst down enemies with your combo, or follow up stuns with strong poke from his Missile Barrage.

Playing against: Corki does a lot of damage when his Gatling Gun is on so try not to fight him at pointblank range. He also has a free escape card with Valkyrie so ensure to engage on him when this is on cooldown. He can also use this to engage so be careful when your health is low. Your Shatter aura should help against his poke, but try to avoid some of his Missile Barrage shows as they're slow and easy to dodge. Be mindful that Corki can reveal brush using Phosphorus Bomb so don't camp.


Playing with: Draven does unbelievable damage using his Spinning Axe and can follow up stuns with large damage. Draven tends to chunk down enemies rather than autoattack engage, so burst down the enemy when you want to engage, as your Shatter's armor shred and bonus AD from Radiance will make Draven hurt bad. He can help CC the enemy using his Stand Aside, and often uses Whirling Death as part of his burst.

Playing against: Draven does a lot of damage when he is allowed to but is very vulnerable to CC as he lacks escape mechanisms except for Stand Aside and Blood Rush. Keep in mind that Blood Rush's cooldown is refreshed whenever he catches a Spinning Axe so he makes an excellent chaser and executioner, literally. Watch out for Whirling Death snipes and always ping if he fires it. Try to stun Draven and burst him down when he overextends.


Playing with: Kog'Maw is very fragile early game and likes to passively farm. It's a good idea to stun the enemy AD carry if the enemy support starts getting aggressive and allow Kog'Maw some free poke. Thanks to Caustic Spittle and Bio-Arcane Brrage Kog'Maw has high attack speed and high range so bursting down enemies allowing Koggy to autoattack is good as he gets stronger. His Void Oooze helps prevent escapes and he can snipe any fleeing enemies with Living Artillery.

Playing against: Kog'Maw is very weak early so be aggressive and burst him down before he gets stronger. He has no escape mechanisms and poor mobility so stunning him is very effective. Be careful of being permaslowed by his Void Ooze as he can pick you off with his painful long range poke. Most importantly be careful when you have low health, as he may snipe you with Living Artillery or turn your victory into a draw by finishing you off with Icathian Surprise.

Miss Fortune

Playing with: Miss Fortune does a lot of damage very early with high base AD and her abilities. Thanks to Double Up she can follow up a stun with a lot of harass. At level 6 your abilities together can devastate the enemy team, thanks to the armour shred and bonus AD from Shatter and Radiance, and the devastating AoE damage from Bullet Time.

Playing against: Miss Fortune does a lot of damage and can poke at you from behind your ADC with Double Up. Her Impure Shots can make your healing less effective and she can slow you with Make it Rain. Be wary when fighting in jungle or when you are bunched up as she can devastate you with Bullet Time. Try to stun her as she is channeling this as it will be interrupted. She lacks mobility when in combat (as Strut becomes disabled) so stun and burst her down.


Playing with: A lot of Quinn's power comes from her passive poke ( Harrier) and her ability to blind multiple targets in fights with Blinding Assault. If you're able to land a stun and Shatter she can very easily follow it up. I would consider her a lot weaker than say Graves or Corki, so pick your fights carefully. If you get into a jam, she's pretty good at getting away with Tag Team.

Playing against: Quinn Although she might not do as much damage as other carries, she will annoy the **** out of you with Harrier. If Valor marks you, back off and don't let her poke you. Or exploit it and stun her when she's out of position. Try to get in the way or simply dodge Blinding Assault so your carry can continue to attack. If she uses Tag Team, it's likely a high CC gank is coming, or in a fight she's looking to escape. Don't chase Valor. He's fast.


Playing with: Sivir is notoriously good at shredding enemy life with her Boomerang Blade. She can follow up Dazzle+ Shatter combos very well with Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and autoattacks, but be sure she has mana before engaging as she's very mana hungry. With her ultimate, On The Hunt, you both become very good at chasing down fleeing targets, giving you the necessary movement speed to land a clutch Dazzle.

Playing against: Avoid Sivir's Boomerang Blade at all costs as it hurts bad. Fortunately your Shatter aura should help against it. Try to bait her Spell Shield before stunning her, as it will negate the effects of Dazzle and provide her with mana. Something which she definitely needs. If she activates her ultimate you can expect immediate aggression, so it is often best to stand and fight rather than flee due to her movement speed. Dodging her boomerang is the key to winning fights. She has no mobility other than this, so burst her down after baiting her shield.


Playing with: Tristana can follow up with your stuns effectively with her long range poke. Her mobility with Rocket Jump allows her to rocket jump behind a stunned enemy and use Buster Shot to knock them into you, or she can initiate with this to knock them into stun and potentially tower range. Thanks to your armour shred with Dazzle and her high attack speed with Rapid Fire you are a deadly burst duo.

Playing against: Tristana is highly mobile using Rocket Jump, so ensuring it is on cooldown before stunning her is crucial. Her Explosive Shot reduces healing so try if at all possible to cast Imbue after its effect is over. Be wary of her jumping behind you to cast Buster Shot, as Taric lacks escape and you could become an easy kill. She is quite weak, so bait her jump, stun her and burst her down.


Playing with: Varus has long range poke with Piercing Arrow which can effectively follow up Dazzle. In engagements you are able to stun and burst down enemies with both of your abilities, and prohibiting enemy escape using Chain of Corruption, which is even more dangerous in confined areas.

Playing against: Varus has long poke which is hindered slightly by Shatter, but avoid Piercing Arrow if you can. Be wary that his Hail of Arrows will slow and reduce healing, so don't Imbue yourself or an ally on that area. If an ally is hit by Chain of Corruption, don't immediately panic to avoid being snared, as you can still cast abilities, including being able to stun Varus and heal allies.


Playing with: Vayne has a weak early game but she is dependant on hard CC, such as Taric's Dazzle to be effective. With perfect positioning she is able to chain stun with Condemn following your stun and deal out a lot of damage using your Shatter and Radiance with her Silver Bolts and when she activates Final Hour.

Playing against: Vayne is weak early so be aggressive and burst her down, or harass early. Be conscious of your positioning and don't be in a position where she can Condemn you. She is highly mobile and will try to Tumble out of danger, so try to stun her doing this, following up with more damage.


Playing with: Twitch is a weak early game champion but becomes very strong later on. Try to protect him and stun any aggressive enemies, allowing Twitch to poke and Expunge them. With your ultimates you are able to output a lot of damage. Remember he can stealth using Ambush, so don't hang around if your carry decides to flee.

Playing against: Twitch is weak early so take advantage of this. Avoid being hit by Venom Cask as if he gets too many poison stacks on you, Expunge will hurt badly. Always avoid standing in front or behind your AD carry as Spray and Pray will make short work of both of you. Always buy Vision Wards and Oracle's Elixir against Twitch to make Ambush less effective. In short, position yourself correctly and focus him, as he is very vulnerable to CC.


Playing with: Urgot is a strong harasser with Noxian Corrosive Charge and Acid Hunter, and can poke at enemies at super long range. Take advantage of this by stunning enemies so that he can land his Noxian Corrosive Charge. This also causes the enemy's armour to be reduced so use Shatter to maximise this effect. Stunning an enemy after Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverse can keep them suppressed for longer while Urgot dishes out damage.

Playing against: Urgot can become quite tanky and hard to kill later on so poking at him is very effective early. He is highly mana hungry so be aggressive when he is low on mana. Avoid Noxian Corrosive Charge as he will harass you with Acid Hunter, which is also far worse when he has his Terror Capacitor active as the missiles will slow you. Try to interrupt Urgot when using Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverse with a Dazzle as it is a channeled ability. Be careful of him using it on you, as Taric lacks escape mechanisms and you could become an easy kill.


Playing with: Teemo not specifically an AD carry but a common partner on bot lane. He can follow up stuns and Shatter with Blinding Dart and Toxic Shot. Baiting enemies into Noxious Trap is an extremely annoying way to start fights.

Playing against: Teemo has very short range and no escapes aside from Move Quick. Be sure to stun him during engagements so that he can't blind your ADC for longer than necessarily. Be careful not to unnecessarily walk into mushrooms. Get an early Oracle's Elixir or Vision Ward to remove them, and to possibly catch him using Camouflage.

Twisted Fate

Playing with: Twisted Fate is not a great ADC any more but is still picked occasionally. All that is important to know is to try and chain stun with Dazzle and Pick A Card and that Twisted Fate benefits from the extra damage from Radiance in engagements.

Playing against: Twisted Fate's range is poor so you can get in range to stun and harass him very easily. He also has low base armour so using Shatter will add insult to injury. Forcing an engage on him can make him panic and not successfully draw a gold card. Be careful of Destiny as he can show up behind you when you're low on health.


Playing with: Jayce has short AA range but has strong poke with his abilities. If against a weak early game ADC like Vayne or Kog'Maw you should be able to burst them at level 2. Aside from that Jayce can follow up very well to your Dazzle and Shatter combos. If escaping, remember to run through his gate as the speed can save you.

Playing against: Jayce has a lack of range on his autoattacks but beware his strong poke when using his gate and Q. If you're low chances are he will attempt to engage by jumping on you in hammer form but he isn't as resilient as his solo top counterpart. Just poke at him, avoid his long range blasts and beat him down if he gets cocky. When partnered with someone like Leona he is very scary. His late game isn't very strong either, in likeness to Urgot.

Guide Top

Enemy Supports

Enemy supports can give you a problem bot lane in addition to their ADC. There are generally three types of supports, poke, kill and sustain, as well as those who are in between sections.

To summarise, here is my predicted difficulty you will have with enemy support champions. Of course this is all textbook. A really good player could rumble you regardless, and vice versa.

Difficulty: easy normal difficult


He's very disruptive and can screw over your ADC if he's not mindful of his positioning. If he goes ham on your ADC, stun his. Don't stun and focus him as his ultimate and healing will most likely save him, and you could find yourself underneath his tower. Keep in mind when his Flash is available. Point out if he gets Boots of Mobility as he may begin to roam.


You fair well against him due to your tankiness but it's still a good idea to keep bushes warded and to avoid being hooked. You don't have any escapes outside of Flash. If he hooks or punches your ADC then stun his. Make a note of if he buys Boots of Mobility as he may use these to gank other lanes. Don't towerdive him unless you know he either won't kill you or be saved by Mana Barrier.


Although his Rupture and Feral Scream are good forms of CC, he runs out of mana fast. Until he gets sufficient mana regen you should be fine and can burst his ADC without him having anything more than Vorpal Spikes. Beware of his Feast ultimate. Try to kill him before he gains huge stacks of it.

Dr. Mundo

The Infected Cleaver is going to downright annoy you so try to dodge it, but aside from that he can't do much before he gets to level 6, and he really does need plenty of health items. Some try to start with a Ruby Crystal so punish his lack of wards. Otherwise just force him to ult before starting any major engagements so that he can't use it to escape.


Deceptively strong without any AP or with very minimal. Her damage is percentage based; she will hurt you more in human form when you have a lot of HP, and more when you're low in spider form. Her stun is fairly easy to dodge, but beware her ability to gap close with Rappel. Engage when she misses her stun. She's quite squishy early on.


His poke is strong with Dark Wind, and beware his Terrify. Until he gets a lot of points in Drain (which he won't as support) he's very squishy. If he gets too ballsy, stun him. Ward bushes when he gets to lv6 or face the crows.


Strong poke harass but goes out of mana quickly and is rather vulnerable to poke from your ADC. Not a huge threat until level 6. Remember that his AP increases the more MR he has, so he can build fairly tanky and still hurt.


Unbelievably strong poke but your armour aura should help against that. Don't stun him, he'll just Remove Scurvy. His damage is weak unless he stacks offensive items so keep an eye on him. Let your teammates know when he reaches level 6 due to his global presence.


Strong in the right hands but very AP reliant. Don't get too close and try to keep a mental note of whether her Mantra is up. Poke her down.


Her poke is ridiculously strong at first but as you level Shatter it will fall off unless she buys offensive items. You should be able to burst her ADC and there won't be much she can do about it until level 6 comes around.


Relatively strong poke with his missiles so try to stand behind minions as they will just hit them and burn his mana. Beware of his grenade as it can stun you but it's fairly easy to dodge. His turrets will probably push the lane but he will likely try to use them as free wards. He's very slow and squishy, so if you catch him out, he's dead.


She's a walking CC machine and will keep you far, far away. Her abilities can make her ADC hard to kill and she will have no problem counter-CCing your ADC. Her autoattack and slow harass hurts too. Keep an eye on her mana and try to burst her before level 6.


She has a lot more CC than you and she's tanky just like you. If she uses Zenith Blade] then immediately stun her ADC. The advantage you have is your sustain with Imbue, but sustain and kill lanes fail against her, you need to poke her which is difficult as Taric. A really hard lane.


She'll make you really mad with her autoattack and Glitterlance poke. She has a lot of utility as well as damage, so be careful when fighting. If you can catch her out of position she's an easy kill however, as long as she doesn't have her ultimate.


She's got long range poke, shielding and is the real definition of support artillery. If she can land a Light Binding on your ADC she has the potential to nuke them down, even with little AP. She's squishy but has good peel, if you can catch her out then she's easy to kill. Be careful when you're on low health or she could snipe you. Punish her if she builds AP instead of resilience.


He's actually more of a poke champion than a tank CC machine before he gets to level 6. His Seismic Shard is annoying but you should be able to outsustain it and drain his mana. He's not all that strong without health items, but he still has the potential to be a strong initiator late game. If he leaves his ADC alone to initiate, exploit that.


His saplings can keep bushes warded so bait them into minions, other than that he will be aggressive with his Twisted Advance. Don't focus him and destroy his ADC when his abilities are on cooldown.


She's a hard counter against you with Black Shield. Her Dark Binding has a slow movement speed so try to avoid it. If she binds your ADC, expect aggression so stun the ADC if she comes into range. Beware Morgana's ultimate Soul Shackle as it is big trouble if she catches both of you. Poke beats Morgana as her shield does not protect against AD. She will likely rush a Zhonya's Hourglass so punish her for lack of resilience.


Aside from her strong autoattack poke and superior sustain, you've got an advantage. She is very dependant on landing her stun, so it very important to engage the moment she misses it. She's quite slow and squishy so she's vulnerable to burst damage. Beware her Tidal Wave ultimate as it is an effective displacement tool.


Provides a scary amount of CC like Leona, don't let him hook you. He's vulnerable to being poked down by your ADC due to his lack of sustain but beware his engages, especially at level 6. Remember to ignore him and stun his ADC.


No hard CC from this cat but beware her spears. It's vital you avoid them. Poking her ADC will force her to use heals and waste her precious mana. No doubt she'll build AP later so be aggressive prior to level 6.


Nunu is Satan. Avoid engaging when his Blood Boil is active and don't let him poke you with Ice Blast. Aside from mana, he has infinite sustain with Consume, so ignore him and focus the enemy ADC. This in mind, it's a good idea to save Dazzle for when he attempts to Absolute Zero.


She has strong autoattack poke but is relatively vulnerable to be being bursted down. You're free to focus her as she has limited escapes and hard CC. She'll use her ball to keep vision in bushes, she's not a huge threat other than her ultimate.


Quite weak in lane, not much of a threat. Stun his ADC if he taunts yours. Make note of if he gets Boots of Mobility as he may start to roam.


Surprisingly dangerous with lots of ways to absorb damage. Not much sustain outside of Vorpal Blade so you can outsustain him. Make note of your positioning and don't leave yourself open to being taunted simultaneously with your ADC. Let your team know when he hits level 6 and if he does use his ultimate, immediately stun and destroy his isolated ADC.


She will poke you and make your life incredibly difficult, especially as she can outsustain you as well. She is incredibly squishy however, so getting a good Dazzle and Shatter on her followed by your ADC's burst can lead to her demise no problem. Beware Crescendo, it's one of the most potent teamfight ultimates, and for 2v2 engagements. Try to keep your lane bush pink warded, keep her on her toes.


You can't win the sustain game against Soraka. You have to be aggressive and burst her ADC or herself down. Some Sorakas make the mistake of building AP to maximise heals. Punish her for it. Beware of her free E and banana harass.


He's an a**hole. His strong autoattack poke with Toxic Shot and his ability to disable your carry with Blinding Dart. Unless he builds AP/AD he's not a massive threat later on, it might be worth getting an early Oracle's Elixir or buying extra Vision Wards to clean up his mushrooms after he gets level 6, and also to stop him from being annoying with his Camouflage passive. Once his Blinding Dart is on cooldown, destroy his ADC then destroy him.


He's a CC nightmare. Think Nautilus and Blitzcrank combined. Your objectives here are to avoid being hooked (like against the two mentioned), and to deny him from soul farming. Don't overextend to do so though. He's ranged so beware any AA harass. Don't try to chase down the ADC if you think he could be dragged back to safety by his lantern. Try to keep vision of Thresh, as he can pull his jungler or any other ally to his lane bush using his abilities.


Another nuisance. His harass is extremely good with his ghouls and he can really bully you out of lane. It's important to keep an eye on his mana and be aggressive when it's low, as he will run out of mana fast, leaving an opening to engage. Beware of his ultimate level 6 - avoid towerdiving, but if you do, take out the ADC and run. Remember Yorick resurrected champions die after a short time.


He will frustrate the living Hell out of you with his explosives and autoattack harass. He's a walking ult late game and is very squishy throughout - you can focus him down and force him to use his ultimate on himself. Without Chronoshift and a fair amount of AP, his carry is fairly vulnerable.


Her plants, long range root and high range autoattacks can really keep you grounded. Your best bet is to wait for her to use her plants and root, then engage. Zyra is extremely squishy if you can take her out. Beware of her passive as it will snipe you if you're low. Her ultimate, Stranglethorns is something you want to stay out of, especially if she's got some AP/magic penetration. Punish her for lack of defense if she builds AP.

For League Of Legends Champions Guide :

Does league of legends take long to download and update?

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Asked by Khristinetang1

Typically, League of Legends does not take very long to download and update. The actual time will depend on your Internet speed.

What is a good build for Malphite?

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Asked by KSIxDeCePtIoNx

Malphite Shard of the Monolith

Start items

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items

Sunfire Cape

Ninja Tabi

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Endgame items

Randuin's Omen

Frozen Heart

Team fights

Team fights are fairly simple as Malphite. When the enemy overextends or groups up, initiate with Unstoppable Force, catching as many targets as possible and making sure you hit at least one priority target, hopefully the most dangerous carry. Activate Brutal Strikes and use Ground Slam (use Randuin's Omen after this if you have it). Target your team's desired target to focus, often the ranged DPS, and use Seismic Shard to slow them. By this point, the enemy team will have taken a fair amount of damage from your burst and will have hopefully blown a few important spells on you. While you're tanking their initial focus and dealing an annoying amount of damage, your team will rush in, your AP will burst down one of their carries while your AD will be hammering at anything close to him. In a long team fight, try to protect your carries by blocking CC and skillshots, while debuffing the enemies with your abilities and items. Make sure you're autoattacking since it actually contributes a lot of damage.

If your team is victorious, use Seismic Shard to slow down any fleeing champions for your team to finish off. Flash in for a last hit if appropriate. Your team can then choose to push, dragon, baron, take buffs, or recall to base and shop. Team fights near the enemy tower usually call for a push, while a victory in the jungle may leave dragon or baron unguarded. Keep an eye on the enemy death timers when deciding which objective to pursue, since they increase throughout the game. If it's still relatively early in the game, the enemy team can be back to fight you again in as little as 30 seconds.

In the event your team is losing the fight, ping the retreat and slow down dangerous champions with Seismic Shard. You can use Flash to escape if necessary, but make sure you don't leave behind your carries if you can still help them. If you haven't used your ultimate, USE IT if it will help your carries escape, even if it means dashing back into the fray. The death of a tank is worth the survival of a carry, just make sure you don't suicide if you don't need to.

For League Of Legends Champions Guide :

How much gold and exp do you get after killing all the monsters in the jungle in league of legends?

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Asked by Wiki User

Since jungle camps increase their gold and exp gains everytime they are killed, there is only a definite answer for the initial exp and gold gained for a jungle clear. You gain 384 gold and 1802 exp for clearing one team's jungle, not counting Baron Nashor and Dragon kills.



Who is easier to play Nidalee or Akali LoL?

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Asked by Wiki User

Akali, unless your insanely good at landing far distance skill shots.

What is a good build for Dr Mundo?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dr. Mundo The Madman of Zaun

Start items

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items

Spirit Visage

Warmog's Armor

Ninja Tabi

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Endgame items

Guardian Angel

Randuin's Omen

Sunfire Cape

Build 2

Start items

Cloth Armor

Health Potion

Boots of Speed

Core items

Atma's Impaler

Warmog's Armor x3

Ninja Tabi

Endgame items

Maw of Malmortius

Infinity Edge

Frozen Mallet


You cannot buy Guardian Angel. Fact is, as PWNDO/Mundo you won't be dying in the first place. And with Guardian Angel on you, you think that you are truly unkillable, aren't you, little fella? WRONG! ... well right, then you truly ARE unkillable, but.............. and here goes the logic:

People tend to NOT focus you, instead even ignore you, because you just smashed their last bit of hope of killing you by buying Guardian. Which is a bad thing, because both Mundo and PWNDO are focused on not dying while the entire EVIL team is targeting you.

SO if no one targets you because of Guardian Angel, and the passive of it will NEVER EVER come to play, what's the purpose of buying it then? What's the purpose of playing PWNDO/Mundo then? what's the purpose of life? well i don't know and you don't know either, for if you DO know, you wouldn't be here reading this.

League Of Legends Champions Guide :