


Middle Ages

The period in European History from approximately 476 AD to 1453. It began when the classical antiquity period ended (due to the fall of the Roman empire), lasting until the Renaissance.

500 Questions

What are the 2 parts of medieval period?

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The medieval period is generally divided into two main parts: the Early Middle Ages (also known as the Dark Ages) and the Late Middle Ages. The Early Middle Ages lasted from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the 10th century, while the Late Middle Ages spanned from the 11th century to the 15th century. These divisions are not exact and can vary depending on the region and specific historical events.

What is considered to be the greatest break up letter in the history of the world?

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There are several famous break up letters throughout history, but one of the most notable is the letter from writer Virginia Woolf to her lover Vita Sackville-West in 1927. In the letter, Woolf expresses her deep regret and acknowledges the end of their romantic relationship, but also highlights the lasting connection and friendship between them. The eloquent and poignant nature of the letter has made it enduringly significant in the realm of break up letters.

What ages is the Imaginext Batcave suitable for?

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The Imaginext Batcave is recommended for children between the ages of 3 to 8 years old. However, older Batman fans may still enjoy playing with it as well.

What were skilled craftsmen called in the middle ages?

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Skilled craftsmen in the Middle Ages were commonly called artisans. They were highly skilled in their specific trade or craft, such as blacksmithing, carpentry, or weaving. Artisans played a crucial role in producing goods and were often organized into guilds to regulate and protect their trade.

What is a Middle Ages noble?

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A Middle Ages noble was a member of the aristocracy or nobility during the medieval period in Europe. They held a high social rank and had privileges such as owning land, collecting taxes, and commanding armies. Nobles played a crucial role in the feudal system, acting as vassals to a higher-ranking lord and providing military service in exchange for protection and land.

What are medievil times known for?

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Medieval times are known for being a period of history that spanned roughly from the 5th to the 15th century in Europe. This era is characterized by feudalism, the rise of Christianity, the construction of impressive cathedrals, the emergence of knights and chivalry, and significant political, social, and economic changes. It was also marked by conflicts such as the Crusades and the Black Death.

Why were tithe barns important in the middle ages?

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Tithe barns were important in the Middle Ages because they served as storage spaces for the agricultural tithes, which were a form of tax or rent paid to the Church in the form of crops or livestock. These barns helped ensure the Church's wealth and provided a centralized place for collecting and redistributing resources. Additionally, these barns were often used for communal activities and served as symbols of the Church's power and influence.

What are 3 reasons why catholic was important to the people of the middle ages after the fall of the Rome?

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  1. The Catholic Church provided a sense of stability and continuity during a time of political and social upheaval in the Middle Ages. It served as a unifying force, providing a common belief system and moral framework for the people.

  2. The Church played a crucial role in education and literacy, as it was the primary institution that preserved and produced knowledge during this period. Monastic schools and cathedral schools were centers of learning, where monks and clerics taught subjects ranging from theology to philosophy and even basic literacy.

  3. The Catholic Church controlled vast amounts of land and had significant economic power, which provided not only financial support but also employment opportunities for people in various roles within the Church hierarchy. Additionally, the Church was involved in charitable activities, providing assistance and services to the poor and needy.

How did kings from the medieval time get knights?

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Kings in the medieval period typically obtained knights through a feudal system. They would grant land to nobles, known as vassals, who in turn would provide military service and knights to the king. Knights were often born into noble families and trained from a young age to become skilled warriors.

What kind of gifts were given to the queen in the medieval times?

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In medieval times, gifts given to queens varied widely, depending on the wealth and status of the giver. Common gifts included jewelry, fine fabrics and clothing, ornate tapestries, books, exotic animals, and valuable objects such as gold and silverware. These gifts aimed to showcase the wealth and prestige of the giver, as well as to honor and please the queen.

What duty did lords have to their serfs?

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Lords had the duty to provide protection and justice to their serfs. They were responsible for maintaining law and order in their territories, ensuring that serfs were safe and not subject to external threats or violence. Additionally, lords were expected to provide basic necessities such as food, shelter, and protection during times of conflict or hardship.

Who sent the first letter in Medieval Times?

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In Medieval Times, letters were typically sent by nobles, clergy members, and merchants. The exact identity of the first person to send a letter in Medieval Times is unknown as written correspondence has been practiced since ancient times. However, notable figures such as kings, queens, and religious leaders were likely among the first to send letters during this period.

Who did the feudal system give the most power to?

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The feudal system gave the most power to the monarch or king. They were at the top of the feudal hierarchy and had control over vast amounts of land, resources, and people. The king granted land and privileges to the nobles in exchange for their loyalty and military service.

What were sea creatures used for in medieval times?

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Asked by Missbehaved718

In medieval times, sea creatures had various uses. Fish and other seafood were important sources of nutrition and were consumed by people including the nobility. Whales were hunted for their blubber, which was used to make oil for lamps and in industrial processes. Additionally, shells and pearls from sea creatures were used for jewelry and decoration purposes.

Who is Patrick from the early middle ages?

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Patrick from the early Middle Ages refers to Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. He was a Christian missionary who is credited with converting the people of Ireland to Christianity in the 5th century. Patrick's life and work are celebrated on March 17th as St. Patrick's Day.

What did prisoners wear in the middle ages?

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In the Middle Ages, prisoners often wore simple and basic clothing made of coarse fabric. This could include a tunic, a loose-fitting garment, often made of wool or linen. Additionally, prisoners might be made to wear distinctive marks or symbols to signify their status as a prisoner.

Did the canadians build enormous cathedrals in the middle ages?

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No, Canadians did not build enormous cathedrals in the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages refers to the period between the 5th and 15th centuries, and during that time, Canada as we know it today did not exist. Instead, Europe was the primary center for the construction of cathedrals during this era.

What is the thing called in the middle ages on the shield?

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The thing in the middle of a shield in the Middle Ages is known as a heraldic charge. This charge could be any symbol or design that represents the individual or family that owns the shield. The charge was used to identify knights and noble families in battle or tournaments.

How did Islam influence early middle ages?

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Islam had a significant influence on the early Middle Ages in several ways. It spread rapidly across the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, leading to the formation of the Islamic Empire. This empire was known for its advancements in science, math, and astronomy, as well as its preservation and translation of classical Greek and Roman texts. Additionally, Islam had a profound impact on the cultural, social, and political aspects of many societies, including the development of Islamic art and architecture, the promotion of trade and commerce, and the establishment of a unified legal system based on Sharia law.

What role did saints play in the lives in medieval Christians?

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In the lives of medieval Christians, saints played a crucial role as intercessors and examples of holiness. They were believed to have a direct line of communication with God, and their prayers were sought for protection, healing, and guidance. Saints were also seen as models of Christian virtue, and their lives and stories served as inspiration and instruction for the faithful. Their relics and shrines were venerated, and pilgrims would often make journeys to these sacred sites seeking spiritual favors.

What were Vagrants and Beggars like in the Middle Ages?

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Vagrants in the Middle Ages were often transient individuals who lacked a fixed residence or employment. They moved from place to place, surviving through begging or performing odd jobs. Beggars, on the other hand, were individuals who relied solely on begging as a means of survival. Both groups faced social stigma and were considered a burden on society, leading to various laws and restrictions being placed on them.

What forms of energy were used in the medieval manor?

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In the medieval manor, the primary forms of energy used were human labor, animal power, and firewood. Human labor was used for various tasks such as farming, construction, and domestic chores. Animal power, mainly provided by horses or oxen, was utilized for plowing fields and transportation. Firewood was burned for heating, cooking, and blacksmithing.

What increased trade and travel in the middle ages?

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Several factors contributed to increased trade and travel in the Middle Ages. The revival of long-distance trade routes, such as the Silk Road and the Mediterranean Sea routes, facilitated the exchange of goods between different regions. The growth of cities and the establishment of trade fairs also played a significant role in promoting commerce. Additionally, technological advancements, such as improved navigational tools and shipbuilding techniques, made travel safer and more efficient.

Was it only guilty people punished in the Middle Ages?

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No, not only guilty people were punished in the Middle Ages. Punishments were often severe and indiscriminate, targeting not only criminals but also those accused of witchcraft, heresy, or other perceived transgressions. Innocent people were sometimes wrongly accused and subjected to torture and execution, reflecting the harsh and unforgiving nature of justice during that time.