


Mollusks is a large, diverse phylum of invertebrates. Types of mollusks range from small (snails and slugs) to large (octopus and giant squid).

500 Questions

Is a conch an amphibian?

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yes they are invertebrates with exskeletons

Do bobcats hunt in pairs?

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Cougars, also known as pumas, mountain lions and panthers, are territorial and therefore hunt and travel alone....
Cougars do not hunt in packs. They are the most widely distributed land mammals in the Western Hemisphere other than humans, but they prefer to hunt their prey alone, which consists of meat.

The cougar is a carnevorous and is capable of killing prey up to the size of elk, however white-tailed deer, mule deer, marsh deer, peccary, and guanaco are the most common items of their diet.

What part of the mollusk contains the organs?

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visceral mass

What are the characteristics of the three groups of mollusks?

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The presence of he shell, the type of shell, the type of foot, and the type of nervous system

Why are snails and insects similar?

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snails and mosquitos can both play host to very nasty viral or parasitic passengers. snails can carry a parasite the causes schistosomiasis and different mosquitos can carry anything from dengue fever to yellow fever to malaria to west nile virus to philariasis.

schistosomiasis is very treatable if caught before late stages where as malaria, west nile, or dengue can cuase death very rapidly, some cases even 24 hours.

What is the function of the ink sac in mollusks?

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Protection from enemies. Squids spray their ink to create a cloud that distracts a predator long enough that allows the them to escape

What is mollusk with tentacles?

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Mollusks with tentacles are cephalopods. Cephalopod in Latin means, "Head-foot".

There are about 3,300 various species of cephalopod, including octopuses, squids, cuttle-fish, and nautiluses.

Sizes range from the tiny Wolfi octopus, about the size of 1 1/2 sugar cubes, to the architeuthis Colossal Squid, larger than a giant squid, whose full-grown length is up to 46 feet, or perhaps even longer. The giant squid runs from about "only" 33 feet to 42 feet, full-grown.

Do mollusk has a foot?

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yes just one; every animal has a foot...

How big does a mollusk get?

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1inch long 2 inches wide

Which are the simplest animals to have body symmetry?

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They are butterflies,moths,ants,bees,bears,bunnies,dogs,cats,rats,and road runners.

(Sorry,but that's all I could think of)

What is a nudibranch?

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No. A Nudibranch is a mollusk, which is an invertebrate, related to marine snails that looks like a slug.

Invertebrate means lacking vertebrae (backbone).

All mammals are vertebrates, thus they have a backbone.

What are black panthers life cycle?

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a black bear baby, cub,sow and a boar that its life cycle

Are mollusks segmented?

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No ......mollusks are not segmented,like insects....just their body is partitioned into head, foot, and visceral hump..........but one can't take it as segmentation.........

What are the benefits of zebra mussels?

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Zebra mussles improve water clarity.

Do mollusks have a pores?

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What types of molluscs are there?

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Mollusks (clams, oysters, scallops snails etc.) and Decapods (shrimp, lobsters and the like.

Is mollusks snails meat?

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yes, in particular they are gastropods.

What are mullusks?

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Invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell.

Are bugs mollusks?

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Do mollusks have tentacles?

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Yes. Eight , hence " Octo" .

Actually that is incorrect. Octopus have 8 arms. Only squids have tentacles. Tentacles are those long arms on the squid which is meant for grabbing prey. Octopus have eight arms not tentacles. TELL ALL!!!
Yes 8 to be exact!!!!!