

Mountain Dew

This category is for questions about the green soft drink Mountain Dew, a product of PepsiCo.

500 Questions

What parts of your body does coca cola coke damage?

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The Original Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola got its name from two specific ingredients, the caffeine-containing cola nut and the coca leaf that it is enhanced with.

For years there were speculations as to whether or not Coca-Cola actually contained any cocaine in it. And yes, initially Coca-Cola had actual doses of cocaine as a by-product of the coca leaf, but by the early 1900's, this was banned.

Today apparently, Coca-Cola uses instead of fresh leaves, "spent" leaves of coca - the leftovers of the cocaine-extraction process with cocaine trace levels left over at a molecular level. The company proclaims that it is thus using cocaine-free coca leaves.

The kola (cola) nuts are both a source of flavor and caffeine for the drink. Apart from cola nuts, the special taste of Coca Cola has contributions from vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and lemons, though the exact formula is kept strictly secret.

Hence here are the ingredients that are made public:

  • Carbonated water
  • Sugar (high fructose corn syrup)
  • Phosphoric acid
  • Caramel color
  • Natural flavors
  • Caffeine

In the past Coca-Cola contained sodium benzoate, a chemical that has been linked to asthma like effects, hyperactivity, as well as it can damage DNA and holds the potential to become carcinogenic. Coca-Cola is still phasing this chemical out in some parts of the world. For more information on this see the article "Coca-Cola to phase out controversial chemical" from Mail Online.

Due to the fact that the exact formulation of Coca-Cola is such a secret, the company only produces the "secret syrup". This is then sold to franchise partners that make it into the famous drink by mixing it with the water and sugar and then carbonating it.

The classic coca-cola is said to have 160 calories per 355mL can (based on Canadian product), 42g of carbohydrates in the form of sugars and 40mg of sodium, as well as about 34 mg of caffeine.

Coca-Cola Zero Ingredients:

  • Carbonated Water
  • Color
  • Acesulfame-Potassium
  • Aspartame
  • Caffeine
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Potassium Benzoate
  • Potassium Citrate
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Sodium Citrate
  • Sodium Cyclamate
  • Flavors

Coca-Cola Diet Ingredients:

  • Carbonate Water
  • Carmel Color
  • Aspartame
  • Phosphoric Acid
  • Potassium Benzoate
  • Natural Flavors
  • Citric Acid
  • Caffeine

Coca-Cola Blak Ingredients

  • Typical formula including:
  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame-Potassium

Caffeine-Free Diet Coca-Cola Ingredients:

  • Typical formula with no calories or sugar
  • Aspartame
  • Acesulfame-Potassium

Drinking soda can lead to many health problems. Some are listed here below.

1. Weight Gain that contributes to:

- Heart complications

- Stress on organ function

- High blood pressure

- Diabetes Type 2

- Breathing difficulties

- Fatty liver and possible cirrhosis

- Various hormonal imbalances

- Depression

- Infertility

- Lowered immune function

2. Increased acidity levels in the body that contribute to:

- Heartburn/Indigestion

- Disruption of the acid/alkaline balance that is at the core of our optimal health

- Leaches minerals out of our bones; leading to osteoporosis and weak bones

- Eats away tooth enamel and increased cavities

- Leads to poor oral health such as tooth yellowing and bad breath

- Lowered immune function

3. Psychological disruptions that may consist of:

- Addictions and dependency due to the caffeine

- Irregular sleep patterns and problems falling asleep

- Mood Swings

- Depression

- Increased ADD/ADHD symptoms

4. Cardiovascular effects due to the caffeine that may lead to:

- Irregular Heartbeat

- Heart Strain

- Blood Vessel Constriction

- Increased blood pressure

5. Cancers due to the aspartame and possibly acesulfame-potassium

6. Nutrient absorbency problems and digestive upsets

To add to all this, never mind the quality of water they are using, the fact that in some countries the products are contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides, the aluminum cans or plastic bottles the product comes in or the fact that it stimulates thirst on a biological level and does nothing to quench it.

What effect does Mentos have on diet Mountain Dew?

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Asked by Wiki User

Makes you gassy and you get a bad stomach ache!!

Is Mountain Dew good for hamsters?

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Mountain Dew contains caffeine, which is generally speaking bad for most animals (plants that produce it do so in part to keep from being eaten by animals). Severals studies have shown that caffeine has detrimental effects on hamsters specifically, including genetic toxicity.

What happens when you put a raw egg in mt dew?

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Nothing, unless you boiled the meat in hot mountain dew then you'll get cooked meat taste like mountain dew.

Are there harmful ingredients in the soft drink Mountain Dew?

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Asked by Wiki User

Obviously not... If it was many people would be dead right now. Besides, companies in America, are regulated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and would be subject to extreme penalties if their food/drug/drink was poisonous.

Does Mountain Dew have acid tones in it?

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it has citric acid in it yes... but as far as 80's acid no :)

Can you clean a toilet with Mountain Dew?

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probably if you wany your toilet to smell like mountain dew!

Is Mountain Dew bad for your teeth?

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Yes mountain dew is because gives your teeth tooth decay and if u drink it once about an hour later your head starts hurting


How much is a 12 pack of Mountain Dews?

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Probably Around 5 Dollars

Can kids have mountain dew?

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It depends on which mountain dew you are talking about; the soft drink called "Mountain Dew" is fine for kids (unless they require limited sugar consumption).

However "Mountain Dew" is a term that is sometimes used for "Moonshine whiskey" which can have a very high alcohol content and is not recommended for regular consumption by anyone (especially not kids!).

Can Mountain Dew clean a penny?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes mountain dew can clean a penny because there are acids in the formula. towards the penny and an acid can clean a pennny..You can also use toothpaste on a cottan ball or ketchup. Using an acid to clean a penny will destroy the collecting value of the coin.

Why don't guys drink Mountain Dew?

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Many computer programmers drink Mountain Dew for the sugar rush and caffeine.

Why does dew often from at night?

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If you have a headache should you drink Mountain Dew?

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Asked by Caitybugz

No. . . Caffine is bad for headaches. . . It'll probabally just make it worse. . .

What percentage of diet Mountain Dew is water?

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Asked by Wiki User

none its made of oranges and sugar

to the idiot that left the above comment are you in 2nd grade

lets lay this out q? what is the % of orange juice that is in mountain dew

your answer none its made of oranges and sugar

last time i checked you get orange juice from oranges

i guess that you dont get orange juice from oranges the person that left this answer is 100% an idiot

How did Mountain Dew get its name?

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Mountain Dew was invented by two Tennessee brothers, Ally and Barny Hartman in the 1940's. It was sold locally around Tennessee before the formula was revised in 1958 by Bill Bridgforth. In 1964 the rights to the drink were bought by Pepsico, who marketed the drink all over the U.S. The first editions of Mountain Dew were Diet Mountain dew and Mountain Dew red, both in 1988. Mountain Dew red was discontinued in the same year as it's release, but was bought back in the 2000's as "Code Red", although it tasted different.

Mountain Dew was renamed Mtn Dew in the 2000's to appeal more to a "younger" audience. The brand also sponsors sporting events such as skateboarding. Mountain Dew has 13 active-non limited edition flavours as of August 2011. The company plans to turn international soon, spreading over to the U.K in 2010.

How are frost and dew the same?

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There is always vaporized water in the air. In cold temperatures, this gaseous vapor tuns into a liquid or solid. Dew in the morning is a result of cold temperatures at night and frost in the winter is from really cold temperatures outside

What year was the first year Mountain Dew was made?

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Asked by Wiki User

O would estimate about l965 judged by bitz advertising on tv and radio, and also the use of promotionakls at Palisades Park and The LIRR. The Park had a Smokey warren Mountain dew revue- a C&W concert for some years. O would estimate about l965 judged by bitz advertising on tv and radio, and also the use of promotionakls at Palisades Park and The LIRR. The Park had a Smokey warren Mountain dew revue- a C&W concert for some years. O would estimate about l965 judged by bitz advertising on tv and radio, and also the use of promotionakls at Palisades Park and The LIRR. The Park had a Smokey warren Mountain dew revue- a C&W concert for some years.

Is mountain dew safe to drink?

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If it was toxic, they couldn't sell it.

What is Mountain Dew side affects?

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Mountain dew contains yellow 5, which lowers a male's sperm count.

EDIT: Actually it does not lower male sperm count. This is a rumor which has been cleared up. You can read about it online, Yellow 5 caused allergic reactions in some people but however does not lower sperm count.

Being caffeinated and so, very addictive, and because it is very acidic and loaded with sugar, Mt. Dew is known for causing "Mountain Dew Mouth". See link below.

"Dentists who work in Appalachia have coined a new name for the extreme instances of tooth decay caused primarily by drinking sugary sodas. They refer to the condition as Mountain Dew Mouth."it is a fact that mountain dew only contains natural sugars from juices it uses. so it is not loaded with sugar unless you get the throwback mountain which is loaded with sugars.

How many 2 liter bottles of soda for 40 people?

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There are about 10 glasses of soda in each bottle. Figure each person will drink two or three glasses of soda during your party, so you'd need 60 x 3 = 180 glasses total. That would divide out to be about 18 bottles, and you might want to round up to 20 or even 25 if you know you can get rid of any extra soda afterwards.

What has the most sugar mountain dew or root beer?

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Dr. Pepper for the record has the most caffeine even more than Mtn Dew!!!

Is it OK to drink Mountain Dew once in a while?

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Asked by Wiki User

no it is just like any other fizzy drink. however it is not good for you. you are talking about the fizzy drink aren't you. because if you are drinking it every day you will develop a serious case of the rhinoexterthopolis and this is a flu that will start to effect you in a few months because this symptom will make your muscles weaker and your penis smaller this is a bit like muscular distrafee except it happens over a short period of time and you will be dead before you know it. this will affect your life and the people around you because you are going to die