


Opiates are a group of drugs derived from the poppy plant. Opiates include legal drugs such as morphine and codeine as well as illegal drugs such as heroin.

500 Questions

Does Vyvanse show up as an opiate on a drug test?

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NO. Venlafaxine is in no way related to Opium. It is an anti-depressant and is not at all considered an opiate.

Does Percocet give an opiate positive drug screen?

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no there is a special test that has to be run for oxycodone

hats the dumbest thing i ever heard of course oxys show up as opiates.

Actually, don't answer if you don't know what you are talking about. I am on a methadone clinic which tests urine constantly. I don't know if you are being sarcastic or not. Oxycontin shows up as oxycodone. If you have a script for oxy and and use heroin you cannot get over. Even though it is an opiate it metabolizes

into its own category. So it is an opiate but on the test our clinic uses it further breaks it into its own category (oxycodone).

Can you overdose from opiates and die?

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Yes. several way from bad choices made after you get hooked.

And end up using IV drugs and mixing them you can OD or get a infection that could kill you and then theirs the illness's that go along with such as Aids/Hiv or Hep C subdural hiematoma

Also a drug deal gone bad. Robbery trying to get more money to feed your habit.

Opiate's take control of your whole life so fast you wont know your hooked befor it's to late'

And make you do things you would never ever think of doing.

Unless you can take them for a real reason as Perscribed given to you bye your Doctor to control your pain.

Believe me I know Ive been down both roads Im lucky I don't have aids hiv or Hep But I half to take class A nartocits 3 x a day because of a auto wreck I now am leaking spinal fluid it causes sever Mygrains and its not worth it I would rather have my life back. Now my life has turned into a living HELL and Im not kidding. If you have a choice don't take them unless you half to.

Opiate abuse has killed some of the kids I grew up with its a ugly way to die. Jerry Garcia died from trying to get clean and his body couldn't take it.

Its not easy getting off the drug but if your hooked I pray you can get clean.

Do pain management doctors that drug test test for specific types of opiates?

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Yes For Sure, HOWEVER...The Lab Must Run A Different Set Of Test To Determine What Type/Kind Of Opiate Is Present In The Test, Which Is Commonly Urine. So, A Simple Urine/Blood Sample Will Show Opiate Present, But It Will Require A Whole New Type Of Testing Of That Sample To Determine The Exact Derivative, IE: Heroin, Oxycontin,Morphine, methadone,And Other Drugs That Are Opiate Based, Either Synthetic Or Otherwise.

How can you get opiates out of your system faster?

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Time is the only tried and true way. Opiates typically take 3 to 5 days to leave your system, depending on frequency and severity of use. For a drug test, I'd say 6 days, just to be safe.

If you have a drug test in less than 6 days, then call them on the morning of the appointment, tell them you are sick with the flu, and reschedule the test.

Don't let them pressure you into keeping the original appointment. You are so sick, you cannot even stand up without vomiting, so it is simply not possible. They may try to threaten or frighten you into thinking you have to keep the original appointment, but unless this is a parole drug test, there's really nothing they can do about it. If you're sick, you're sick.

And don't let them tell you that you need to provide them with a doctor's note, either. If you are too sick to stand up, then you are too sick to go to the doctor.

What is the lethal dose of opiates?

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The amount that will cause death by the inability to breathe! This amount varies from person to person and you may quit breathing with your first dose of an opiate. Would have an MD prescribe it to you first

Will Coricidin show as an opiate on a drug test?

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Asked by Xxvegasch1kxx

coricidin is not an opiate. it may feel like one but the ingredient in it that makes you feel high is called dextromethorphan (dxm) and no it shouldn't show up at all remember its for "cough and cold"

Can morphine cause stomache ulcers?

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you mean gastric/duodenal ulcers? They are usually caused by a bacteria (H.Pylori) however they can also be caused by taking excessive amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen (Tylenol) which often accompanies opiate pain killer drugs like morphine sulfate. I was just reading an article, published in '07 Supportive Oncology,which was describing use of Morphine Sulfate topical gel as an effective pain control method for ulcers on the epidermis. I wonder if it would be good for gastric ulcers too.

What is the street value of morphine sulphate 80 mg?

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30 to 50 max but if you want to sell it id go for every five Mg's 2 dollars

What is maximum daily dosage?

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4000 units in patients with insulin antibodies

Can you mix oxycodon morphine and klonipin?

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If they are prescribed and dosages do not exceed maximum doses. Only effects would be increased dizziness, drowsiness, and respiratory depression. I am prescribed hydrocodone and lorazepam by the same doc. Always check with interaction checker or call a pharmacist if you are ever concerned.

How long does oxycodone stay in system for urine test?

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Oxycontin gets out of the system pretty quick, for the average person, 48-72 hours but more likely 72 hours unless your really small and frail. If you've used for a long time possibly longer...

Will tussionex show up as opiate on drug test?

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Yes, the active ingredient in Tussionex is Hydrocodone which shows up as an opiate on drug tests.

Will marijuana show up in tests as an opiate?

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last guy: No THC is THC, the chemical found in marijuana. An opiate is a form of herion such as morphine or Oxycontin.

pip313: Technically it is a opioid because it has activity at opiate receptors, demerol is an "opioid" because it is fully synthetic with no structural simularity to anything the poppy plant produces. No one questions demeral being an opioid THC has the same quality's (again activity at the opiate receptors , at least the mu receptor)

Does morphine depress the respiratory system?

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Morphine can and does have an effect on breathing. The effects vary from each individual. A lot depends on a persons weight and the mg's taken and tolerance. What one can take safely could completely stop the respiration of another person.

If you are allergic to pethidine are you allergic to morphine?

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I'm not sure however I am allergic to both as well as atracurium

800 nanograms of morphine is how many grams of morphine?

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One billion. 7461 ng = 7.46100 x 10-6 grams

What is 100 times more potent then morphine?

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Fentanyl is often mentioned as having 100 times the potency of IV morphine.

Is morphine a opiate?

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Morphine is the base of all opiates. The first and original opiate is morphine.

Is Adderall an opiate?

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Any narcotic purchased at the pharmacy a photo I.D. is required, and when i pick up adderall i have to furbish a photo I.D., so i think yes adderall is a narcotic.

Adderall is a stimulant medication used to treat ADD/ADHD and is not a narcotic. It is a controlled substance, however, which is why you must show a photo ID when you pick it up at the pharmacy.

New comment from nursing student-- technically and literally narcotic means "to make one sleepy", so by definition adderall is NOT A narcotic, as it contains Amphetamines, which are a stimulant. However, adderall is listed by the FDA as a controlled substance under legislature. So when you go to the pharmacist he/she require identification. DO NOT take adderall expecting it to, it any way, simulate the effects of real narcotics.

If you are talking about Adderall, it is a controlled substance with a high abuse potential.

Comment from a Pharm.D-- To add to the previous comment- I am a Pharmacist, and at the pharmacy i work in we use a system to identify our presciptions that involves 6 numbers preceeded by either RX, N, or C (for example. C 999-999). Vicodin or Percocet, for example, would be given as N 999-999, denoting its status of a narcotic drug; Xanax, a contolled substance, would be given as C 999-999; Amoxil would be given as Rx 999-999. Most pharmacies use a silmilar system, but i have found that some pharmacies issue Adderall as N 999-999, and others issue it as C 999-999. But do not be confused by this, Adderall is, as stated before, a CONTROLLED substance, but not a narcotic by definition. Adderall consists of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts. Adderall is a Schedule II drug (which means it is highly addictive and widely abused, but has legitimate medical use in the US), and identification is required on ALL controlled subtances, narcotic or not. Drugs that are not classified as controlled substances (such as amoxicillin, synthroid, or ranitidine) usually do not require valid photo identification to be presented, but even though it isn't required by law, some pharmacies may still ask for ID due to company policy.

How many benzo and opiates do i need to take to be in my system for a drug test?

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Let me get this straight: You WANT opiates and benzos to show up in your that right?

If it is, and I wonder if it is, and if it is, why it is, but to get to the point, the easiest way to flunk a drug test is to take the drug. Valium stays in your system for a month, but most opiates are gone in a matter of hours or days, so if you're really determined, take a vicodin or whatever you can get the day of or the day before the test.

Piece of cake. Now do you mind if I ask you why you want a urine test with those results?

How long does it take to kick methadone?

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Depends on the person, but it can take up to a few weeks. For long-term users the effects of suboxone can last for months or even years after its use.

Can you take 4 xanax and 8 Klonopin together?

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Great feeling.. feel chill and deep no bugging

Will suboxone show up in a urine test looking for opiates?

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Yes. Suboxone consists of opiate medications.