


A bright red flower of the genus Euphorbia pulcherrima, native to Mexico and most often associated with Christmas.

294 Questions

What country in the poinsettia native to?

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Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are native to scattered parts of Central and South America; but not N. America.

The plant itself has different names in different countries. For example in Chile, Colombia and Peru, this plant is nick-named "la crona de los andes" which means the crown of the andes.

The name poinsettia, was given (only here in the U.S. ) after it was introduced to the U.S. by a French botanist named Joel Roberts Poinsett, who brought it back from Mexico in 1828.

Why are poinsettias pinched?

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To control appearance and to improve the quality of cuttings are the two (2) main reasons why poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are pinched.

Specifically, poinsettias can develop long stems and sparse foliage if such environmental conditions as exposure to heat, light and moisture are not monitored to their liking. Pinching an inch/2.54 centimeters off the stem tips about every four (4) weeks until the end of August/middle of September encourages the plant to produce more stem branchings and more flowers. Additionally, it improves the quality of vegetative cuttings because it increases the number of places from which cuttings can be taken and it makes for thicker, stronger, healthier stems.

Which kinds of spider mites attack poinsettias?

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The Lewis mite (Eotetranychus lewisi) and the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) are the two (2) kinds of spider mites that attack poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, the Lewis mite is a very small, yellow-colored insect. The two-spotted spider mite is very small too, but a bit bigger than the Lewis mite. It may be green, red or yellow in color. It is called two-spotted because of its two dark spots, one on each side.

What is a pornsetta?

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They have pink red or pink bracts witch are modified leaves. They were found in Mexico and then were growing in California greenhouse.

What red product did the Aztecs make from poinsettia leaves?

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A reddish-purple dye is what the Aztecs of ancient Mexico made from the bracts of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, the bracts are modified leaves. There are two kinds. One are the true bracts that spend their entire lives red in color. They immediately surround the plant's dainty, inconspicuous yellow flower. The transitional bracts are between the true bracts and the plant's regular leaves. The transitional bracts change in color from green to red, in time for the Christmas holidays. The regular leaves always stay green in color.

What are poinsettia leaves?

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The dark green plant parts that grow on the lower and middle parts of the plant stems, that have dentate(toothed) edges, and that do not change color are the leaves of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, the leaves do not grow near the stem tips where the plant's dainty, inconspicuous yellow flower emerges in December. Between the leaves and the flowers are modified leaves called bracts. True bracts immediately surround the flowers and are always red. Transitional bracts grow between the true bracts and the plant's regular, green leaves. They change color from green to red, in sync with the initiation, development and culmination of the plant's flowering process.

Why do people set out poinsettias for Christmas?

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Purely a capitalistic idea invented by a family in California that grew them so well! They were so Christmas in color that the red and green appealed to the holiday allure and thus a family business was born. About a month or two ago the San Francisco Chronicle wrote a very informative article on it and tells the whole unbelievable American Dream Story that is very warm and fuzzy feeling.

What does the poinsettia's bloom look like?

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It is a large red flower with a yellowish greenish center. It has green leaves. It's flowers have a similar texture to the leaves.

What is the original color of poinsettias?

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Green and red are the original colors of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, the plant's leaves are green. Its modified leaves that surround where the flower develops and blooms are called true and transitional bracts. The transitional bracts are between the leaves and the true bracts. When the flower blooms in late December, the transitional bracts change in color from green to red. The true bracts are the modified leaves that are immediately around the flower. They spend their entire lives red.

How do you grow poinsettias during the summer?

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By controlling heat, light intensity and moisturepoinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) can be grown during the summer.

Specifically, poinsettias need the following conditions to be met:

1. Complete, uninterrupted darkness of fourteen (14) hours each and every evening/night for the ten (10) weeks preceding the time at which gardener/grower wants the plant to bloom.

2. Containers that allow space for the plant's fibrous roots to spread out.

3. Containers that have an exit point on the bottom for drainage but whose saucers never have standing water.

4. Daytime temperatures no higher than 80 degrees F/26.67 degrees C.

5. Night-time temperatures no lower than 60 degrees F/15.56 degrees C.

6. Exposure each day to no more than ten (10) hours of high intensity light - such as that on a bright, sunny day - from a protected position of light shade.

7. Protection from contact with objects such as windows, other plants and air currents.

8. Protection from such environmental stressors as weed killers.

9. Soil that never is allowed to dry out, is high in nutrition, holds moisture and yet at the same time has good drainage.

Why won't your poinsettia flower?

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You need to give poinsettia's 12 hours of light and 12 hours of complete darkness. Putting them in a closet with a paper sack over them works great.

At which temperatures do poinsettias rot?

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At temperatures of 55 degrees F/12.78 degrees Cpoinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are in danger of root and stem rot.

Specifically, the temperature should not fall below 60 degrees F/15.56 degrees C. But the danger of rot is highest a bit lower than this lower limit of the temperature range in which to keep poinsettias. The upper limit tends to be 80 degrees F/26.67 degrees C. Cooler temperatures often are accompanied by drying conditions. Poinsettias do not favor cold, drought or waterlogging.

How do poinsettias die?

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Reaching the time allotted them or succumbing to environmental stress tends to be the two main reasons for the death of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, poinsettias are perennial shrubs that therefore have the potential of living a couple of years in the native southwestern Mexican and Central American homelands. But outside their native range, poinsettias often do not survive even a year. For example, their biggest use is as ornamental plants for the Christmas holidays. So they are perceived as houseplants whose lifetime begins as a gift or purchase and ends with the New Year.

Nevertheless, growing numbers of buyers and gift recipients are looking into extending the live of their holiday poinsettias. The problem is that the conditions so vital to poinsettia well-being and survival must be met or else the consequences are fatal. For example, poinsettias need to grow in an environment that assures them the following:

1. Clean, fertile, well-aerated and well-drained soil that retains moisture without waterlogging;

2. Exposure to high intensity light from a protected position of light shade;

3. Humid air;

4. Light breezes that are not bruising to plant body parts or drying to soil;

5. Temperatures in the range of 60-80 degrees F/15.56-26.67 degrees C.

Otherwise, poinsettias are very susceptible to the bacteria, fungus and insect pests (mealybugs, root aphids, scale and spider mites) that are encouraged by yo-yo watering and by conditions of poor sanitation and drought.

Are poinsettia leaves poisonous to the touch?

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No, the leaves of poinsettias (Euphorbiapulcherrima) are not poisonous to the touch.

Specifically, the plant contains a milky substance that can be irritating to some people. The severest reaction will be an upset stomach or diarrhea. The notion of poinsettia body parts as being poisonous comes from its membership in the Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants. Some family members are poisonous, some not.

What was Joel Roberts Poinsett's profession?

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Botanist, Diplomat, Linguist and Physician are the professions for which Joel Roberts Poinsett (March 2, 1774 - December 12, 1851) became known.

Specifically, Poinsett became Special Envoy of 1822-1823 and then first U.S. Minister to Mexico of 1825-1830. In the course of his travels, he discovered poinsettias growing wild in their native southwest Mexican homeland. As a trained and skilled botanist and scientist, he recognized the cultural demand for and the scientific interest in the possibilities for adding bright, late-blooming color to bleak December landscapes. He therefore became the first person known to introduce the subsequently named poinsettias north of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Why should poinsettias be kept away from children?

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That the plant contains an irritating substance is a reason for keeping a distance between children and poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, the plant's milky sap can be irritating. An extreme reaction would be upset stomach and/or diarrhea. But the sap is not poisonous and in fact has been used to treat fever.

What do poinsettias represent?

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Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are flowers of Mexican origin, native to the Pacific coast of the United States, some parts of central and southern Mexico (including the Mexican Pacific coast), and a few localities in Guatemala. They are named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States Ambassador to Mexico (technically first U.S. envoy to Mexico)[1], who introduced the plant in the U.S. in 1825. extracted from wikipedia. (
Poinsettias are named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States ambassador to Mexico.
They are named after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States Ambassador to Mexico.

Do poinsettias bring bad luck?

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Asked by Ginezumi

No, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) are not considered to bring bad luck.

Specifically, poinsettias are considered lucky plants, in that they are sources of the following:

1. Bright, cheery color to the end-of-the-year landscape in December;

2. Fever treatment through the processing of its milky sap;

3. Rich purplish colored dyes through the processing of its modified leaves (bracts).

How do you get poinsettias at the lowest prices?

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You pick them in the wild for free!

Can poinsettias grow in South Carolina?

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Yes, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) can be grown in South Carolina.

Specifically, the poinsettia can be grown wherever the environmental conditions are similar to those in its native southwestern Mexican/Central American habitat. In terms of South Carolina, a particular concern will be the higher temperatures that can be reached. Poinsettias favor a temperature range of 60-80 degrees F/15.56-26.67 degrees C. Anything higher or lower jeopardizes flowering and tends to be life-threatening.

Another particular concern in terms of South Carolina is intensity of light and drying conditions. Poinsettias appreciate high intensity light, but from a protective position of light shade. They do not appreciate dry atmospheres or soil conditions. It is important to keep their soil moist, but not water-logged.

Does acidity hurt poinsettias?

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No, acidity does not harm poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).

Specifically, poinsettias are acid-loving plants. They prefer to grow in soils whose pH ranges from the acidic to the lower reaches of the neutral zone, from 4.5 to 6.5. In fact, a quite acidic soil pH below 4.8 protects poinsettias from the dreaded black rot (Thielaviopsis basicole) to which they are so susceptible.