

Polar Exploration

Polar exploration refers to the physical exploration of the Arctic and Antarctica. Exploring these areas meant hiking over ice flows and glaciers. Explorers largely ventured into polar exploration during the 18th century.

500 Questions

Who was the first person to reach both the South and North Poles?

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Roald Amundsen was the first man to reach the South Pole by foot, but he only flew over the North Pole. In the strictest meaning of attaining a Pole, this does not really count.

We have to come a long way forward to find someone who reached both Poles by foot, to the Transglobe Expedition of 1979/82, when Ranulph Fiennes and Charlie Burton became the first persons to achieve both poles by foot. They reached the South Pole on December 17th 1980, and the North Pole on April 11th 1982.

The second group of explores to reach the south pole was led by Robert?

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The second group of explorers to reach the South Pole was led by Roald Amundsen in 1911. Amundsen and his team successfully reached the South Pole before Robert Falcon Scott's expedition in 1912. Amundsen's expedition was the first to officially reach the South Pole and return safely.

How long after the first person the south pole did the second person arrive?

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The second person arrived at the South Pole about a month after the first person, with Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen reaching the South Pole on December 14, 1911, and British explorer Robert Falcon Scott arriving on January 17, 1912.

What were some of the hardships Matthew Henson had when going to the North Pole?

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Matthew Henson faced extreme weather conditions, limited food supplies, treacherous terrain, and the constant threat of polar bears during his expeditions to the North Pole. He also encountered challenges related to navigation, communication, and equipment failures while striving to reach the northernmost point of the Earth.

How did Matthew Hensons parents die?

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Matthew Henson's parents died when he was young. His mother died when he was 7 years old, and his father died when he was 11 years old. This tragic loss led to Henson being orphaned at a young age.

How long did it take Matthew Henson and Robert Perry to reach the top of the North Pole?

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Matthew Henson and Robert Peary claimed to have reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909. The journey took them about 9 months in total, starting in August 1908. Their claim to have reached the exact geographic North Pole has been contested by some historians and explorers.

Who was born in Maryland after the civil war lived from 1865 to 1955 reached the north pole and went on an expedition with Admiral Robert Peary.?

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Matthew Henson was born in Maryland in 1865 and was an African American explorer who accompanied Robert Peary on several expeditions, including the one to the North Pole in 1909. Henson's contributions to the success of the expedition were often overlooked due to racial discrimination.

Who was the second man to reach the North Pole?

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American explorer Robert Peary is widely credited as the first man to reach the North Pole in 1909. The claim of being the second man to reach the North Pole is disputed among different explorers, with some sources stating that Frederick Cook and others reached the pole before Peary.

Matthew Hensons childhood?

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Matthew Henson was born on August 8, 1866 in Maryland, USA. He experienced a challenging childhood marked by poverty and the loss of his mother at an early age. Despite these difficulties, he developed a love for the outdoors and eventually became an accomplished explorer.

Who was Robert Pearys assistant?

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Asked by Cloe252

Matthew Henson was Robert Peary's assistant and a fellow explorer who accompanied him on expeditions to the North Pole. Henson played a crucial role in their expeditions and is believed to have reached the North Pole along with Peary in 1909.

When did Robert Edwin Peary die?

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Robert Edwin Peary, the famous American explorer, passed away on February 20, 1920. His cause of death is not listed in his bio.

How old was Alfred Wegener when he died?

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May 12, 1931, Wegener's body was found in Greenland, halfway between Eismitte and West camp. Wegener's suspected cause of death was heart failiure. It is estimated that the 23-year-old's body now lies buried under more than 100 meters (330 ft) of accumulated ice and snow.

Why did shackleton explore the south pole?

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Ernest Shackleton explored Antarctica, not the South Pole. His main goal was to be the first to cross the entire continent, from one side to the other via the South Pole. However, his expedition became focused on survival after his ship got trapped in the ice and was eventually crushed.

What were three early explorers of Antarctica searching for in this unknown last continent?

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Early explorers of Antarctica such as James Cook, James Clark Ross, and Carsten Borchgrevink were searching for new lands, scientific discoveries, and potential resources like minerals and wildlife. They were also interested in mapping the uncharted territory and understanding the geography and climate of the continent.

Where in England did Ernest Shackleton live?

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Ernest Shackleton lived in Kilkea, County Kildare, Ireland, not in England. He was born in County Kildare in 1874.

Was the Bering sea named after Vitus Bering?

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Yes, the Bering Sea was named after the Danish explorer Vitus Bering, who explored the area in the 18th century while serving as an officer in the Russian navy. He is known for his expeditions that contributed to the mapping of the region.

Did the french find the northwest passage by establishing colonies?

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No, the French did not find the Northwest Passage through the establishment of colonies. The search for the Northwest Passage was primarily conducted by European explorers seeking a direct sea route to Asia through the Arctic region. French explorers did establish colonies in North America but did not find the Northwest Passage.

What country did Shackleton come from?

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Shackleton was from Ireland.

What was the Northwest Passage How did the Treaty of 1818 affect the settlement of Oregon Country What other treaties paved the way for westward expansion?

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The Northwest Passage was a water route through the Arctic connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The Treaty of 1818 between the US and Britain allowed for joint occupancy of the Oregon Country, delaying resolution to territorial disputes between the two nations. Other treaties that paved the way for westward expansion include the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, which ended the Mexican-American War and ceded a large portion of Mexican territory to the US, and the Louisiana Purchase treaty in 1803, which doubled the size of the US.

What did John Franklin explore in Canada?

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John Franklin explored the Canadian Arctic in the early 19th century in search of the Northwest Passage. He led several expeditions to map the northern coastline of North America, but tragically, his final expedition in 1845 ended in disaster with the loss of all members, leading to ongoing search efforts to locate the ships and remains.

What did Champlain and Hudson accomplish even though they failed to find the Northwest Passage?

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Despite not finding the Northwest Passage, Samuel de Champlain established the French colony of Quebec in Canada, which led to the expansion of French influence in North America. Henry Hudson's explorations laid the foundation for Dutch colonization in what is now New York, helping to establish the Dutch West India Company's presence in the region.

Where did tyga go to school at?

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Tyga attended Gardena High School in Gardena, California.

What was John Franklins sponsoring country?

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John Franklin's Arctic exploration expeditions were sponsored by the British government.

Where did john franklin live?

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John Franklin was born in Spilsby, Lincolnshire, England, and lived in various locations throughout his life including Canada and the Arctic region during his exploration expeditions.

How did the search for the northwest passage affect people?

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The search for the Northwest Passage affected people by leading to increased exploration, trade, and colonization in the Arctic region. It also resulted in numerous expeditions and discoveries that expanded geographical knowledge and understanding of the area. Additionally, the search for the passage had significant economic and strategic implications for various nations striving to control trade routes and access to valuable resources.